Roscoe "Bristlenet" Treetop
Roscoe Treetop is tall for a halfling. But that's probably because he's one of the rare Tallfellow folks that dwell near the elves. At 4'2" and 52 pounds, he's slender as a willow and agile as a cat. In his young physical prime, Roscoe puts his skills to good use in the woods as a treasure-hunter extraordinaire. His fair skin, short and curly red hair, and verdant green eyes may seem to make stealth more difficult. However, Roscoe blends in well with foliage any time of the year. To help camouflage, he usually dons a simple green and brown tunic complete with leggings and soft boots. A leather pack filled with gear, bits, and the baubles that one needs to succeed is strapped to his back. A short sword is sheathed at his waist while a dagger rests in its scabbard on his leg. He's ready for anything…at least, he hopes so!
In 874, Roscoe Treetop was born in Greenemis, a tallfellow halfing village in western Chrystana. For many years, he satisfied his traditional parents as a good son and a good brother to his younger sister. But Roscoe wasn't so satisfied. He wanted to see more of the world. Like his family namesake, he often climbed the tallest tree in the woods and scanned the horizon while daydreaming of faraway places filled with beautiful treasures just begging for the taking. He wasn't a very reverent halfling, for tallfellows were expected to be a bit more caring for their habitat. But he didn't care so much for such elven sentiments. He wanted to explore! And explore Roscoe did, venturing further and further from Greenemis. When a pixie tried to make him turn back, Roscoe turned the tables on the little sprite with a quick trap that tangled the poor fairy in a net. Thereafter, he was called Bristlenet, and he figured he wasn't very welcome back in Greenemis. So he traveled further, eventually landing in the Lunarith Delta of the Silver River -- north Elan. The Skymos Sea often saw traveling merchant vessels…and many of them sank in that dangerous water. Who knows what treasures Roscoe would uncover?
Roscoe is relaxed and pleasant. Like all tallfellows, he takes things in a contemplative stride of his own. His adventurousness differentiates him from most of his clan, however. He loves to discover new facts and truths about plain things. Roscoe isn't after wealth for its material value. On the contrary: he wants to find treasure because finding treasure is something he'd love to do. What's better than spending a hoard of gold? Swimming in it! Playing in it! Besides, Roscoe suspects some treasure, particularly magical treasure, will be a helpful key in doing good for the world.
Roscoe will pursue the Rogue class awhile (10th level+) before considering another class; perhaps Sorcerer or Wizard to give him a magical edge and comprehension.
Character Sheet