

Campaign: Shards of the Looking Glass
Race: Angel
Subrace: Astral Deva
Type: Outsider (Celestial)
Class: Ranger
Subclass: Jaeger
Concept: Watchman
Level: 1
Level Adjustment: +8
XP: 0 (1,000/3,000)
Station: ML
Origin: Lost Hills, Karasuthra (3rd Layer of the Beastlands)
Current Residence: Elk Grove, Central Verdentia


Hit Points: 195
Hit Dice: 12d8+84 and 1d8+7
Size: M
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Move: 50 ft, fly 100 ft. (good)
Gender: M
Skin/Eyes/Hair: Peach/gold/brown
Apparent Age: 25
Real Age: 1,429
Height/Weight: 7'7"/274 lb.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Laknossis


Strength: 29 (+9)
Dexterity: 25 (+7)
Constitution: 24 (+7)
Intelligence: 25 (+7)
Wisdom: 25 (+7)
Charisma: 20 (+5)

Saving Throws

Fortitude: +17
Reflex: +16
Will: +16


Initiative: +7
Base Attack Bonus: +13/+8/+3
Grapple: +22
Melee: +22
Ranged: +20
Armor Class *: 40=10+0+0+7+0+15+8+0
Armor Class (flat-footed): 33=10+0+0+0+15+8
Armor Class (vs. touch attacks): 17=10+7+0+0
* AC: total=base (10)+armor+shield+Dexterity+size+natural+magic+miscellaneous


  • Track
  • Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dwarven urgrosh)
  • Point Blank Shot
  • Dodge
  • Mobility
  • Combat Expertise
  • Power Attack
  • Improved Disarm
  • Cleave


  • Bad Student
  • Poseur (wild empathy)


  • Detached
  • Relentless

    Special Abilities (Racial)

  • Flight (good)
  • Angelic toughness (+15 natural AC)
  • Outsiders' spiritual physiology
  • All weapons aligned good
  • Low-light vision
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Damage resistance 10/evil
  • Spell resistance 30
  • Immunity to acid, cold, and petrification
  • Resistance to electricity 10 and fire 10
  • +4 saves vs. poison
  • Protective aura, 20 ft. (+4 AC and saves vs. evil attacks/spells; combines magic circle against evil and lesser globe of invulnerability) (CL13th)
  • Continuous tongues (CL 13th)
  • Uncanny dodge (a rogue of 16th-level+ can still flank him)
  • Stun if successfully strikes same opponent twice in one round (Fort DC 25)
  • Spell-like abilities: at will -- aid, continual flame, detect evil, discern lies (DC 19), dispel magic, dispel evil (DC 20), holy aura (DC 23), invisibility (self only), plane shift (DC 22), polymorph (self only), remove curse, remove disease, remove fear; 7/day -- cure light wounds, see invisibility; 1/day -- heal, blade barrier (DC 21) (CL 12th)

    Favored Class: Paladin

    Special Abilities (Class)

  • Wild empathy (+5)
  • Favored enemy: evil outsiders (+2)
  • Jaeger: +1 to melee attack rolls while wielding weapon in each hand

    Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, martial

    Armor Proficiencies: Light, shields (save tower)




    Maximum Class Ranks: 16/8
    Appraise +7, Balance +7, Bluff +10, Climb +10, Concentration +17, Craft (alchemy) +12, Craft (trap-making) +14, Craft (weaponsmith) +14, Decipher Script +12, Diplomacy +19, Disguise +7, Escape Artist +17, Forgery +7, Gather Information +5, Handle Animal +10, Heal +14, Hide +17, Intimidate +17, Jump +14, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (geography) +10, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Knowledge (nature) +10, Knowledge (planes) +10, Knowledge (religion) +10, Listen +17, Move Silently +17, Perform (wind instruments) +12, Ride +12, Search +17, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +14, Spot +17, Survival +17, Swim +14, Use Rope +14
    Languages: Common, Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Ignan, Infernal


  • Weapon: +1/+1 keen/keen dwarven urgrosh of fiends' bane/undead bane
    Attack Bonus: +23 or +23 or +19/+15
    Damage: 1d8+14 or 1d6+14 or 1d8+10/1d6+5 (15-22 or 15-20 or 11-8/6-11)
    Critical: 19-20/x3
    Weight: 12 lb.
    Range: --
    Type: Piercing/slashing
    Notes: Axe end is +2 and +2d6 damage vs. undead; spear end is +2 and +2d6 damage vs. fiends; x2 damage if set vs. charge

  • Weapon: +1 spear
    Attack Bonus: +23 or +21
    Damage: 1d8+14 or 1d8+10 (15-22 or 11-18)
    Critical: x3
    Weight: 6 lb. x2
    Range: 20 ft.
    Type: Piercing
    Notes: x2 damage if set vs. charge

  • Weapon: +1 dagger
    Attack Bonus: +23 or +21
    Damage: 1d4+10 (11-14)
    Critical: 19-20/x2
    Weight: 1 lb. x2
    Range: 10 ft.
    Type: Piercing/slashing
    Notes: --

  • Weapon: +1 composite long bow of seeking and distance
    Attack Bonus: +21
    Damage: 1d8+10 (11-18)
    Critical: x3
    Weight: 3+6 lb.
    Range: 220 ft.
    Type: Piercing
    Notes: +9 Strength pull; ignores most concealment

    Ammunition: Arrows (40), daggers (2), spears (2)




    Worn Clothes: Traveler's outfit
    General Gear: Backpack (2), grappling hook (4), silk rope 50 ft. (5), belt pouch (.5), sack (.5), whetstone (1), healer's kit: 10 uses (1), masterwork horn (3), masterwork weaponsmith tools (5), masterwork trap-making tools (5), antitoxins: 2 (0)
    Home Possessions: --
    Magic Items: Bracers of armor +8 (1), cloak of resistance +4 (1), +1 daggers x2 (2), +1 spears x2 (12), +1 composite long bow of seeking and distance (3), +1/+1 keen/keen dwarven urgrosh of undead bane/fiend bane (12), potion of cure moderate wounds (.5)
    Spell Components (valuable): --
    Weight: 68 lb. (Light Load: 466 lb.)


    Platinum: 17
    Gold: 4
    Silver: 8
    Copper: 8
    Gems: --
    Art/Miscellaneous: --


    Code of Honor: Doctrine of the Prime
    Honor: 20
    Reputation: +0

