- A Bird in Hand
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Gyles, Portia
Description: Classic campaign. These urban thieves want more, they always want more. So, when does more become too much?
Antagonists: Constructs, Elves, Halflings, Humans, Undead, Wizards
- A Little More Light
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Lualuit, Nedrikith, Saelyan, Welith
Description: Classic campaign. Delving into the darkness of caves is no small feat. Not only are there countless environmental hazards, but many deadly monsters and denizens of the Lower Kingdom. These explorers test all of these dangers with wit and strength.
Antagonists: Aberrations, Drow, Illithids, Vermin
- Absurd Heroics
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Adriekoth, Alylyan, Gienidd, Ridon, Teared, Vayd
Description: Classic campaign. These mercenaries were hired to do particular jobs. But in the course of their war work, they find themselves drawn into unforgettable and unlikely situations demanding the highest of heroics. Are they authentic, or are they simply doing what they have to do in the circumstances?
Antagonists: Orcs, Goblinoids, Dragons, Undead, Kobolds
- Academy Games
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Cogen, Criawyr, Nored, Romaron
Description: Classic campaign. The universal academy in Commorancy, Elan, is host to dozens of students of the arcane arts. But many wizards are not content with magic alone, but also contend with one another for power within and out of the academy.
Antagonists: Wizards, Sorcerers, Undead, Elementals, Dragons, Sphinxes
- Aharit
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Afzal, Nehorai, Nureddin, Senouphis, Taliah, Terui (Tricia)
Description: Mixed campaign (Arabian Adventures). It’s the end of time: Armageddon. The denizens of this ancient, parched desert land have seen divine destruction. Clearly, it is the end of the world, and they must do whatever they can to survive it.
Antagonists: Vermin, Dragons, Dragonnes, Fiends, Humans
- Ailuraphobia
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Yuyue, Nthanda
Description: Mixed campaign (Oriental Adventures). Cats are the deadliest predators of all, for they are emblems of nature’s unpredictability. And these felines are eager to prove it, but their pride may be their downfall.
Antagonists: Animals, Humans, Lycanthropes, Magical Beasts
- A Price on Heroism
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Breanna, Eludia, Urend
Description: Classic campaign. Though these heroes (mostly) hope to do the right thing, mercenary life is not without its challenges. Indeed, the very nature of being a mercenary pricks the conscience. These warriors face many such challenges in their paid service against enemies of the realm.
Antagonists: Humans, Hobgoblins, Undead, Dragons
- Bamboo Heights
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Haru, Nobu, Shigeo, Torui
Description: Mixed campaign (Oriental Adventures). Court intrigue befalls this noble household, and the heroes must seek outside assistance to overcome the political odds stacked against them. But they discover their birthright authority does not extend to the wild world beyond their city walls.
Antagonists: Dragons, Humans, Lycanthropes, Ogres, Magical Beasts, Trolls
- Beastmasters
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Corbin, Lifadir, Voibur
Description: Mixed campaign. In the woods, these eremite folk protect the denizens of a land preserved by elven law from poaching and corruption.
Antagonists: Animals, Fey, Lizardfolk, Magical Beasts, Orcs
- Bizarre Sorcery
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Clyra, Craerin, Meriala, Rodda, Welakath, Yeritrem
Description: Classic campaign. An odd assortment of sorcerers and shamans, these spell-slingers find themselves drawn together as one potent force against those who criticize and suppress, or manipulate and abuse, their methods of magic.
Antagonists: Wizards, Sorcerers, Undead, Magical Beasts, Formians
- Black & White
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Corunum, Zageus
Description: The minions of Maranak rear their ugly heads, drawing divine attention from a brother/sister team-up of Planetouched…and agents of Ewavnia. Can these warriors and warlocks teach necromancers how to respect death?
Antagonists: Rogues, Necromancers, Undead, Fiends, Celestials
- Blood & Steel
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Shant, Vre
Description: Classic campaign. Pride in skill is pushed to become energetic competition that goes beyond racial antipathy. That drive to excel and self-perfect becomes the guiding force needed to push these reluctant heroes into great deeds.
Antagonists: Elves, Goblinoids, Humans
- Blurred Bloodlines
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Ananke, Anhil, Graydus, Malana, Megildan
Description: Classic campaign. Elves and humans co-exist but rarely easily, and mixed races are never truly accepted. Still, while it is never easy, it is possible to overcome racial bigotry even in an increasingly dangerous land. If this folk intends to survive the coming storm, they must overcome their bigotry and unite.
Antagonists: Elves, Fiends, Humans, Orcs
- Bodies. Floor.
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Lilla, Sekarr
Description: Monster campaign. Death and destruction, the meat and drink of any brutal warriors. These antiheroic beasts bring that carnage and prosper from it in pursuit of their own ends.
Antagonists: Giants, Ogres, Fiends, Undead, Necromancers
- Borderlines
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Xurog, Hadeon, Cloud (Ais)
Description: Classic campaign. Orcs and humans keep an uneasy peace in the face of greater dangers to both societies. Can they maintain their alliance long enough to drive back their self-righteous enemies?
Antagonists: Centaurs, Elves, Giants, Humans, Lizardfolk, Magical Beasts, Orcs, Troglodytes
- Breath of the Moon
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Hundel, Qendawan, Raril, Ruldor
Description: Mixed campaign. Fenronnen seek their elven allies to find answers about their origins. It all seems tied up in the mysteries of the moon deities, but such twilight lore slips past savage claws and often leads its seekers into greater puzzles. Along the way, many traps and dangers await even the most instinctively shrewd questers.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Plants, Dragons, Lizardfolk, Kobolds, Magical Beasts
- The Broken Chimera
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Rustysling, Blurrymoon
Description: Classic campaign. Trouble befalls a halfling settlement, and it all seems based around a famous pub. It lies with the regulars to resolve those problems so they can get right back to their peaceful drinking!
Antagonists: Bullywugs, Goblinoids, Magical Beasts, Slaadi
- By the Pale Moonlight
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Aelidan, Ceyleen
Description: Classic campaign (Aboriginal Adventures). Werewolves and worse are on the warpath in Kukul's jungles. The grugach take action and send their best to thwart these enemies. Strangely, the disease of lycanthropy seems to be spreading at a dangerous rate!
Antagonists: Lycanthropes, Gnolls, Evil Druids
- Castellans
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Oluharr, Quanath, Tinry
Description: Classic campaign. The biggest, most famous castle in Estonen is Anarx Hold, a sprawling fortress in the hinterlands of Elan. Here nobles and former royalty languish, protecting their own interests and the integrity of the mighty keep.
Antagonists: Humans, Kobolds, Aberrations, Undead, Hobgoblins
- Cavalier Courtiers
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Aaqil, Badruddeen, Taqi, Zaid
Description: Classic campaign (Arabian Adventures). In Yadahn, everyone respectable upholds honorable conduct. Thus, even in the most Machiavellian of court intrigue, these warriors and advisors attempt to guide the caliphate to peace and wisdom. They must contend with enemies within their own sanctuaries.
Antagonists: Assassins, Wizards, Sorcerers, Ogre Mages, Genies
- City Folk
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Cink, Dilliam, Uliech
Description: Mixed campaign. Some hardy adventurers make the mistake of thinking city folk weak and untested. But constant urban opportunities and adventurism temper these citizens into sharp, unbreakable swords…while making them as rich as those that raid dragon lairs.
Antagonists: Doppelgangers, Elves, Humans, Undead, Wererats, Wizards
- Conspiracies
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Adwerradda, Ario, Ulth, Umardodith, Unomir
Description: Classic campaign. The busiest city in Verdentia is home to intrigue and scheming. But there are plots within plots in this place, and these citizens work to either uncover the secrets…or add their own.
Antagonists: Humans, Wizards, Clerics, Elves
- Cosmos
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Gyges, Homado, Nyxia
Description: Monster campaign. From Mechanus and beyond, this githavar battleship soars upon ley lines and ethereal cosmos. The brazen sailors and warriors of this craft confront all takers, seizing their secrets for themselves as the greatest of booty.
Antagonists: Celestials, Elementals, Fiends, Githzerai, Githyanki, Ghosts, Xills
- Crossroads
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Aysop, Philyra, Chironis
Description: Mixed campaign. These kind-hearted beings watch over a frequented highway to prevent as much tinkering with travelers as possible. However, the altruism is based more in faith than true kindness, and thanklessness of their efforts puts them at odds with the enemies of the land.
Antagonists: Animals, Fey, Goblinoids, Kobolds, Giants, Lamias, Magical Beasts
- Crystal Ball
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Fobb, Garaile, Tsuritsa
Description: Classic campaign. Gypsy-like elves and their friends engage in a wide touring circuit. A variety of adventures and accidents befall the crew as they travel, and some of it well deserved.
Antagonists: Elves, Fey, Humans, Magical Beasts
- Curse of Destiny
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Fodash, Goshnak, Gronar, Gwalic, Hadish, Sorav, Ulerig
Description: Mixed campaign. The shapeshifters of these rugged wilds know they are cursed, and it is driving them to encompass a terrible doom. For good or ill, many enemies stand in their path towards that dreadful fulfillment.
Antagonists: Lycanthropes, Druids, Magical Beasts, Fey, Undead
- Dark Dabbling
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Chiramar, Creat, Cydda, Galarewan, Olendaven, Unilmathien
Description: Classic campaign. Some magic is not meant to be trifled with, but that often only makes mortals want to taste it all the more. They rebel against the authorities that forbid the studies and poke and prod into the shadows where such secrets are hidden.
Antagonists: Druids, Clerics, Yuan-ti, Lizardfolk, Undead
- Death Begins
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Ateferi, Inyoni, Semheb, Seraphis, Talia
Description: Classic campaign (Arabian Adventures). The kemeri of the ancient kingdoms in Yadahn do not worship ABBA, but instead aspects of Heru-Ra. These individuals find that supplication of Heru-Ra Anapa, the face of death and the night, reveals many dark secrets few are willing to hear and can be found nowhere else. It offers them serenity, awareness, and perhaps the key to immortality. No wonder they must defend their way of life so ardently!.
Antagonists: Necromancers, Undead, Fiends, Celestials
- Dedicated to the Arts
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Adkins, Atieno, Jamba, Lotye, Nirran, Taji
Description: Classic campaign. Various mages and their allies dedicate their entire lives and fortunes to the mastery of their chosen arts. Few understand this level of devotion, and many would exploit it.
Antagonists: Clerics, Elementals, Fiends, Warriors, Inevitables, Dragons
- The Deep Dark
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Bakkus, Jore, Yendra
Description: Mixed campaign. Innocence is stripped away in the heart of the forest when orcs and other monsters of the darkness begin to attack. Sylvan folk respond to this invasion of their homeland like the wrath of nature.
Antagonists: Orcs, Goblinoids, Grimlocks, Magical Beasts
- Demon Masters
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Arohranur, Esunara, Grokor, Shimesan
Description: Mixed campaign. There is forbidden magic, and then there is completely wicked and diabolic magic. These mortals dare the wrath of the Lower Planes by dabbling into these foul schools, eager to master the black arts and put to their own use. Will they fall prey to their own ambitions, or command the darkness?
Antagonists: Fiends, Conjurers, Wizards, Clerics, Paladins, Celestials
- Desert Truths
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Mast, Zenda
Description: Mixed campaign (Arabian Adventures). The deserts of Yadahn are neither good nor evil, they simply are. Survival is for the fittest in mind, body, and soul. Dare these hardy nomads pit themselves against the gods of the desert?
Antagonists: Sphinxes, Genies, Wizards, Elementals
- Despair & Revenge
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Belangha, Breadda, Brollyra, Fogg, Jussaline, Nydieni, Saynia, Sylonna
Description: Classic campaign. Vengeance. In this brutal world, so many opportunities for revenge are born everyday. Call it destiny or coincidence, these avengers are drawn together to assist, often inadvertently, each other’s missions.
