Quirinus Bonifax
A shaved pate first catches the eye when beholding the grim monastic appearance of Quirinus Bonifax. A thin line of dark brown hair encircles the priest’s scalp. Black robes wrap around a burly physique and possibly a personal armory of leather and iron. Quirinus’s face seems flat save his pointed nose; his expression surrenders little emotion or empathy at all. Brown eyes glitter in the poor lighting, but betray neither ambition nor wickedness. There is only awareness and relentlessness. Therein clearly lies this evil cleric’s cruelty: a sense of the ordinary and unblinking banality in the awful activities he oversees everyday.
The son of Bonifax enjoyed a privileged upbringing in the city of Jael, Praetoria. He was taught the ins and outs of slave-trading and enjoyed its wealth, if ruing the lack of influence. It was that resentment and envy of Praetorian nobility that turned Quirinus to the priesthood of Duvaun as a midlife crisis of sorts. And the catechism he underwent burnt out all such negative qualities, turning him from bitterness to strength. It was that or break and fall into inglorious death, but his will proved too great for that. After his initiation, Quirinus found himself recruited by the temple to pursue a life that he had deliberately abandoned. Yet now, still a flesh-trader, he was sent abroad as a representative of Duvaun. In such stead as an ambassador of Praetoria’s great dark god, he could achieve what his father and grandfather never could: real power.
Quirinus is cruel and heartless as a matter of course. He makes no special effort to mistreat people he considers beneath him. It is just how he was raised. He prizes strength, however, and respects those who can display it. Granted, he always seeks a way to exploit weaknesses, too, to turn another’s strength to his service. His cunning, confidence, and conceits are his own strengths…and flaws. But he has the backing and blessing of Praetoria and Duvaun.
Quirinus is a devoted cleric of Duvaun and would only ever pursue such a path (level 20+). Were he not so skilled at obtaining contemporary power, he would probably consider consignment to a monastery someday (and take up the monk class).
Character Sheet