Campaign: Desert Truths
Race: Sphinx
Subrace: Androsphinx
Type: Magical Beast
Class: Cleric
Subclass: Elementalist
Concept: Philosopher
Level: 1
Level Adjustment: +5
XP: 0 (1,000/3,000)
Station: MM
Origin: Tinder Islands, Darsix
Current Residence: Southwestern Aria Desert, Verdentia
Hit Points: 232
Hit Dice: 12d10+96 and 1d8+8
Size: L
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Move: 50 ft., fly 80 ft. (poor)
Gender: M
Skin/Eyes/Hair: Tawny/gold/yellow
Apparent Age: 27
Real Age: 182
Height/Weight: 10'2"/872 lb.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Zehut
Strength: 32 (+11)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 26 (+8)
Intelligence: 20 (+5)
Wisdom: 24 (+7)
Charisma: 20 (+5)
Saving Throws
Fortitude: +18
Reflex: +11
Will: +13
Initiative: +1
Base Attack Bonus: +12/+7/+2
Grapple: +27
Melee: +22
Ranged: +14
Armor Class *: 28=10+0+0+3+-1+13+4+-1
Armor Class (flat-footed): 25=10+0+0+-1+13+4+-1
Armor Class (vs. touch attacks): 15=10+3+-1+4+-1
* AC: total=base (10)+armor+shield+Dexterity+size+natural+magic+miscellaneous
Flyby Attack
Improved Natural Attack (claw)
Power Attack
Eschew Materials
Ability Focus (roar)
Great Cleave
Improved Turning
Special Abilities (Racial)
Leonine toughness (+13 natural AC)
Flight (poor)
Darkvision 60 ft.
Low-light vision
Rake +7 (2d6+5)
Roar: 3/day -- 1st roar, 500 ft. (fear, 2d6 rounds, Will DC 23); if 2nd and 3rd roars made in the same encounter, additional effects occur as follows -- 2nd roar, 250 ft. (paralysis, 1d4 rounds, Fort DC 23, 90 ft. deafness 2d6 rounds), 3rd roar, 250 ft. (2d4 Strength damage for 2d4 rounds, Fort DC 23, Medium or smaller in 90 ft. radius thrown down and take 2d8 damage, Fort DC 23, while crystalline objects take 50 points of damage, magic/carried items save at Ref DC 23)
Clerical mastery (cast divine spells as 6th-level cleric)
Natural attacks: 2 claws +22 (2d6+11)
Favored Class: Cleric
Special Abilities (Class)
Divine (cleric) spells
Aura of chaotic good
No lawful or evil spells
Spontaneous casting (cure spells)
Turn undead: 8/day (+3)
Domain: Air -- 8/day, turn earth creatures or rebuke air creatures (+2)
Domain: Animal -- 1/day, speak with animals; nature master
Elementalist: casting time for air spells reduced by one time increment, minimum of free action and maximum full-round action
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple
Armor Proficiencies: Light, medium, heavy, shields (save tower)
Class: Cleric
Spells Per Day: 6/6+1/5+1/4+1/2+1/0/0/0/0/0
Spells Memorized (typical) *: Level 0: detect magic, read magic, detect poison, create water, light, guidance; Level 1: shield of faith, divine favor, detect evil, command, remove fear, protection from evil, calm animals*; Level 2: eagle's splendor, owl's wisdom, lesser restoration, zone of truth, remove paralysis, wind wall*; Level 3: dominate animal*, dispel magic, invisibility purge, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse; Level 4: death ward, neutralize poison, summon nature's ally IV*; Level 5: --; Level 6: --; Level 7: --; Level 8: --; Level 9: --
* Domain or Specialty School bonus spell
Maximum Class Ranks: 16/8
Appraise +5, Balance +3, Bluff +6, Climb +11, Concentration +18, Decipher Script +6, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +5, Escape Artist +4, Forgery +3, Gather Information +5, Handle Animal +6, Heal +10, Hide +0, Intimidate +16, Jump +12, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (geography) +11, Knowledge (history) +11, Knowledge (nature) +11, Knowledge (religion) +11, Knowledge (planes) +11, Listen +12, Move Silently +4, Ride +3, Search +6, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +17, Spot +12, Survival +12, Swim +11, Use Rope +3
Languages: Common, Common (Yadahn), Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Ignan, Sphinx, Terran
Ammunition: --
Worn Clothes: --
General Gear: Spell component pouch (2)
Home Possessions: --
Magic Items: Ring of protection +4 (0)
Spell Components (valuable): Silver dust (25), holy water & silver dust (50), incense & pen (50), pair of platinum rings (100), incense & powdered diamond (200), diamond dust (100)
Weight: 2 lb. (Light Load: 2,076 lb.)
Platinum: 0
Gold: 170
Silver: 0
Copper: 0
Gems: --
Art/Miscellaneous: --
Code of Honor: none
Honor: 15
Reputation: +0