Antagonists: Undead, Orcs, Dragons, Humans, Wizards
- Desperate Defenses
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Cyrene, Nnamdi
Description: Mixed campaign (Aboriginal Adventures). All sorts of monsters threaten their wilderness homelands. These beasts must be tamed or defeated to restore a balance to nature.
Antagonists: Humans, Fiends, Magical Beasts
- Discontentment
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Alyryan, Dauwien, Jylyan, Phanmar, Ybiwen
Description: Classic campaign. The laws of Elan are fair to all citizens, but fairer to the rich and powerful. This hardly sits well with the lowest and poorest. They turn to any means necessary to pursue their own dreams and ambitions. This often puts them at odds with the established powers-that-be as well as their minions.
Antagonists: Rogues, Paladins, Clerics, Vermin, Animals
- Dismal Dereliction
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Biebix, Mazalph, Zalo
Description: Mixed campaign. The deepest parts of the forest contain sacred but forgotten sites in need of renewal and supplication. These individuals venture forth in wariness to reclaim these temples and abandoned monasteries.
Antagonists: Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Lizardfolk, Elementals
- Duel
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Alaerwen, Calyan, Lomenclya, Paewen, Thilawyn
Description: Classic campaign. These warriors revel in the thrill of one-on-one combat. The spirit of the duel fuels their battle-lust. They hone their technique and skill on one another and anyone who dares to oppose them.
Antagonists: Humans, Elves, Orcs, Goblinoids, Fiends, Celestials
- Elemental Brands
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Anilmalas, Arareven, Arucia, Eoweclya, Jossa
Description: Classic campaign. Elemental magic is perhaps the most potent and impressive force in the universe. These mortals concentrate on their abilities in order to tap this immense power but risk their own lives and souls in communion with elemental entities.
Antagonists: Elementals, Genies, Mephits, Fiends, Dragons
- Elemental Harmony
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Cewen, Crilinwan, Jeralessi, Serperus
Description: Mixed campaign. Hand in hand, human and other elementalists work with dragons and greater forces in order to bring balance to the world’s elements. This work never goes unchallenged, for there remain dark foes among the elementals themselves that seek to imbalance the universe in their favor.
Antagonists: Dragons, Elementals, Wizards, Sorcerers, Genies
- Elven Fancies
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Gwain, Thora, Upadion
Description: Classic campaign. While elves traditionally are a good people, some turn their backs on an evil world, preferring the fantasies of the wilderness to the corrupt societies of men.
Antagonists: Animals, Magical Beasts, Orcs, Vermin
- Emerald Protectorates
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Celemon, Faeliel, Veassen
Description: Mixed campaign. The elves take responsibility for their woodland homes and count the fey as allies. But both races, with their long lives, have ample time to learn that nature can take care of itself, and their protection is not always wanted.
Antagonists: Animals, Dragons, Druids, Elementals, Magical Beasts, Plants
- Empty Citadel
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Cirfindiel, Evanduzt, Jomdon, Neuri
Description: Mixed campaign. Just carving their own path in the dark land of Darsix, these folk know the dark elves will come a'calling eventually. They owe debts that the drow will try and collect. They must outfight, outwit, and outlive these dire enemies.
Antagonists: Drow, Fiends, Goblinoids, Mercenaries, Quaggoths, Vermin
- End of Hell
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Breag, Tilok
Description: Mixed campaign. Allied with powerful but questionable scions of destructions, these bleak crusaders seek to punish all fiendish foes and put an end to the nightmare.
Antagonists: Fiends, Undead, Vampires, Summoners, Giants, Titans
- Exotic Realms
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Righ, Taskell
Description: Mixed campaign. Islands to the west of Estonen bear ancient and strange civilizations. Travelers, beware! For those whose caution fails, none hear from them again. But that does not mean they have perished…
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Kobolds, Lycanthropes, Magical Beasts
- Feral Hazards
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Avonaco, Barasa, Taonga, Thabo
Description: Mixed campaign (Aboriginal Adventures). The tangled jungles of Kukul mask terrors and beauty alike. Feral beasts live to eat and breed. Intelligent habitants contend with each other and these ferocious animals. Forever they are tested by these frightening forces of nature.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Vermin, Dinosaurs, Lizardfolk, Lycanthropes
- Fierce Beauty
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Maia, Rinasse, Siv
Description: Mixed campaign. Humanity and their elven friends will not be denied or oppressed! These bloodthirsty heroines seek to carve a road of vengeance through the ranks of their powerful enemies. Will their hatred mar their beauty or turn them into mortal angels of wrath?
Antagonists: Giants, Humans, Ogres, Minotaurs
- Final Orders
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Adonis, Vancell, Vaddon
Description: Classic campaign. Seeking to maintain the balance, this team must reckon one another's values while pursuing a campaign of justice and order. Unfortunately, their enemies rarely play by the same rules (if any at all), and they must be ready to make the final sacrifices for this game of neutral brinkmanship.
Antagonists: Humans, Hobgoblins, Undead, Slaadi
- Fire Bay
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Asvastan, Brokk
Description: Mixed campaign. The southern coast of Verdentia holds many secrets. An inlet ripples with briny tides and ancient oceanic secrets. These heroes are dedicated to their discovery and preservation.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Kuo-Toa, Locathah, Magical Beasts
- Forbidden Paths
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Byanka, Zongying
Description: Mixed campaign (Oriental Adventures). While nature is primal, it does have its own order; some of these laws were not meant to ever be broken.
Antagonists: Inevitables, Halflings, Moon Elves, Fiends, Animals, Magical Beasts
- Forked Roads
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Kwynn, Rastus, Zurvan
Description: Mixed campaign. There are many opportunities in Verdentia. The chances to gain wealth and power are innumerable. But these mercenaries risk betraying one another's companionship for their own gain and leaving themselves starkly alone in a vast and careless limbo.
