Nayati Shilah
Nayati Shilah is a young man of exotic origin. His skin is light-brown and his features all dark. He has thick black hair that drapes back to his shoulders loosely. Nayati's brown-eyed gaze is sharp and attentive, illustrating an astute mind despite his simple-looking weapons and dress. He's nearly six feet tall and almost 180 pounds, giving him a tough build upon which training and practice honed into an effective weapon. Nayati moves as if always stalking prey, possessing a lithe stride akin to a mountain lion. His powerful limbs and weathered health make it seem as if he could wrestle a cougar, too. The great axe he hoists over one shoulder, its huge blade really just one large and honed edge of flint tied to a stout oak haft, makes grappling an unlikely proposition. A sturdy long bow is slid through a backpack of general gear. Bolas are looped over his belt in easy reach. Nayati wears a tunic of heavy leather fitted with misshapen iron slugs. Soft doe-skin boots mute his passage over the earth, helping him stay unnoticed by larger predators in the wild…at least until he can get the drop on them.
Nayati derived from the Shilah people found among the Mazzali Islands of Southern Kukul. They traded with the Zaharans and Wutao-jin peoples when those "more advanced" civilizations passed through their isles. But they were a self-reliant folk and rarely bartered for the luxuries these other peoples enjoyed. Nayati was born only a quarter-century ago, and his hearty father made sure the youth adapted well to the challenges of the wilderness and sea alike. Nayati delved into the heart of the islands' jungles as well as fished on the shores of the ocean. He grew to manhood and made his family proud with his strength, vigor, and skill. Unfortunately, he could not control nature, and the tribe's shamans could not appease it. Famine struck the Mazzali Islands. So when traders from Wutao appeared by ship, Nayati hired himself out as a wilderness guide to these merchants in exchange for a supply of food for the Shilah to get them through the dry season. It was not a decision he made lightly, but he did not regret it. But the ship he joined later wrecked somewhere in the vast continent of Wutao. He had no idea where he was and there was no sign of the sailors who employed him. Nayati was alone in a strange and distant place and could only do what he was trained to do: survive.
Nayati is quiet, determined, and resolute. He lacks any ambitious agenda except to live at peace with nature and make his family and tribe proud. He wants to return to his homeland as soon as he can, but is utterly clueless as to how to do that. Nayati realizes he could strike a new deal with some local folk who could arrange another voyage by ship or an even more expeditious and magical route. But there are many obstacles to overcome first, he knows.
Nayati will gladly just follow the ranger class to mastery (20th level+) and beyond as an epic hunter and survivalist.
Character Sheet