Sarron Mause


Agile and vigorous, Sarron springs onto the scene without hesitation or diffidence. The average-sized human wears his dark-brown hair pragmatically short and his round face clean-shaven. Hard brown eyes glitter from narrowed and vigilant slits. When anticipating battle, however, his gaze widens and chest swells. Hoary, well-honed fists clench and corded muscles visibly tense in the mere vest and loose trousers he wears. Only sandals protect his feet. Exaggerated tales of killing dragons with one’s bare hands? That’s the sort of man, the sort of hero, that Sarron is destined to become: flush with unknowable power and mysteries of the flesh and spirit.


Twenty-six years ago, Sarron Mause was born in a small town in the heart of Verdentia called Abrasia. His family was not wealthy, but they earned their living. Sarron’s father was a talented carpenter and provided for Sarron, his mother, and his two sisters. When fever unexpectedly claimed the lives of the women in his life, his father fell into despair and their sundered family into ruin. Sarron volunteered to ease the burden on his parent by submitting himself to a distant monastery in the city of Andyna.

There, he would be given food and shelter -- albeit just enough to survive. Sarron began his education and training in the Shrine of Nailor. He expected little, having lived such a limited life. But under the training of the monks of Nailor, he began to flourish. Who could have known such a beautiful flower would bloom? He was truly a diamond in the rough. And yet, despite his gradual but significant change and growth in both confidence and essential understanding of the world and his place in it, he was still average compared to so many others. He showed no specialization, no exceptional skills. Sarron was merely well rounded, hardly meritorious enough to stand out as an achiever.

His instructors knew such a balanced approach to his skills and learning was ultimately an approach wise beyond Sarron’s years. Sarron likewise suspected it (proving that wisdom to his elders). Nevertheless, more growth was needed, like any student of their mysterious monasteric ways. Sarron was graduated beyond initiate levels and given leave to explore the world and test (and thereby hone) his abilities and understanding. It was a self-focused directive Sarron had no problem pursuing. Life dealt him a rough hand; he owed life nothing in return, save to find his place in it.


Sarron is introspective, quiet, and thoughtful. He often comes off as brooding and antisocial, but in truth he prefers to only discuss matters of spiritual importance. He finds small talk and gossip to be boring and unproductive. Though highly disciplined, there is much in the world he has yet to experience. He would satisfy his curiosity as well as pursue personal perfection.


Sarron will only ever pursue the monk class, taking it to epic levels (20th-level and beyond).

Character Sheet