Telavel Enthalas


A wiry and rustic prince indeed, Telavel hardly looks like young elvish royalty at first glance. The wood elf is much too accustomed to the life of a ranger, hunting prey with bow and blade. Though charming and handsome, Telavel wears his red hair too long -- to his shoulders, masking his canted ears. His green eyes reflect the verdant forests that he guards so vehemently. His stride is long, athletic and fluid like a panther. A thick quiver of arrows, a full leather backpack, and a full-body suit of studded leather armor, bared with the billowing of his forest green cloak, join his armaments. Telavel is ready for anything…but his true destiny.


In the southern woodlands of Chrystana, the wood elves command a sprawling forest domain called Tempana. Among the highest-ranking nobles, Telavel was born in 787 AK. His sire was Lord Eloia of the Oakheart Clan, the most likely candidate on the council to become king. The throne of Tempana had been empty for decades. Telavel knew his father would be a wonderful king and he admitted he looked forward to becoming royalty, too. But his privileged upbringing didn't make him soft. He trained and learned the fighting ways of the elves, becoming an expert of archery and woodland tracking of various strange beasts. For decades, Telavel was able to live the simple life of a ranger. He enjoyed its primal simplicity, in fact, and honed his skills over time. But then tragedy struck. His lord sire fell in battle with an army of hobgoblins. The future kingship fell to his youthful son. However, the council, while willing to see Telavel replace his father, first wanted to see the young elf mature before crowning him. They could wait a couple more decades, after all.

Thus, Telavel was sent forth from Tempana into the woods in search of challenges to overcome and wisdom to obtain. Naturally, the young elf suspected some politicking was going on behind the scenes due to a few of the more ambitious, scheming councilors. But he had no power over them. Taking his blades and bow up, Telavel retreated into the forests where he felt the most comfortable anyway. He would return no later than a century later and prove he was ready to accept the crown of Tempana.


Telavel is aware of the distinguishing responsibility laid upon his shoulders. But like all elves, he approaches the matter with an air of ease. So what if it takes a century? There is no indication that he must rush. So he'll enjoy his time abroad alone or with new friends and allies. Telavel is strong, fierce, tenacious, astute, and handsome: he'd make a fantastic king some day, once he's been tested with greater trials than he's faced so far.


Telavel will master the Ranger class (to 20th level). He may take up the Fighter class then to further improve his range of combat skills, mastering it (to 20th level).

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