Jhak Ravoz


A huge and hulking beast, Jhak Ravoz remains an imposing figure of nightmare. When he isn’t half-slouched, Jhak towers over ten feet tall. Almost 700 pounds back up the ogre’s immense musculature – the strength of bears. He is like most ogres, his thick, warty hide a sickly yellow in hue. His black hair is stringy and greasy and permitted to hang freely to his shoulders. The acrid stench of unwashed ogre-sweat and corrupted earth lingers about the monster. Yet the glint in Jhak’s beady black eyes reveals that he’s a brute but not a stupid brute. Indeed, his superiors clearly saw Jhak’s potential. He was well-armed with custom-designed plates of steel, especially a broad breastplate splashed with a bloody handprint. In hand, Jhak totes a massive war-axe, the sharp blade keen and unbroken and as wide as the dark dwarf that forged it for him. Jhak is more than a warrior. He’s an ogre chief in the making, a beast-of-war with an unmatched fury.


Jhak Ravoz only recently turned 13 years old, but that was a mature age for his short-lived race. Still in the scant few decades this ogre was given, it seemed clear that the dark gods intended great deeds for him to accomplish. Even as an ogreling, he proved mightier and bigger and even smarter than his kin. As he grew to adulthood, Jhak came to realize his potential. He was raised in ogre camps in the savage city of Lupis, there to learn all the wilderness lore and fighting skills a berserker marauder like he needed to know. Feeling ready, he left Lupis without warning and traveled north into the Sonodell Mountains. There he would seek his own fortune and come into the glory Vaprak and all the gods of his kind expected.


Jhak is a monster of the highest (lowest?) caliber. He takes what he wants from who he wants, when and where he wants. Few can stop a monster like he and he knows it. Delighting in his peerlessness, Jhak is naïve enough to get himself into a fight he can’t win. When that day inevitably comes, he will surely fall without aid from fellow destroyers like himself. While not averse to allies even of other species, Jhak is big-headed enough to feel he must be in charge.


Jhak will pursue the barbarian class to mastery (20th level+) and beyond, content to just be the world’s most fearsome berserker ogre to date.

Character Sheet