Temparo -- "Brume"
Temparo is brimming with heat and aggressive fury. This smoke dragon simply burns with primordial wrath. Mottled black and gray, this fierce dragon smells of sulfur and brimstone. His black leathery wings are strong pinions that connect between an array of irregularly shaped spines that reach from the base of the drake's skull to the tip of his tail: over 22 feet. Plumes of dark smoke waft from the beast's nostrils, crowning the terrifying sight of a maw full of razor-sharp teeth. Just past that smoky breath are set his fiery orange-red eyes and a pair of horns that curve backwards. Temparo boasts a forceful presence defined by raw power, backed by over 18,000 pounds of draconian muscle and scale. Around his lower forelegs are clasped a pair of adamantine bracers with simple marks slashed into their fashion, forming simple but potent magics to further protect the wild-hearted smoke dragon. Sharp claws dig into the hot earth, reminding viewers that this smoke dragon is as tempestuous as a volcano about to erupt. And like a lava floe, slow or fast, he's coming and can't be stopped.
When Temparo makes his rare appearance as a human, he bears the common appellate of Brume. Brume appears as a tall, dark-skinned, and good-looking if wild man in his 20s, powerfully built and clad only in a loincloth and girdle. Even now, he smells distinctly like brimstone. His black hair is wild -- not unclean, but simply unkempt. He appears unarmed, although eager enough to fight that he's as likely to wrap his hands around an enemy's throat to throttle him to death. Brume's eyes give him away the most, for they do not alter: still a pair of burning pools of magma-like intensity. Elemental puissance is embodied in this creature and it is best not to tarry in his path.
Temparo was the lone survivor of his clutch, hatched 192 years ago in the heart of the Tinder Islands. Like most smoke dragons, his mother laired in the caldera of a volcano. That didn't stop a big red dragon from assaulting his mother, rending her and his siblings to shreds. He survived by managing to hide. The angry little wyrmling watched the massive red claimed his mother's treasure hoard and leave only carnage behind. Temparo thereafter fought just to survive, teaching himself how to stalk and prey on food as well as how to avoid potential threats like other dragons and fire giants. As maturation brought greater strength and power, Temparo began to challenge his neighbors' territory, conquering foes and claiming their wealth for himself. He told no one the dragon name that his mother bestowed; the Tinder Islands came to call him Brume. He knew he labeled himself a target…but he hungered for the day he could claim revenge. He was baiting that big red to come and take him on. Vengeance would be his!
The phrase that sums Temparo up best is "bite first, ask questions later…if it's still alive, that is". He has a hair-trigger instinct (temper?), a flaring awareness combined with natural intellect, and a brutal cunning. He believes smoke dragons should stick together more often. Had his father remained with his mother, she and his siblings wouldn't have been so easily slaughtered.
Brume will master the Barbarian class and beyond (20th level+) as a frenzied warrior of epic proportions.
Character Sheet