Kilar Thordi


An unusual specimen of hill dwarf, Kilar Thordi stands out in part because of the ascetic shortness of his rusty-brown hair. While dwarves are known for their flowing beards, Kilar’s facial hair is trimmed short, blending into his ruddy tanned skin. From those shades of brown and orange shine warm eyes as blue as the sea. Kilar is not unusual in how his 4’5” and 160 pound frame is filled out broadly with muscle and endurance. His lighter hair contrasts handsomely with a pair of black pantaloons and matching vest. His dark-brown leather boots are well worn from travel on the road. But the silver mantle draped over his shoulders and chest draw more attention than Kilar’s steady feet. The emblems of Veratir Hammering decorate that mantle. The holy insignia is repeated on a silver ring on the dwarf’s finger. Of course, the ring is hidden often under the gauntlets of full chain mail. Kilar keeps the mantle over top the armor at least, but his hands are often busy clasping a broad shield of oak in one hand and an axe with a double-headed blade nearly as broad in the other. Despite his arms, Kilar’s openhearted personality warms through the cold steel. But because of his arms, he is clearly no mere layman. He is a holy warrior of Veratir, and not to be taken lightly.


The Thordis were a noble household in Brime, capitol of the hill dwarves in the land of Hale. They were known as a good-natured, generous, and upbeat family. All of their activities bore a religious undertone if they did not in fact coincide with the temples’ holy days. Indeed, many a cleric of Veratir and other dwarven gods derived from the Thordi Clan. It was into this family that Kilar was born in 857 AK. Combat training, too, was a standard part of the Thordi lifestyle, both because of the fact that they were nobles and dwarves. It was that marriage of war and religion that turned Kilar down the path of paladin. He knew it was the right path, and he submitted his will to the teachings of the Temple of Veratir Hammering and father of the dwarven race. The night before Kilar was to be knighted, he was granted a vision of his destiny. He was to help save the land from the enemies of his people, to drive out the evils that infested the wilderness beyond the light of dwarven civilization. He swore to uphold that quest the day of his knighting, and Sir Kilar’s special honor was received with great pomp and ceremony. Although untested, Kilar felt confident in his many years of training and skill. He went forth from Brime to begin his pursuit of justice and righteousness.


Kilar is always honest and forthright. Though driven, he is not pushy or self-righteous. He is compassionate to all good dwarves (duergar are not considered good!). He also proves tolerant among other races save the savage ones – those he is mistrustful and guarded, ready to axe any who would perform evil in his view and thus extend their necks to his good justice. No matter Kilar’s quest of the hour, however, he is always an inspired knight and religiously devoted.


Kilar will always pursue the paladin class, taking it to epic (20th-level+) levels and beyond.

Character Sheet