Antagonists: Humans, Slaadi, Halflings, Gnolls
- For the Love of Liquor
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Gustavus, Glomlir, Ovvak
Description: Classic campaign. Brave entrepreneurs face great odds to spread the great equalizer: booze. Once everyone is good and drunk, dragon and dwarf alike, all war will end! That’s the theory at any rate, and it can’t hurt to try. Much.
Antagonists: Elves, Fey, Giants, Humans, Orcs
- Geodic Depths
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Boilir, Hagan, Pellucar
Description: Mixed campaign. In the heart of the Lower Kingdom delves a deep geode. Fabulous and sparkling crystal lines this deep cavern, hiding immeasurable wealth and mystery. Many monsters and enemies seek this treasure for themselves, prompting natural and decent denizens to defense of its purity.
Antagonists: Grimlocks, Aboleths, Drow, Aberrations, Derro
- Golden Sea
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Huizhong, Niu, Wenqian, Yingtai
Description: Classic campaign (Oriental Adventures). The trade ports of the east are rife with corruption and danger. Elementalists of the sea, human and otherwise, work together to purge their lands and works of these destructive influences.
Antagonists: Merfolk, Dire Animals, Sahuagin, Dinosaurs
- Gorsy Expeditions
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Adaoni, Agron, Eowiradda, Thuvtar, Yaredia
Description: Mixed campaign. The scrublands of western Darsix are home to a variety of people. Most of them are simply struggling to survive in their battle against the harsh elements. Add monsters and darklings into the mix and it’s a formula for destruction. Only the toughest of survivors persist against all odds. And in the midst of such woe, perhaps they might uncover certain secrets, or at least a certain kind of truth.
Antagonists: Orcs, Gnolls, Dire Animals, Vermin
- Hallowed Berth
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Fumion, Mokhasi, Olarenrewaju, Tsusdi
Description: Mixed campaign (Aboriginal Adventures). Places of mystical and natural power must always bear protection. But they also always draw the curious and wise. Can these sacred places be preserved, feared, and loved in different ways? Can these individuals work together against genuine threats that would exploit or destroy such sites?
Antagonists: Goblinoids, Humans, Wizards, Sorcerers, Elementals
- Halls of Triumph
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Astyr, Vidar, Vurkanto, Xorsdar
Description: Mixed campaign. There's nothing better for a barbarian than to die fighting. But what if death decides to let you keep fighting? What if death visited you as angels that fought by your side? These warriors become almost inhuman in their ferocity, cleaving their way through the ranks of their people's enemies and making way for a glorious new destiny.
Antagonists: Humans, Ogres, Minotaurs, Giants
- Harmonic Undertow
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Dorieus, Gulinde, Kapaneus, Salendra
Description: Mixed campaign. The deep seas are no place for land-lubbers. Only the natural denizens of this place may survive, never mind thrive and do what must be done to keep their home safe from interference above and below the waves.
Antagonists: Ixitixichitl, Dragons, Dire Animals, Locathah, Merfolk
- Head in the Clouds
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Corry, Dar, Lazlo
Description: Mixed campaign. Seeking a dream-like past leads these folk into a beautiful future. But there is much confusion to pierce meanwhile, and many enemies who hunger for the rewards these opportunistic tricksters crave.
Antagonists: Giants, Dinosaurs, Rogues, Goblinoids, Beholders
- Heats
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Jahdiel, Temparo
Description: Monster campaign. Smoke dragons are a rare breed. They constantly fight for territory against other powerful beasts and enemies. These two volcanic drakes are crazier and more vicious than anything their enemies may expect. That gives them the edge they need to survive. But even if they're lucky, that may be all they do. Fortunately, they can find unlikely allies in the efreet genies!
Antagonists: Dinosaurs, Duergar, Genies, Fire Giants, Red Dragons
- Hierophants
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Agraovudd, Celode, Phylak, Thalidda, Wiradda
Description: Classic campaign. Druids are often seen as selfless caretakers of nature. But the truth is more complex and even these wilderness priests have tangled political intrigue. The Society of Meliai demands much from its disciples and they struggle with each other and with enemies without to vie for rank and greatness.
Antagonists: Druids, Fey, Elementals, Dire Animals, Dinosaurs, Plants
- High & Low
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Alyndriel, Devalos, Torron, Vorondil
Description: Classic campaign. Elven folk of many races came together in eons past to defeat and banish the greedy drow. Now those dark elves want revenge and begin targeting elvish folk wherever they leave themselves vulnerable. Once more, the elves must put aside their petty differences and band together.
Antagonists: Aberrations, Drow, Elementals, Fiends, Goblinoids, Vermin
- Hinterlands
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Daena, Luran, Nithran
Description: Classic campaign. The wilderness holds many secrets and many hazards. These explorers and experimenters hope to uncover all the secrets and avoid all the dangers.
Antagonists: Magical Beasts, Dinosaurs, Molds, Oozes, Plants, Dire Animals, Lycanthropes
- Honor's Pitfall
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Hui Ying, Nayati, Vatt
Description: Classic campaign (Oriental Adventures). In far off Wutao, warriors of different powers join together to confront the treachery of twisted alchemists -- and their demonic friends. Philosophies may clash in their unity, but their strengths must flow together for this threat to be defeated.
Antagonists: Demons, Diabolists, Goblinoids, Transmuters, Constructs
- Hook
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Belon, Evin, Kergain, Pierson
Description: Mixed campaign. The catch of the day…includes the anglers themselves. In this fishy story, mortals are lured to equal parts their doom and ecstasy when they come across these irresistible sirens of the deep. Perhaps they can help one another before they vanish from the face of the planet.
Antagonists: Animals, Magical Beasts, Sahuagin, Ixitxachitl, Akkoro, Dragons
- The Hunger
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Lelantos, Noromain, Otis, Thalassal
Description: Mixed campaign. Yearning for the secrets of the sea brings good and evil ocean-dwelling folk into conflict with some of the fiercer and darker denizens of the deep. They must overcome these enemies and their hunger for more before it consumes them.
