Quinby Fathar
Stout and strong, sturdy and robust, Quinby looks like the typical dwarven warrior. The fellow is only 4'5" but weighs about 150 pounds. That's without his fine steel chain shirt, array of war axes, and his clan's trademark urgrosh in hand or on belt. Heavy, shot boots clump soundly on the ground. And Quinby wears thick wools under a brown traveler's cloak over his light armor, in preparation for his country's chilly weather. Bright brown eyes peer out from under a steel cap and bushy, mahoghany-brown eyebrows. Though his silky beard is unstyled, he keeps it well-kept and the tip tucked into his belt. Quinby's face is slightly tanned from days in the sun. A smile occasionally curves his lips, yet more often Quinby is stoically focused on the matters at hand.
Fifty-two years ago in the hearty land of Deepheart Dale, Quinby was born into the Fathar Clan of hill dwarves. Like all the men (and many women) of his family, Quinby was raised a warrior. He trained in a soldierly fashion from youth and adopted many techniques unique to his kind into his battle repertoire. By the end of his adolescence, Quinby was a seasoned fighter. He often had to test his skills against goblins and orcs. Unfortunately, serious trouble descended upon his home. Quinby was dispatched to find help from "foreign consultants", as his father put it. In short, Quinby was searching for worthy allies to aid his homeland against a pooling tide of wicked orcs, goblins, and ogres.
Like most dwarves, Quinby can be gruff and blunt. But he's well-meaning and good-spirited. The young and hale fighter has little patience (or trust) for wizards, but respects other sorts of spellcasters. He enjoys the simple things in life despite his race's penchant for avarice. Quinby likes good drink, food, and song above all else. But he's still young enough that his blood boils at the mention of battle.
Quinby will pursue the Fighter class to about 10th level, then take up the Dwarven Defender prestige class to mastery (10th level) before refocusing on the Fighter class.
Character Sheet