Jebeddo "Cloverhye" Kauken


Jebeddo is only two feet tall, but his intellect towers much, much higher. The gnome's skin is naturally baked brown and his hair, complete with goatee, matches. But his eyes shine like the emeralds for which his home was named. Cloverhye wears a simple set of brown, scholarly robes, complete with a forest green mantle. The gnome often carries a stout oak staff of three feet length. Sometimes a dagger is sheathed near his spell component pouches; he might even boast a crossbow. But he normally relies on his potent illusions, summoned as readily as the twinkling stars that seem to halo the gnome sometimes.


The Emerald Forest of Chrystana was home to many sorts of fey and their sylvan friends, such as the forest gnomes. Though shy and reclusive to outsiders, these small gnomes were particularly clannish amongst themselves. The Kaukens were an especially broad family (as forest gnomes go), particularly well-known for their illusory magic talents. Jebeddo was the most recent iteration of this mystical legacy. He studied and trained hard at the arcane arts and honed his intellect and magical grace both. Jebeddo knew he had to prepare himself for trials ahead. He did not shy from the responsibilities of power. And his beautiful home was often threatened by avaricious forces in the world, like goblins and kobolds. Jebeddo knew he would be spending much of his long life fighting such villains off. For his growing power, he was nicknamed "Cloverhye" -- in the woods, he might be as short as the tiniest clovers, but his greatness was rising as high as the canopy.


Jebeddo is like most forest gnomes when around strangers: practically invisible. But among friends, Cloverhye proves outgoing, charming, and humorous. The gnome likes "good" company, especially folk who don't mind a prank or two.


Jebeddo will pursue the Wizard class to mastery (20th level) and beyond, becoming the greatest Illusionist around.

Character Sheet