Antagonists: Dragon Turtles, Sahuagin, Sea Elves, Locathah, Merfolk, Dire Animals, Leviathans
- Hunter's Edge
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Matlal, Mazatl, Citlalmina
Description: Classic campaign (Aboriginal Adventures). Nature is out of balance in the gryphon elves’ home turf in Kukul. These territorial heroes must brave the shaken world to confront the source of this disruption and bring peace.
Antagonists: Animals, Elementals, Giants, Gnolls, Magical Beasts
- Hyperborea
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Braellyra, Defur, Eledda, Gilmadia, Rol, Tharecien
Description: Mixed campaign. The frigid wastes of Mautos are no place for the weak. The wintry wastes demand strength and test the will every moment. These folk fight to survive and thrive and vanquish the obstacles perpetually set before them.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, White Dragons, Winter Wolves, Frost Giants, Ogres, Orcs
- Illegitimate Cortege
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Cin, Eowaowen, Galad, Nithrang, Ybarede
Description: Classic campaign. The aristocracy of the elves can be as arrogant and condescending as any other noble class. A fallen prince has left his homelands and carved out his own niche, gathering bastard half-elves and the like to his banner. There is no ambitions except to establish a welcoming homeland for the otherwise illegitimate. And that hardly stands with outsiders.
Antagonists: High Elves, Wood Elves, Humans, Orcs, Goblinoids
- Imperial Ports
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Boqin, Lanying, Shuilu, Xiaohui, Xiu’lan
Description: Mixed campaign (Oriental Adventures). The oceans in Wutao are filled with hazards and wonders. These elementalists work to put those mysteries to the most beneficial use. Not everyone shares that benevolent outlook, however…
Antagonists: Merfolk, Locathah, Elementals, Dragons
- Indispensable
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Palaur, Sorja
Description: Classic campaign. Unique skills in the forest and with its natural denizens renders these humans and elves indispensable to the local realm’s defensive necessities. They gladly reap the benefits awarded their utility and aim to improve their capabilities.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Dragons, Lizardfolk, Magical Beasts, Vermin
- Jungle Stalkers
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Cik, Codith, Foimli, Hesin
Description: Mixed campaign. In the ferocious woods of the south, man and beast are both at odds and one in the same. Each denizen in this wilderness must fend for him or herself. They must hunt, fight, and stalk…the many foes and dangers in their jungle.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Dinosaurs, Magical Beasts, Troglodytes, Lizardfolk
- Lanes of Menace
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Aejar, Bohlale, Brardoni, Cedriwin, Marerex, Perlinn, Traovudd
Description: Mixed campaign. Harbors by the sea invite shipping and economic privilege. But they also draw in danger and enemies that can threaten the very waters themselves. These priestly elementalists and supernatural folk combine their efforts to eliminate the menace facing their homes in the sea and land.
Antagonists: Pirates, Dragons, Locathah, Sahuagin, Krakens
- Last Rites
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Horeld, Moek
Description: Classic campaign. Like it or not, the nature of death is unchanging. These wizened men and women are dedicated to observing that sorrowful but necessary aspect of reality. Necromancers beware!
Antagonists: Goblins, Swarms, Fiends, Undead, Necromancers
- Law & Order
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Mal, Olorewin, Rimmer, Zed
Description: Mixed campaign. The city is always hazardous, filled with criminals and trouble-makers as much as orderly businessmen. A tough town demands tough enforcers. These enforcers do their best to keep the peace, but they are constantly being tested.
Antagonists: Rogues, Assassins, Vermin, Animals, Slaadi, Fiends
- Laws of Death
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Edirede, Elaweth, Gwirared, Hisil, Rhim, Welikith, Ybiekon
Description: Classic campaign. Death is an inevitable part of life, and these priests and necromancers are dedicated to its natural process. They oppose the wicked undead and careless and power-hungry sorcerers who would raise them, as well as the frightening diabolic forces behind such monsters.
Antagonists: Necromancers, Undead, Fiends, Vermin
- Laws of the Dark
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Caluril, Cidia, Heidja
Description: Mixed campaign. Even in the dark of the Lower Kingdom, there are rules of nature and wisdom that must be obeyed. Failure can sometimes earn the wrath of the gods, punishing the flamboyance and arrogance of offending mortals. But no one is beyond correction.
Antagonists: Derro, Drow, Duergar, Fiends, Illithids
- Lost Spells
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Eloquy, Darin
Description: Mixed campaign. The fey play tricks on the wrong spellcasters. But both sides learn their needs have crossed when more dangerous sorcerers loom on the horizon, far greedier and crueler than any of them.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Magical Beasts, Fey, Wizards, Ogre Magi, Dragons
- Mastery of the Arcane
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Dwarennon, Glalith, Gwiem, Lir, Paclya
Description: Classic campaign. In Commorancy, the universal academy of magic-learning is home to countless students. Some are more virtuous than others. Some are so self-focused that they ignore the rest of the world for the seclusion of their studies. But as much as they may ignore the world, the world does not ignore them…
Antagonists: Wizards, Sorcerers, Clerics, Fiends, Celestials, Elementals, Githzerai
- Might Makes Right
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Bernulf, Betu, Enyuan, Kosha
Description: Classic campaign. Barbarians earn that epithet from “civilizations” that prize organization and so-called “rule of law” (always twisted and perverted by spineless politicians and firebrand demagogues, and therefore a hypocritical joke). These warlords and their shamanistic advisors know better, and intend to maintain their sovereignty against all excursions and threats. They must learn to balance their strength, however, with wisdom and even humility, else they risk sharing the same fate as their “civilized” counterparts: corruption and failure.
Antagonists: Barbarians, Warriors, Orcs, Giants, Magical Beasts, Dragons
- More Than That
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Bishir, Naaif, Raihaana, Saleet, Zaitoona
Description: Classic campaign (Arabian Adventures). These harem and former harem girls are set on proving that they are more than courtesans, more than entertainers, more than…well, more than that. They band together or with sympathetic adventurers to taste glory and achieve greatness.
