Thanian Aos


Sage-like and quiet, Thanian Aos' elven nature is most evident with his canted ears and violet-colored eyes. He's otherwise too tall to be a normal elf, unless one accounts for his rare and wise breed, the gray elves. Thanian is as slender as an elf and garbed in rich, dark purple robes. Around his waist is a golden cord of silk to which are attached a number of pouches that smell of many odd things -- herbs and the like. Thanian's high cheekbones and noble features are softened with a delicate smile and curious lilt to his accent. His golden hair is allowed to grow long enough to reach his shoulders. He doesn't bind it back, but he does wear a silk headband around his brow, a decorative amethyst affixed in the center. On his back, he carries a pack of his basic needs and belongings. A quiver of arrows hangs from one side, and he typically carries his long bow cut from yew in hand. But Thanian certainly doesn't look like a warrior, and the fascinated expression he wears suggests that he finds everything worthy of study: the more exotic, the better!


Thanian Aos was given life in Elevincia, the gray elves' capitol city high in the peaks of Hale, 174 years ago. He had the good fortune to be born in a well-to-do family of ranking nobles; his father served a minor position in the king's court, in fact. Not uncommon for his kind, even since youth Thanian demonstrated a fascination with all things scholarly. He loved to read and write, taking notes on his observations of nature and interactions between people. It was clear that he was destined to one day become a respected sage. Still, his attention to detail also made Thanian a serviceable archer and he possessed all the grace he would need to survive a duel of arrows or swords. But war was not his interest. Magic was. He realized swiftly that through magical divination, the great knowledge of the universe could be his. Thanian devoted himself to the wizardly academy at Elevincia, focusing on the school of divination above all. Naturally, necromancy wasn't even offered there, and despite his love of magic, that was one art Thanian was decidedly disinterested in. One could just have called it his elven affinity with life. Of course, once Thanian's tutelage was complete some decades later, it only made sense that he go forth from home and explore the world. With his magic as a guide, Thanian hoped to become a living record of knowledge, respected throughout elvenkind -- indeed, throughout the world.


Thanian is an utter geek. He loves to read and write and philosophize and intellectualize. He's not quite as wise as he thinks, although his years of experience have given him a good deal of insight all the same. Like most gray elves, he can come off as arrogant; it's partly just his appearance and partly his know-it-all attitude. But he's really a decent fellow, and just wants to learn for the sake of learning, so that others can benefit from his knowledge. His ambition is just to leave a lasting legacy as a sage unmatched.


Thanian will master the wizard class (20th level) and carry on as a diviner extraordinaire, probably taking up the Prestige Class of loremaster.

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