Ralik Torstun
This recorder of dwarven epics boasts a much more cheerful and handsome appearance than most sour mountain dwaves can muster. Ralik Torstun appears to be a stout dwarf in his early 20s, strong and able like all his kind. He's only 4'5" but still weighs about 161 pounds. No wrinkles mar his youthful peach complexion that peeks from his thick, vibrant red beard. Ralik keeps his beard braided twice, both braids tucked into his belt. The bard wears woolen breeches and tunic, but usually a light shirt of fine, dwarven-made chain links. A steel cap hangs by a cord behind his neck, easily tugged onto his head for protection. Ralik carries simple blades for defense. But his true weapon is a brass trumpet slung at his side, easily brought to his lips to blast his magical tunes. Cheerful Ralik is often humming famous tunes or measures of his own composition when not playing the trumpet. His talent is obvious and his jovial lifestyle evident in the twinkle of hazel eyes.
Less than sixty years ago in 859, Ralik was born into the Torstun Clan of the dwarven kingdom of Brozjarl, located beneath the southern chain of the Broken Peaks. A highly esteemed family, the Torstuns produced a line of warriors dating back to the Goblin Wars. Thus, Ralik’s talent, when realized that it was beyond mere war, was a bit disappointing to his extended family. Ralik possessed an angelic bass singing voice and an inspirational command of the brass trumpet. Though he was schooled in some of the warrior ways, Ralik knew his performing arts would take him to a different angle. Every good army needed a good musician, after all, and who better to record the glorious deeds of war than a minstrel-warrior that echoed the deep souls of the dwarven legions? Unfortunately, Brozjarl –- indeed, most dwarven lands -– lacked a bardic tradition. Ralik announced his intention to become a student of music above all. Though it disappointed his family, they recognized the merit in his intent to pursue the gifts with which Veratir Hammering bestowed him. So Ralik went forth from the nation of Hale and entered Elan, traveling to the capitol, Commorancy. There he found a mentor, a half-elf named Namor Wentuia, and who was a master of the lyre himself, and studied long and hard. Ralik honed his raw talents into something more more wondrous. The dwarf learned how to feel the magic of music stirring deep within his soul, channeling it to mysterious and beautiful ends. Several years later, after accompanying Namor all over Elan, Ralik felt ready to strike out on his own. The dwarven trumpeter traveled south to Timber. He wanted to test the correctness of his career, and what better way to do that than find and attach himself to some wandering hero. He could immortalize the hero’s feats and strike a name for himself as a bard.
Ralik is like many dwarves in his sturdy disposition when it comes to his personal beliefs. However, his personal beliefs vary just a bit from his folk. Ralik believes wholeheartedly in pursuing one’s own ambitions and talents, realizing one’s purpose through innate skills and not customary job appropriation. Those who are good at soldiering should become soldiers while those who are good at music should become musicians. It’s as simple as that. Still, Ralik can feel the stirring call to war every time he blows his horn. He knows one day he may have to write ballads about his own heroics.
Ralik will master the Bard class (20th level), then likely take up the Fighter class and master it (to 20th level). Finally, he may take up the Dwarven Defender prestige class to its 10th level.
Character Sheet