Kian Eth


Slender and not unattractive, the half-elf named Kian Eth exudes mystery and sagacity. The mixed breed does nothing to hide his elven heritage, allowing his slightly swept back ears to peek through short and well-kept black hair. Bright green eyes scan the area, constantly searching for something new or undiscovered. Kian is tall for his type at 5'6", indicative of a healthy human parent, and he weighs 142 pounds. He seems to have inherited his elvish side's penchant for sorcery, however, as he prides himself on rich, velvety red robes. The robes are bound with a silk cord about his waist, to which numerous pouches are attached, as well as a sheathed dagger. A solid quarterstaff cut from willow wood rests in his grasp, though he doesn't lean on it at all. It's more symbolic of his profession than a walking aid for the healthy half-elf. Kian doesn't appear to be more than 25 or so, though his eyes collect many more years of wisdom in their depths. It seems he's always looking for more, too.


Kian Eth was born and raised in the town of Entre, Elan, the first son of his human father and elven mother thirty years ago. His father was a protector of the town through patrolling its surrounding sylvan wilderness -- a ranger. His mother was a lovely and wise maiden of a more sorcerous profession. Kian inherited his father's health and respect for life while also enjoying his mother's talent for magic and "the Art". Even before he was formally trained, Kian demonstrated keen skill for simple cantrips just by observing his mother practice. In time, she taught him properly, focusing on the universally helpful spells of divination. She didn't want Kian to close himself off to different possibilities, and only failed to school him in necromancy (a shadowy art of which she knew nothing herself). When he was old enough, his much older father encouraged the young man to seek his own fortune. With his skill at divination, seeking a fortune was just what Kian had in mind. After living such an isolated life with his parents in their woodlands cabin, he looked forward to getting to know other folk better. He set out on the road with a staff and all the sorcerous materials with which his mother could supply, eager to hook up with a fellow traveler, and expand his knowledge all the further.


Kian is a curious intellectual, beholden to no particular ethics save that "knowledge should be sought". Nothing is too taboo for him to poke into, although he just can't wrap his head around the secrets of necromancy. That's probably just as well, and it will help him stay away from at least some forces of corruption. The half-elf appreciates nature and the simple but good things in life, and really lacks any major ambitions besides acquiring as much magical knowledge as possible. Nothing stimulates his mind more.


Kian will pursue the profession of wizard until mastery (20th level+), and thereafter the diviner may take up the Prestige Class of loremaster.

Character Sheet