Hilel ibn Fahad
Forceful vectors of wind hint at the celestial arrival of Hilel ibn Fahad. This gentleman genie in his natural shape appears as a towering and well-built denizen of Yadahn. Naturally, he couldn't be mistaken for human at a height of 10'5", with almost 1,000 pounds backing up his dark-skinned musculature. A rakish grin occupies Hilel's features as he folds his arms across his mithral shirt-clad chest, exposing the sheathed falchion with the jeweled hilt at his waist. Hilel lacks hair on his head but sports a neat, thinly trimmed beard of dark hair. Although his expression is friendly and almost inviting, his elemental eyes can trigger unease in friend and foe alike. Nothing but white orbs dominate his gaze, and closer inspection suggests his gaze is pure wind compacted into tiny spaces and rushing about at gale-force speed. Hilel is handsome, divine, and dashing in the way one would expect a djinni to be. But there's no fencing in this creature of the wind. Only the sky is his limit.
In the City of Sand, deep in the Storm Heart Horizon of the Elemental Plane of Air, Hilel was born to his djinni family 743 years prior. There the young genie came to appreciate the finer things in life, for his family were particularly wealthy djinn. When he matured, and his skills mattered, he aided his fellow djinn defend their home from attacks so often prompted by their dire enemies, the efreet. Hilel's experience in battle grew, but he didn't lust for it. Nor did he particularly fancy the mysteries of magic, for magic was his bloodstream and not all that mysterious to him. Instead, Hilel craved excitement and adventure away from what he always knew. He strayed across the plane, befriending the nefarious creatures known as invisible stalkers. From them, Hilel learned the not-so-honorable methods of defeating or disabling his enemies, and he took that knowledge into play against his kind's various enemies. It sure it made it easier to loot the buggers! So while other djinn returned to the City of Sand with locks of hair as trophies, he had much more expensive and useful baubles to brag about. Unfortunately, his family wasn't so keen on his 'thuggery'. Though he was never censured or punished, Hilel definitely unwelcome among his people. The djinni decided to try his luck on the material plane of Cael, and found his way to that dimension in short time. The Bayl Jawhari Desert seemed like a decent enough place to begin amassing wealth, and he hooked up (in disguise) with some nomadic folk to begin.
Hilel is charming and clever, not afraid to use his grace and speed to accomplish victory or effect retreat -- whatever is more sensible at the time. Hilel is not a truly deceitful creature, however, lying only to those who are trying to manipulate him. