Zenda min Jaleh


Tall and leggy, Zenda min Jaleh looks like the young and exotic desert nomad beauty that she is. She stands 5'10" and weighs no more than 138 pounds. Her skin tone is tinted with a rich golden, mocha hue, and her body is taut, wiry, and possessing an amazing fluidity and grace. Zenda is typically clad in a loose-fitting white robe parted on one side to provide greater mobility, although it also gives a peek at the woman's sleek and smooth legs. Her feet end in plain sandals and she carries a large rucksack. The pack is filled with nomadic necessities as well as her armaments, including a shield and spear. At her waist is strapped only a curved jambiya dagger, tied to the cord that binds the robe to her shapely form. Many jewels decorate her body, from bangles about her arms to anklets about her legs, as well as necklaces and rings. Much of this jewelry is attractive but inexpensive and colored aluminum and glass. A soft fragrance, like a desert rose, sweetens the air about Zenda. The woman's dark hair is swept back over her shoulders freely, unbound and often whipped up in the wind. Her silky hair frames the gorgeous, well-bred features of her face, from the warm lips to her pert nose and high cheekbones. But most fascinating of all are Zenda's brown eyes. The pupils seem like tiny, glittering stars, suggesting there's more to this woman than meets than eye.


Zenda min Jaleh still looked no older than 25, but she was actually born 146 years ago. She was born janni, and her parents were both of this noble genie breed. Of course, they weren't "full-fledged" genies, and stuck to their own nomadic tribe in the Hajik Isles of northern Yadahn. Zenda was always discontent with her life, however. She wanted to know why, if they were genies, they were so ill-treated by djinni and marida and other elemental spirits when they visited those planes of existence. That was an answer her parents could not provide. It never sat well with Zenda that none of her people could explain that prejudice the other genies held towards her kind. She could feel the power of the earth and stars blowing and burning through her body. Zenda tapped that energy, becoming a dancer of unsurpassed beauty in her tribe. But that wasn't enough. If she could command such grace, why wouldn't the other genies honor their race? Why were they considered less than the godlings they were? Zenda received no replies from the other jann and turned to the four elements from which her kind was composed. She begged to hear the earth, wind, flame, and sea's answers. But they were cacophonous, overwhelming. Zenda left her tribe, lured away by these enigmas, eager to know just what the world was trying to tell her. She crossed the ocean and ended in the Aria Desert, but she knew her journey for the truth was just beginning.


Zenda hungers to know the truth of her kind. Is there some mysterious purpose to the existence of the jann or are they simply…are? Does she have some important role to play or must she always kowtow to the "purer" genies of the elemental realms? Zenda refuses to be ignorant forever, and is driven forever on for the answers that it seems only nature can provide. Zenda otherwise behaves in a courteous if wild and untamable fashion. She's a genie regardless of her kind, and she insists on being viewed as a creature of divine proportions. Zenda does not have a god complex…she just has a genie complex.


Zenda will follow the druid class until she starts to get some answers (at least 10th level), then consider multi-classing, perhaps as bard.

Character Sheet