Antagonists: Raiders, Warriors, Assassins, Clerics, Celestials, Fiends
- Mother's Wounds
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Attis, Arakel, Kinus
Description: Classic campaign. Dark forces are at work, trying to corrupt nature itself. These sylvan-aligned heroes must unearth and dislodge this evil before it infects everything, including themselves.
Antagonists: Animals, Elves, Fey, Fiends, Humans, Magical Beasts
- Mystic Reaches
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Geuntomor, Holt, Lychester
Description: Classic campaign. Distant sites of power and sacred knowledge are often found far from safety. Those interested in their elemental truths must cross dangerous territory and risk all for kernels of the greatest wisdom.
Antagonists: Animals, Magical Beasts, Dragons, Hags, Wizards, Theurges
- Natural Darkness
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Acanydd, Ilhad, Jerajar, Medak, Nagnar, Perg, Resin
Description: Mixed campaign. The Lower Kingdom bequeathes many kinds of creatures. Some are wicked, a few are good, and many simply want to survive. But the edge between the natural darkness of the underground realm and the twilight of the surface world is rife with hazard and enemy.
Antagonists: Aberrations, Drow, Dire Beasts, Illithids, Aboleths, Kuo-Toa
- Natural Disturbances
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Liboko, Sikyatavo, Yansa
Description: Mixed campaign (Aboriginal Adventures). Preserving and protecting the beauty of nature seems vital to these guardians. But nature often disrupts and unravels itself. The guardians are forced to question their purpose when nature’s perfection is its very imperfect activity.
Antagonists: Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Lycans, Elementals, Dragons
- Nursery Rhymes
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Tomm, Werind
Description: Classic campaign. Not all of Cael is the life of high adventure and wonders untold. Those who stay home and farm and tend to the herds are often lowly peasants. But not only commoners are interested in the provincial life of agriculture. These potent developers contend with threats to the environment they hope to master.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Swarms, Giant Insects, Plants, Magical Beasts, Orcs
- Our Home
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Dolf, Erahai, Ror
Description: Classic campaign. Swamps aren't the prettiest places on the planet. Not everyone who lives in them are evil, however. Some just dwell there...and can prove quite valiant and resilient against would-be invaders and enemies.
Antagonists: Orcs, Hags, Black Dragons, Vermin, Undead
- Our Typhoon
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Kang, Liling, Meifeng
Description: Mixed campaign (Oriental Adventures). Making their bid to unseat the moon elves’ dynasty over Wutao, the storm elves tap their strength. They seek to control and channel the wrath of nature itself, and turn it against their cruel cousins.
Antagonists: Celestials, Elementals, Fiends, Giants, Magical Beasts, Moon Elves
- Out of Darkness
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Shiry, Xulanam, Zakisn
Description: Classic campaign (Drow Adventures). These dark elves dare to shrug off their origins and the dark reach of Sivarnatta. But such brazenness is not without cost or answer, and it seems only by fate and fortune that these drow and allies find each other to fend off their kin’s hateful punishment.
Antagonists: Drow, Driders, Quaggoths, Mind Flayers, Dire Animals, Elementals, Fiends
- Passions of Nature
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Dlan, Thaqas
Description: Mixed campaign. The essence of nature isn’t chaos but life itself. And in that life there is vibrancy and vigor. To be true to nature, one must be true to desires and hungers. These savages make it a point to do just that.
Antagonists: Elves, Fey, Giants, Magical Beasts, Orcs
- The Path
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Alila, Bing, Qenya, Saul
Description: Classic campaign. Marching across the plains and hills and highways of Cael, these exotic monks explore their physical discipline and spiritual philosophy. In their travels, they clash with many wild and unrestrained enemies who give them ample opportunity to test their skills.
Antagonists: Bugbears, Gnolls, Brigands, Satyrs
- Pool of Wonder
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Thetissa, Nennet
Description: Mixed campaign. Denizens of a briny inlet struggle to keep their private pool safe and inviolate against constant incursion from greedy and needy outsiders.
Antagonists: Animals, Aquatic Elves, Dragons, Elementals, Kapoacinths, Lacedons, Locathah, Merfolk, Sahuagin, Scrags
- Power of Knowledge
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Diamnulmaln, Lymner, Remus
Description: Classic campaign. Great lore and mystical and sacred truths bear guardianship. Many would steal and exploit that knowledge to inflict great harm on the world. These wardens of temples and libraries broach no trespass.
Antagonists: Wizards, Sorcerers, Ogre Mages, Undead, Elementals, Constructs
- Preserved Whimsy
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Owin, Yara
Description: Mixed campaign. The deep woods of Elan are no place to trespass. The inhabitants of this land either dislike outsiders, or like them very, very much. Either way, would-be heroes and hapless travelers will soon learn that this forest is not to be bothered.
Antagonists: Elves, Fey, Humans, Giants, Magical Beasts, Orcs
- The Price of Magic
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Kian, Robin
Description: Classic campaign. The spell components wizards use to throw their sorceries come from somewhere. And most don't have time to hunt down the rarer components themselves and just buy them at a herb or magic shop. But the proprietors have to get their goods from somewhere, too. That's where this party comes in: defeating mythical beasts and tricking entities of the elements for bits and pieces turns a pretty penny…but it's dangerous work, too.
Antagonists: Magical Beasts, Evil Wizards/Sorcerers, Rogues, Fey, Elementals
- Proteus
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Aborr, Egant, Teireu
Description: Mixed campaign. Seaborne Vanirok begin to rise from slumber. Either they have returned from banishment, or escaped it in the depths of the ocean all along. But they slowly return and influence affairs of civilization from the wide reaches of the great seas.
Antagonists: Celestials, Fiends, Dragons, Elementals, Magical Beasts, Giants
- Purlieu of Nature
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Belin, Deludith, Erelam, Elrothiel, Isolia, Kagdush
Description: Mixed campaign. In the depths of the wilderness, far from civilization, elf and orc find they must occasionally work together to overcome hateful foes far worse than either common race. Such enemies seek to overthrow and subjugate nature itself and turn it against its willful denizens. These naturalists of multiple persuasion must uncover and destroy such collaborating conspirators before it is too late and they have no home or life.
