Iapor Engarnet


Iapor Engarnet could be mistaken for a mountain himself. This big stone giant rises just over twelve and a half feet tall and weighs more than 1,700 pounds. His body is a dusty-gray like the limestone crags of a cool mountainside. Hairless, his body's incredibly powerful musculature is especially well sculpted and unbreakable-looking. Iapor's face is drawn into a solemn expression most often, and his black eyes seem alien and distant. Despite that he totes a huge club cut from granite, and that he wears military-grade hide tanned like a giant's suit of leather armor with engravings of the sun rising over the mountains on the cuirass, he does not look especially threatening. Perhaps this is due to Iapor's relaxed posture and distant attention. He has a large, sturdy burlap sack attached to the loop of his belt. Unlike many stone giants, he seems neither mischievous or elderly and wise. Iapor is just searching for the next best stone.


Iapor Engarnet was born to a typical nomadic stone giant tribe in 805 AK. The strapping youth reveled in his younger years, exploring the Cort Mountains that they called home. Like others of his kind, he enjoyed tossing rocks, making games out of the accuracy and power that he could generate. Iapor watched the older stone giants, however, taking his cues for behavior from them instead of his peers. Perhaps that was how it should have been anyway. Regardless, Iapor developed greater wisdom than average, and it seemed almost assured that he would rise to the status of Elder one day. His questioning and quiet nature separated him from the other adolescent stone giants.

Of course, a discerning and curious mind did not detract from Iapor's daily training in rock-throwing and other forms of battle. Indeed, his father was one of the greatest warriors of the tribe, and made sure his son carried on his skills. Iapor developed keen fighting abilities and inherited his father's heirlooms, the armor and club, when he peaked adulthood. However, Iapor's time in his tribe shortened when he began to question the Elders too much. He began to voice almost antagonistical complaints about the life of the stone giants, and how it was too uneventful and reclusive. Wasn't there more available in the world to do than play games with rocks and commune with the deep earth? Secretly, the Elders were pleased that Iapor questioned the lifestyle, but publicly they could not allow this behavior. Iapor was ordered to go forth and find his own answers to those questions. He bid his family and tribe farewell and without hesitation took to the mountainous road that he hoped would lead to greater truths and secrets than the Elders deemed to share.


As massive as Iapor is, he is quiet and unobtrusive. His ability to blend into rocky terrain avails this demeanor. When he does opt to speak, his voice is deep and contemplative, as if he were an Elder-in-training. Iapor prides himself on his strength, toughness, and fighting skills, and looks for decent excuses to flex those abilities on worthy adversaries. He's not wicked or "playful", but he's not a lay about mystic either. Iapor is an active giant seeking activity!


Iapor will honor his family tradition as a fighter as long as it takes for a transformation to the status of Elder occurs, at which time he may multi-class as sorcerer or cleric, depending on the predilections of his transformation.

Character Sheet