Reto Halivar -- "Swamble"


Reto Halivar, aka Swamble, is a dimunitive creature at 3'9" and only 47 pounds. In fact, with his smooth features, it's easy to mistake him from afar as a child. Reto has a wiry form, webbed digits offering greater ease in aquatic movement. His hair bears a common dark color, a brown so deep it's almost black. It's usually so wet that it appears plastered to his round head. Reto's skin, however, is tinted a light blue. His bright-eyed gaze is hued an even darker blue. The river gnome goes barefoot, but will at least wear a brown cotton tunic and stockings. When expecting trouble, Reto will pull on a suit of flexible leather armor burgeoned down with bronze rivets. He'll carry a short sword of iron and a small crossbow. Hoisted on his back is a pack of general equipment and a quiver of bolts. Swamble is an adventurer, but to him the real adventure is right at home, and giving those who would mistreat his river home just what they deserve.


Along the banks of the Northern Crowned River in Hale, the rare river gnomes long established a healthy community. They maintained friendship with the nearby dwarven realms, but otherwise kept their mischief to themselves (dwarves could get so grumpy anyway). Reto entered the Halivar Clan 55 years ago. He was more of a prankster than even most gnomes, enjoying the coverage he could get while hiding in shallower parts of rivers and creeks. Then he'd spring ambushes on hapless passers-by, usually just to get a rise out of them. On more serious notes, he trucked some with dwarves of the area, acquainting himself with some of the tools of their stone and metalwork trades. But Reto's real problem was his lack of interest in any particular profession. He lazed about all the time, never wanting to have to work. Finally, the elders got so fed up with his constant jests and goof-offs that he was sent on a special mission (to get him out of their hair). He was to travel upriver and into the Broken Peaks to find out what ailed the gold dwarves of Auxold. Once done, he could return and report. Until Reto proved himself useful, however, he was dismissed from home. Bah! What a bunch of wet blankets.


Reto is a laidback -- lazy -- and easygoing river gnome. He expects everything to come to him. When he must make an effort to get something he wants or needs, he circumvents the proper means of acquisition and helps himself in a more weaselly fashion. His pranks are never mean-spirited, but can be considered capricious, especially since sometimes they do inflict a bit of pain.


Reto is content to follow the laidback rogue class for as long as he feels like, probably to mastery (20th level+) and beyond as an epic lazyboy.

Character Sheet