Janus Nerthak
Big and blue-green adequately defines a first glance of Janus. He towers over most ogres at 10'1" and 718 pounds of rippling, giant muscle. This beast relies mainly on his dark blue skin's natural toughness for protection. Janus mainly just wears a leather hide tunic, surprisingly well-kempt, and a pair of wrist bracers. His black hair appears slick but lacks the stench of uncleanliness. He keeps it long and braided twice, cascading past lupine ears and ivory horns that jut six inches from his brow. The keen eyes of this ogre mage are black with stark white pupils. Matching are the tips of fingers and sharp teeth: black like his soul.
In the chilly Mautyn Hills of western Mautos, a number of ogre magi often congregated. Here Janus was born some 124 years ago. The environment was highly competitive and dangerous from the start. Early on, Janus learned to think and fend for himself. He received little compassion from his mother. As soon as he was old enough to take care of himself, Janus had to find his own home. Fortunately, he was sharper and stronger than most ogre magi. Janus could develop his sorcerous talents beyond the norm. Like all his race, he aged like an elf. So Janus had plenty of time to amass power, wealth, and a sense of boredom. The ogre mage got tired of feuding with other ogre mages. Taking his trove and a slave girl named Cassandra, whom he rescued from death on a troll-savaged farm, Janus moved from Mautos to the mainland. He traveled down to the Azure Woods of northern Darsix. There he settled into a new cave home (after chasing out a dire bear). Janus was seeking a new game to play, with new opponents. Who would qualify?
Janus Nerthak is a terrifying monster who is intent on terrorizing all those weaker than he into submission. He exacts clever schemes through a dangerous combination of brute force, relentless coercion, and wily persuasion. Janus is diabolic and ferocious, but he's no fool. Of course, he thinks little of all those weaker than his kind, including normal ogres. This selfish beast pays only lip service to the ogres' god, Vaprak. Only a vague and unusual concern for Cassandra reveals any decency in this ogre mage. Of course, that could just be possessiveness shining through.
Janus will pursue mastery of the Sorcerer profession (20th level) and probably develop these arts beyond mortal knowledge.
Character Sheet