Zageus Wrigh
Quiet and unobtrusive, Zageus approaches clad in heavy gray robes, tied off by a black rope. Pouches of various sizes and pungent scents are attached to his belt. A dagger is sheathed at one side while the 20ish man carries a simple and undecorated iron rod in hand. Zageus otherwise seems like a normal human of good health and intellectual reserves. He is not the most attractive fellow, with plain features and brown hair and brown eyes. But there's something glinting in his gaze, something merciless.
Less than thirty years ago, Zageus Wrigh never thought he’d become a necromancer of high caliber. In fact, his family expected him to take up soldiering or some other physical activity. Born in 892, from early on, Zageus grew tall and strong, solemn and attentive. The young man was raised in the town of Tate, located in the southern hills of Elan. A mixed settlement of men and dwarves, Zageus himself never expected the twist in his life. In a freak accident, his parents were slain in a wagon during a thunderstorm – the cart was hit by lightning and killed them both instantly. When he stood at the Temple of Naiok’s consecrated burial grounds during their funeral, the young man felt a pang of…envy. Zageus pondered over his feelings and realized he liked the proceedings of death: the funeral, the remembrance, and the sentiments. As unnatural as many would consider it, Zageus began to study death. He ignored his work at times, plowing through questionable parts of the town library on matters of death, the undead, and necromancy. Finally, he caught the attention of a local wizard, Wisper Ratt. Wisper was a student of necromancy in the philosophy that death was natural and orderly like life. Therefore, necromantic arts weren’t evil, and should be studied freely like other schools of the arcane. Zageus was approached with these beliefs and the young man readily agreed. Pleased, Wisper took Zageus under wing, and schooled the youth in the shadowy arts of magic and particularly necromancy. He learned that magics of mind control were maybe the real evils of the world, particularly when abused, and like Wisper he refused to study them in favor of mastering necromancy. Years ticked by as he labored at the difficult and mind-boggling studies of the arcane. But he proved more than a serious and able student, applying himself so fervently to become akin to a genius – if still only a journeyman. Dedicated to the unwicked necromancies of Wee Jas, Zageus decided to travel from his homeland and seek out greater wisdom and mysteries. And, if he could, Zageus would try to correct those abusing necromancy and other magics as best he could – even if it meant snuffing out their wicked lives.
Quiet, reserved, introspective, intuitive, yet well-muscled, Zageus appears to be a mysterious robed warrior of some sort. In truth, his travels and health-testing experiments keep him in shape (for if failing in necromantic arts can slay, succeeding in them could only improve one’s lifeforce). Of course, he is not above using his powerful necromancies to inflict terrible, ghostly injuries on his enemies, and Zageus tries to judge who deserves condemnation as accurately as possible. Ultimately, this wizard wants to accumulate as much knowledge of the true, neutral nature of death as possible. Once he accomplishes all he can in his field, what dark fiend could oppose a master of death?
Zageus will master the school of Necromancy by pursuing the Wizard class to 20th level. Then he will become an Archmage up to 5th level.
Character Sheet