Antagonists: Orcs, Dire Animals, Troglodytes, Kobolds
- Pursuit of Genius
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Sirade, Tink
Description: Classic campaign. In the fair city of Commorancy, a powerful university of wizardry stands. Here only the brightest students are admitted to learn and harness the most arcane secrets. Others seek to steal that knowledge. These mages must defend what they hold most valuable without being consumed by it.
Antagonists: Aberrations, Elementals, Githyanki, Humans, Lynthari, Medusas
- Ragged Steppes
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Juman, Latifa, Menus, Nura, Walid
Description: Mixed campaign (Arabian Adventures). In the arid lands of Yadahn, magic and faith are often intertwined, and both are desperately needed. Terrible foes and worse doom threatens these folks’ very lives, and they find themselves forced to turn inwards for success.
Antagonists: Genies, Dire Animals, Mephits, Elementals, Fiends, Celestials
- Ready to Go
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Darjan, Gaeryn
Description: Classic campaign. The perfect team is ready to seek treasure and fortune in the most hazardous of places. This classic group of adventurers hone their blades and chant their spells in preparation for the trials that prelude glory.
Antagonists: Aberrations, Goblinoids, Golems, Humans, Magical Beasts, Vermin
- Reckoning Values
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Charmaine, Ira-lesunar, Ve
Description: Classic campaign. Drow, duergar, svirfneblin, deep dwarves, and deep halflings don't really get along. But on rare occasion, they must work together to survive and confront creatures of far darker intent than their own territorial pissings. Maybe this band shall even find some measure of tolerance for each other in the conflicts ahead.
Antagonists: Derro, Drow, Grimlocks, Mind Flayers, Aboleths
- Redistribution of Property
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Bamli, Calan, Gloibur, Lanora, Nuldor
Description: Classic campaign. Theft, whether by burglary, robbery, or brigandry, takes wealth from one and redistributes it to another, often the criminal himself. It’s always for self-gratification, if caution only to avoid hurting the victims too much. Regardless, nobody just stands around lets themselves be robbed.
Antagonists: Humans, Paladins, Clerics, Vermin, Animals
- Riches Untold
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Havan, Jella, Owak
Description: Classic campaign. Bandits and predators of all species threaten this caravan. These mercenary heroes were employed to guard it against all comers and see it safely back and forth between major trading posts. In the bargain, they come face to face with the rapacity of those unwilling and unable to make anything of value themselves.
Antagonists: Dragons, Goblinoids, Humans, Orcs, Troglodytes
- Ring of Rakes
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Anaviel, Miodien, Tandel, Yawyn
Description: Classic campaign. While others fight for wealth or power, these heroes fight for respect and for the thrill of it. They are rakes, men and women, who live for the excitement of the unrestrained life. And their attitudes find them more than enough rivals and adversaries to test their might on.
Antagonists: Humans, Elves, Orcs, Goblinoids, Ogres, Trolls, Giants
- Ripples of the Void
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Lirro, Esan, Ulysses
Description: Mixed campaign. Merfolk and sea elves tend to stay worried more about their own ocean territories. But they can't always keep their heads stuck in the seafloor sand…especially when the trenches are disgorging terrible, diabolic threats indeed.
Antagonists: Locathah, Sahuagin, Dire Animals, Ixitxachitl
- Road to Glory
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Tilannor, Zalidus
Description: Classic campaign. Heroes come in all stripe, and some just want nothing more than to conquer their enemies and take all the treasure for themselves. They work together against the greatest threats to their liberty and success, a loose band of barbarian champions!
Antagonists: Humans, Ogres, Trolls, Giants, Nagas, Chromatic Dragons
- Roughhewn
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Fromund, Murbog, Ravyne, Thorir
Description: Mixed campaign. Barbarians, berserkers, and raiders lash out to secure their own little niches in the world. While carving out that territory, of course, they run afoul of other would-be conquerors, not to mention “civilized” opposition.
Antagonists: Warriors, Wizards, Barbarians, Orcs, Goblinoids, Giants
- Scratching Post
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Mosi, Tendai
Description: Mixed campaign (Aboriginal Adventures). Cats! Prowling, pouncing, predatory. Karousi and allies stalk the savannah and jungles in Kukul, seeking more than survival but also the secrets of their kind.
Antagonists: Karousi, Gnolls, Humans, Grimlocks, Sorcerers, Magical Beasts
- Shadows in the Jungle
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Elroniel, Galaviel, Goignar, Mallyra, Uraralinde
Description: Mixed campaign. Deep in the southern jungles, ancient ruins are hidden. Within those ruins, countless dangers and secrets await. These explorers and sages are willing to test them all to gain all that the ruins may yield.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Dinosaurs, Magical Beasts, Dragons, Undead, Druids
- Shards of the Looking Glass
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Iresuk, Nadia, Tau
Description: Monster campaign. It's a strange world when demons and angels can't decide which side they're fighting for. Then again, maybe there is no "side", there's just good and evil. And together, these outsiders discover they have seeds for both forces in their souls. Maybe, just maybe, there will be some reconciliation...if their brethren don't destroy them first.
Antagonists: Fiends, Celestials, Dragons, Wizards, Clerics, Paladins
- Slivered Reality
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Geoda, Khalid
Description: Mixed campaign. The Lower Kingdom is host to many different races and not all of them are wicked. Some simply choose to dwell there because they find comfort in the cool recesses of the deep. But those rare few creatures must defend their homes constantly from ever-expanding aggressors of the dark Underworld.
