Ryn Maddox
Ryn Maddox exists as enigmatic fey, like all sprites. But the cruel smirk on his lips and wicked glint in his yellow eyes illustrates where mischief turned malice. He stands 3'2" and doesn't even weigh 40 pounds, although what stature Ryn does command is wiry and sleek. So deft the quickling seems that he could tightrope over a garden spider's web. Ryn knows he's so fast, in fact, that he disregards his kind's affinity for mithral armor. But he does carry the usual accouterments: a finely-made rapier, hand crossbow, and a small pack of general supplies. Clapped onto his wrists are a pair of silver bracers etched with Sylvan glyphs of magical power. Ryn keeps his black hair short and swept back into a single braid, revealing more of his fair if evil features. Of course, as a quickling he rarely stands still long enough to note any of these details. And when he moves, he's more akin to an imperceptible blur. All in all, as spritely as Ryn may appear, his black heart is clear as day.
Raised in a small village of quicklings in the Derium Forest, Ryn Maddox was a pill from the day he was born 86 years ago. He loved the woodland burrows created among dead trees and the swamps of the forest. Ryn tested his skills rather than taking them for granted as others of his kind often did. He honed his powers by running over the still waters of the bogs. Ryn also trained hard to master the art of ambush, knowing he could one day be a leader among his kind. But every king needed a queen and Ryn landed a lusty crush on a quickling babe. But the girl's heart was stolen by his "best friend" (who was once a friendly rival). Furious, Ryn evened the odds the way he saw fit: he plunged a dagger in his former friend's back. "A blow for a blow", he taunted. And then Ryn fled his home to avoid retribution from other quicklings. All of his dreams were scattered. Hatred seeded his heart and the desire to inflict pain began to take over all other wants.
Honor? Pfffff! Ryn is a selfish, vindictive little shit. He's intent solely on his own satisfaction, whatever may strike his whimsy at the time. His barbed wit and smart ass comments can be an alleviating factor to his otherwise dismal personality. But really, Ryn's just downright mean and vicious.
Ryn will pursue the Rogue class until probably 10th-level, after which time he may take up a prestige class such as Assassin or Shadow Dancer.
Character Sheet