Siraye Reyhana


Slender elvish beauty elevates Siraye Reyhana above most. The high elf's luxurious dark hair remains only loosely bound, so that it might flow past her tunic to where the tops of her high boots meet the hem. The mane curtains and conceals that peek of golden flesh. The elf may be keenly aware of her inherent magnetism, and so wears only modest make-up and the smallest of pleasant expressions. It reflects well in chestnut-brown eyes, intelligent and wizened with the long years of her kind. Siraye seems prepared to wander and explore, with only a light burden of silver jewelry, and few accoutrements beyond a traveler's pack and walking stick. But the faint scent of exotic herbs quickly reminds passersby that she commands elf-magic, and is to be feared and mistrusted, if one is the type to make an enemy of an elf.


Siraye Reyhana was born for magic and the arcane secrets of wizardry. Her parentage was less than impressive, as were their purses. They moved frequently, which impeded the typical apprentice's natural draw into an elven academy of magic. She learned what she could and when she could, but her parents' misfortune saw them eventually give up on having a life in Chrystana, homeland of the elvenfolk, altogether. They traveled west and then south into the opportunistic lands of Verdentia. She continued to mature as a faithful daughter, but her disconnected life began to affect her mind through the prism of longevity in a land of short-lived human mortals. Siraye managed to channel, without specific guidance, that disquiet into her arcane arts. The bordering ripples of hallucinations became her power with illusions and phantasms. How long this "problem" would remain sublimated, none could say, for no one even knew about it. Her magical masters and family lost track of Siraye after she took a trip to Smyth to study. Did she fall in with the wrong crowd? Join a group of ill-fated adventurers? Who could say!


Siraye is lost in her own world, a fantasy land within a land of fantasy. Her frequent daydreams become fodder for her illusions. Truthfully, if she did go mad, likely she'd lose the self-discipline needed to memorize and control magic, and would be less dangerous than she is now -- on the edge of madness, care-free, wide-eyed and almost child-like in her pursuit of wonder.


If ever there were a case for a wizard to multi-class as a sorcerer, Siraye is it. All magic is open to her, however, and with the right nudges, she could even take up a cleric class. However, she's too raw to follow any of it to prestige class endings.

Character Sheet