Antagonists: Aberrations, Drow, Duergar, Svirfneblin, Xorn
- Skin-Changers Abroad
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Antinanco, Chayton, Nosh, Tochtli
Description: Monster campaign (Aboriginal Adventures). The curse of lycanthropy in Kukul is frequently not a curse but a liberation for its victims. They join with the spirits of the animals and revel in the strength of their newfound lives. Of course, such lives hardly go uncontested.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Lycanthropes, Druids, Vermin, Magical Beasts
- Slayers
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Aliina, Kann, Oliawin, Sebur, Tolo
Description: Classic campaign. Monsters beware: these hunters train and live to stalk their hated enemies down. Of course, those enemies don’t go down without a fight. And when their missions contraindicate each other, they’re faced with the deadliest of threats: each other.
Antagonists: Humans, Orcs, Undead, Goblinoids, Dragons
- Spirits of the Earth and Wind
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Azubuike, Helushka, Makena, Muscowequan, Zitkala
Description: Mixed campaign (Aboriginal Adventures). In Kukul, spirits of the land and elements and beasts are revered as messengers of the gods. They often take human form or through shamanism are channeled. They provide wisdom and justice alike. Therefore are they forever pitted against forces of wickedness and injustice.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Elementals, Mephits, Oozes, Undead, Fiends
- Stakes
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Arik, Firk
Description: Classic campaign. An old vet of the vampire-hunting crusade in northern Verdentia gathers unlikely allies. So combined, they can put an ancient family feud to rest and gain unexpected glory and fortune.
Antagonists: Fiends, Humans, Necromancers, Orcs, Undead
- State of War
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Guzo, Manai, Tamiko
Description: Classic campaign (Oriental Adventures). The Age of Warring States rages across Wutao. Enlisted by hook or crook into the battle are these remarkable warriors, who fight for their lord and face unspeakable acts of war, all in the name of unifying the land and bringing peace.
Antagonists: Humans, Moon Elves, Aomatic Dragons, Necromancers, Undead
- Stolen Rainbow
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Angus, Ryn
Description: Monster campaign. Blending stout spirit with impassable quickness of body and mind, these sprites do whatever they must to secure their personal assets. They'll even strike down fellow sprites if they dare play their silly pranks at the expense of what's theirs!
Antagonists: Bullywugs, Elves, Fey, Halflings, Kobolds
- Stolen Redemption
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Siolas, Voiruk
Description: Classic campaign. Not all is well in the elvish capitol of Selene. As noble families collapse, a crisis of rulership begins, and hope for the future seems to loom only in broadening the scope of the kingdom. But this means overcoming eons of mistrust and traditionalists that vow to stop change at any cost, despite the enemies at the gate eager to pounce on such an opportunity.
Antagonists: Elves, Elementals, Orcs, Ogres, Ogre Magi, Undead
- Strict Territories
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Howahkan, Pahana, Tadi
Description: Classic campaign (Aboriginal Adventures). In Kukul, isolationism is common. These xenophobic denizens seek to preserve their culture against all comers, driving away and punishing those who violate their strict borders and cultural norms.
Antagonists: Barbarians, Orcs, Elves, Fey, Drow, Lizardfolk, Dragons
- Survival of the Fit
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Geirrod, Jil, Laniograb, Riliral
Description: Classic campaign. Surviving the chilly wastes of Mautos demands more than heavy clothes. The denizens of the far north are deadly and beastly. They must contend with the environmental hazards as well as the aggressive beasts and giants. Unsurprisingly, even with their best efforts to protect the “weak”, only the “strong” survive.
Antagonists: Animals, Magical Beasts, White Dragons, Giants, Ogres
- Tales of Liberty
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Dolos, Gimzor, Miranda, Revron, Jasmine (Kami)
Description: Classic campaign. Music should be free, just like its talented purveyors, to soar across the lands and liberate the cruel and just alike.
Antagonists: Drow, Giants, Hobgoblins, Humans, Wargs
- Tangled Brush
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Einar, Sargon, Steyn, Elindara (Mai-p)
Description: Classic campaign. The woods are a frightening place for civilized folk...and they aren't forgiving to the uncivilized either.
Antagonists: Trolls, Giants, Orcs, Troglodytes, Lizardfolk, Magical Beasts, Animals
- The Eye
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Fai-nofre, Horesi, Nesu, Taharka
Description: Mixed campaign (Arabian Adventures). The kemeri of the ancient and classical realms in Yadahn deny the one god and instead worship the sun god face of Heru-Ra, their ancient deity. The blessings of the sun god and his retinue reveal many secrets and powerful truths that these devotees pursue and protect.
Antagonists: Rogues, Wizards, Undead, Barbarians, Warriors, Drow, Troglodytes
- The Purple Zone
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Adrewinn, Qaregg
Description: Classic campaign. In a forward capitol of Verdentia not far from Darsix, the people rely on the armies of their country to protect them from darkling hordes. Within that city lies an area demarcated for the nobles and intellectuals of Verdentia that live a privileged life…when they aren’t risking their necks fighting off the savages. Maintaining the people’s trust soon becomes as vital as vanquishing the enemy.
Antagonists: Orcs, Goblinoids, Ogres, Assassins, Humans, Chromatic Dragons
- The Show
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Ghamonk, Kabelo, Mezan, Omobolaji, Sawler, Vuduin
Description: Mixed campaign. The circus has come to town! An extragavanza of music, marvels, and prestidigitation travels from place to place. They face persecution as nomads, but also must deal with the hazards of the perennial road.
Antagonists: Animals, Rogues, Brigands, Kobolds, Orcs, Wyverns, Drow
- The Wild Trago
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Abraxas, Balios, Eton, Hypatos, Khrysaor, Ligeia, Linos, Lykaon, Silenos
Description: Monster campaign. An entire cadre of fauns dances and carouses its way through the forest and woodland settlements. No mortals or monsters are safe near these satyrs’ perpetual party.
Antagonists: Humans, Elves, Orcs, Fey, Dire Animals
- Thornhedge
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Jand, Kanto, Siltar, Xor
Description: Mixed campaign. Nature is far from accommodating and friendly in these woods and meadows. According to its fey and elvish protectors, Nature tires of interlopers, and nothing short of blood will satisfy her vengeance.
Antagonists: Humans, Orcs, Troglodytes, Hags, Ogres, Hill Giants, Green Dragons