Vassago Stak
A demon, a monstrous demon, stands vast and imposing. Over 23 feet from cloven hoof to shaggy-haired scalp, Vassago Stak is as immensely corpulent (more than four and a half tons) as he rises tall. At first glance, Vassago appears to be a massive and awful combination of ape and pig. Hairy black fur coats his thick body, save the flabby pink belly that hangs low, and the long spiny tail that swings behind. Long-clawed fingers flex in anticipation of the stranglehold he can place on his enemies and decency itself. Vassago’s ugly head may be the most horrific detail of his appearance. Jutting tusks, chipped from ancient battles and carved with abyssal sigils, sprout from his lower jaw. His mouth is full of sharp teeth, eagerly parting with saliva-dripping intent. A dozen smaller tusks and horns bud from his thick neck and bulbous skull, poking through face flab at odd and unparallel angles. Black-feathered wings, about the size of a dark angel only a third Vassago’s size, spread from his back. Though they are small, he seems to have no trouble achieving lift. Cruel, beady eyes burn crimson with ancient and unknowable hatreds. Many potent gifts were bestowed upon (or stolen by) the demon and he wears them proudly. A breastplate of dark ashen metal (adamantine to the skilled eye) was crafted for his massive chest. Over his shoulders dangles a curled cape of red velvet, which he often tosses imperiously when he walks. Tiny arcane stones spin magically around the nalfeshnee’s head, which is capped with a gem-encrusted golden crown. Above all, that lordly crown represents and foretells the dark purpose Vassago Stak intends for the universe.
Over 3,000 years old, Vassago Stak was birthed in the Broken Scale, the 333rd layer of the Abyss devoted to nalfeshnee rule. That was a massive, dark city of the underworld even that long ago. Yet, Vassago was one of the earliest of his kind, a third generation tanar’ri still relishing their victory and conquest of the Lower Planes. Vassago was initiated into his demonic life with this dark pride and contempt for lesser creatures. He soon came into his own, proving his wiles and might in the early days of the Blood War against the baatezu.
But even more impressive were his contributions to conquests over celestial foes. He often served as counsel to balor commanders on battlefields where angels and archons dared showed their holy visages. So, it was with some shock that Vassago would find himself as an outcast of sorts in the Broken Scale. He long ago proved his worth and superiority, even to most other nalfeshnees. However, his dark genius proved too subtle and advanced for their more limited comprehension, and he was blackballed from all demonic activities in his home city. With a sneer, Vassago promised to return in dark and furious glory, mightier than ever before. He departed from the Abyss altogether, and ventured secretly onto the material plane to wreak havoc and gather strength. One day, he would return and conquer all of his foolish kin.
Type IV demon. Nuff said? Just about. Vassago is expectedly arrogant and contemptuous. However, his insight and understanding of consciousness -- the thinking ways of most creatures in fact -- places him above most others intellectually. And physically, he is as mighty as he stands; few can battle with this demon and come out a winner. In fact, death would be preferable to losing to this enthralling monster.
Vassago will pursue what he’s best at -- the worship and promotion of evil itself, thus taking the cleric class to epic levels (20th+), whereupon he may multi-class as a hierophant.
Character Sheet