Siv Valas


No older than 18, Siv Valas is a young human woman of terrible tenacity and destiny. Siv is a lovely girl who disguises her beauty behind furs, leather, sharp steel, and a cold attitude that her frigid homeland helped shape. The redhead keeps her hair bound back in a ponytail, its vibrant length perhaps her only vanity. Siv walks swiftly, with no patience for civility and small talk. She is a woman possessed by anger and revenge and her cruel, curved blades will happily cut down any in her path.


In the Nord village in Mautos, Siv Valas was born. Life was simple for the girl until the Nostic minotaur tribe fell upon Nord mercilessly. Men, women, and children alike were slaughtered. Only a few escaped to live and Siv and her mother were among them. Her father and older brother were slain in the defense of their village. The people of Nord were all fierce and proud warriors. Even young Siv was well trained in the fighting ways. Taking up a much poorer life in a hut far away from the devastated village, Siv practiced swordplay with furious devotion. Meanwhile, she helped take care of her broken-hearted mother. The girl grew strong and skilled in a few short years and her mother realized she, too, would have to be strong again. Siv would leave. Armed with bloodthirsty outrage, Siv set forth to avenge her family and people. She wanted to bleed every minotaur and monster in the world and make it clear that justice would only ever come on the keen edge of a blade.


Rage and determination define this young woman. She’s really only a teenage girl. Yet Siv was forced to mature early. The barbarian has no fear of the larger humanoids and giants who so often prey on humanity. For now, Siv is only interested in vengeance. All she sees, all she knows, is blood.


Siv will master the Barbarian class (20th level), then possibly become a Dragon Rider and master that prestige class (10th level).

Character Sheet