Krond Gurion
No race is more feared and despised throughout Cael than the orc. And it is because of orcs like Krond Gurion that that reputation is maintained. For while orcs have their share of great warriors, it is the terrifying dominion of evil that they worship that inspires such fear in civilized folk. And Krond is one of his race’s brightest and best dark priests. Serving Povidarr, bearing that god’s twisted moon-face as unholy symbol everywhere he goes and on everything he owns, Krond marches among his people with his chin high. Let them be marauding animals! Krond is a voice of the gods themselves, destined to lead his people beyond their petty squabbles to greater glory still. Of course, Krond is an orc to the bone, and even a dark cleric like he must respect his race’s love of strength. Thus, he wears his black-stained chain mail well despite its weight. His well-muscled body, boasting over six feet in height and 215 pounds, supports it easily enough. And the morningstar he wields can shatter shields and skulls as easily as any common warrior’s. His gray skin and black hair is well-kept for an orc, giving him an almost refined appearance. But the yellow eyes, combined with the piggish nose, jutting tusks, and canted ears, returns him to a lupine reflection. Worse, an air of foul odor, like rotting incense, clings to Krond wherever he goes. He is a servant of the night, and a long and wicked night it will be when he sees he and his god’s will done.
Of all the savage races that occupy the city of Lupis in Darsix, none were as populous and mighty as the orc. Dozens of orc clans dwelled in that place. One of the smaller but most frightening clans was the Jarbites. They knew shady orc-lore from ages past and commanded some of the most fearsome priests and adepts the race ever knew. Krond had the honor of being born into this clan 23 years ago. From an early age, like all orcs, he was schooled in the ways of brutal and worldly combat – offer and expect no quarter, he learned. Krond learned too that the orcs were destined to conquer the entire world and take all bounty for themselves. All peoples would pay tribute if they expected orcish mercy. And this destiny could only be fulfilled with strength – strength found more readily in men than women. Krond was raised to believe all this, but he found his mind wandering to what mysteries and frights lay in the dark. True, orcs knew the night well, but Povidarr, lord of the night, knew it best of all. His interests brought him to the Temple of the Broken Moon in Lupis, where Povidarr succored Krond into a deep torpor and spoke to him there of the role he could play. Faith sparked, Krond became a willing vessel for Povidarr’s dark powers and darker allies. Preparing for a journey, Krond the cleric looked forward to the future he would help carve.
Like all orcs, Krond is all about domination and strength. He believes strength takes physical and mental forms. For an orc, Krond proves quite forceful of personality as well as cunning and physique. He knows he is a born leader and does not hesitate to drive doubters into submission through magic or might. Ultimately, Krond is a patron of the orc’s party line, but with a darker twist. While the orcs will let other races survive with proper tributes and submission, Krond wants to see he and his race thrive only after every enemy endures the deep and abiding curse of eternal shadow.
Krond will pursue the cleric class to mastery (20th level+) and then take up the prestige class of hierophant.
Character Sheet