Kedawen Eustis


A flurry of force and determination dispose Kedawen Eustis into focus. The warrior is a tall and sturdily built human female whose honed form is encased in favored steel: protective plating from the greaves to the visored helm, and to the broad kite shield clutched in the left gauntlet. In her right hand, a deadly flail swings. Behind the helm, a hint of pale golden hair may be detected, pasted sweatily to her creamy skin. But the washed-out sea blue eyes are hard with the mercenary drive of war, ambition, and bloodlust. She’s not only “one of the boys”, her skill and ferocity rises her above the rest. None get past her without at least a scar, and that’s in one of her rare generous moods.


Twenty-four years ago, Kedawen Eustis was a household name only in her birth home. She was born and raised in a small mining camp in western Praetoria. Her father was a roughneck who knew pick and shovel. Her mother was a camp whore who knew nothing else. Kedawen would have followed her mother’s footsteps had she not shown aptitude early on for scrapping. Always a tall and muscular young lady, she started her career in her adolescence as an ass-kicker for the brothel, better than any hired goon (she didn’t require “freebies” as part of her compensation). The Praetorian imperial garrison noted her, and a centurion took the girl under wing and trained her in the phalanx fighting arts. He was a decent if cold man, never demanding any “favors” in return. He only expected her to enlist when she was old enough.

But the opportunity never arrived. The camp was set upon by a marshaled force of hobgoblins out of Darsix. The garrison fought bravely but was vanquished. Everyone scattered. Kedawen escaped their enemies but found herself homeless. She scavenged weapons along the way and found her way across the border. There she found an army composed largely of humans, mercenary in nature, open to the highest bidder. She pledged her service to that group and served them loyally, despite knowing she might someday be set against her homeland’s imperial forces. She never felt any particular loyalty anyway: she had had a hard early start, and expected life to always be that cold, that hard.


Kedawen expects and prepares for the worst. Given her usual company, she is rarely disappointed. She fights her way through all obstacles, a fierce heart and ruthless temperament helping her maintain independence and earn her keep and colleagues’ respect. She is a phalanx fighter, and therefore has trained herself to be resilient in mind as well as body. The disciplined young woman may go far, and shall likely need to leave behind her mercenary battalion as she outgrows their venal limitations. But her shield will always be for sale. Nothing else, of course.


Kedawen will maintain her fighter class traditions to epic levels and beyond (20th-level+).

Character Sheet