Raggar Nox
Troll!!!! Towering and terrifying, this gigantic humanoid monster at first dispels all myths people hold about wild trolls. It may be because Raggar Nox is not your average wild troll: he is disciplined and deadly, armed and armored, vetted and feared. Raggar’s skin bears a mossy hue, mottled with knobby joints and scaly warts. His face is a mockery of soldierly stoicism: a long, drooping nose, a grinning mouthful of sharp teeth, and black within black eyes set under a protective steel cap. His greenish-black hair is shaved saved for the scalp, and that mess is bound up into a tight topknot (usually hidden by the cap). This exposes his neck where the fine mesh of chain links fail to protect, and the elaborate tattoos etched into his flesh with acidic ink. These tattoos snake around his shoulders and vanish down his back, sprouting back out along his wiry, ape-like arms. They reappear again also at his thighs where the shirt of mail stops, and a mere pair of linen shorts is worn beneath the armor. Raggar wears thick-soled boots over his big-toed feet, but they are soft and cushioned. The armor itself is of impressive manufacture, dull and matte-black such that it helps him blend all the better into the darkness when he hunts. And this stalker is frequently found there, curved hatchet and knife in his clawed grip. A composite bow evidently made of some fantastical creature’s pelvic bone is bound across his back along with the ranger’s backpack full of gear. He is not a troll that lives to kill and eat. He’s a troll that lives to simply kill: a tunnel thug nightmare.
Raggar Nox was not the average troll spawn in Darsix. He was born and bred in the slave pens of Olnuit, a drow city in the Lower Kingdom. He was left for the first few decades of life – for trolls live as long as elves, when their brutish lives don’t lead to a frequently early demise – among his brothers, sisters, and cousins. Tearing each other to ribbons was a daily ordeal, and despite their regenerative properties they did not always survive. Ripping off heads and eating them was one way to get rid of a troll. And Raggar massacred his share of relatives, and survived their “playful” wrath in turn. As one of the few survivors, Raggar was inducted into the next step of drow training. He learned how to fight with more than fang and claw. And unlike his simpler brethren, Raggar demonstrated an uncanny ability for mimicry, and mastered the techniques his drillmasters taught.
Perhaps because Raggar was immersed in an elven society, an evil one at that, he adapted his techniques especially to dealing with the pointy-earred weaklings. He impressed his drow overlords by sniffing out even some of their best sneakers. He was therefore kept in reserve as a bounty hunter for the Despana drow that ran Olnuit. For decades more, he had only rare occasion to stalk for the drow. He dared voice his impatience with the slow rate of duty, and was transferred to the front as a patrol. There he encountered the mercenary team that called itself the Shadow Hunters. Several drow membered this outfit, and they maintained ties to Olnuit. Not only drow ranked in this group, and it offered greater liberty and work for the troll. He agreed to sign up and work with even the shorter, weaker elves and goblinoids in this death squad for hire.
Raggar is a study in contrasts. On one hand, he is savage and merciless, cruel and voracious, given to snarfing after game trails than read a book. But he is also circumspect, attentive, and prudent. Unlike most trolls, he will not charge recklessly into battle until he has verified that he is likely to win. Then, naturally, he will leap into the fray and with all the gusto one would expect of his hated species.
Raggar would be content to pursue the Ranger class to 10th-level, whereupon he will instead take up the Assassin prestige class and master it before returning to his primary class.
Character Sheet