Leon Midi


Only human, no greater hero could be found. Leon appears noble, tall, and striking in his knightly stoicism. The paladin keeps his brown hair trimmed short, but favors a thick and drooping moustache under his nose. Although well armed and well-built, Leon seems gentle and attentive more than dangerous and ferocious. His faith is a quiet sort rather than the rampaging "hero" hell-bent on righteousness. Leon is still young, particularly for his clerical profession, at 24. He's 6'2" and weighs 177 pounds, but much more when geared for war. Then he carries a finely crafted steel long sword that radiates pale-blue light when drawn. Leon also wears the full armament befitting a knight: steel plate armor shells his body head to toe. The fine suit is decorated with slender, serpentine golden dragon motifs, and he compliments the armor further with a broad steel shield fitted with a deadly center spike. When this paladin marches into the warpath, evil has a difficult time getting past the holy might of Sir Leon Midi.


Leon Midi was born in 888 and grew up in the nation of Artos in a very militant household of petty noble heritage. Though wealthy, his parents were very penitent and charitable. His father was a knight of renown in the capitol of Steele. Leon learned the warrior ways from his sire. When he came of age, he took the arms and honor of the Church of Kapponius. Recognized as a paladin after passing a test of valor and wisdom, young Sir Leon Midi was shipped over to Ursine where more strength of arms was required. There he began his term of service to the state of Artos against the evils of the world.


Leon is a reserved gentleman of powerful presence and imposing bearing. The paladin always stands tall with a humble pride and a fervent resolve. Leon isn't a preachy paladin, only one who upholds civic virtue and order at all costs. For his selfless devotion, he is rewarded with great might. Leon doesn't stroll around like some self-important knight. He can even be mistaken for a low-ranking nobleman in some middle-rank civic job where the responsibility outweighs the privileges. That is unless, of course, Leon is carrying his keen blade and bedecked in his shiny steel field plate.


Leon will master his Paladin class (20th level) before he even thinks of multi-classing. His most likely choice would be to become a Cleric and master that class (to 20th level).

Character Sheet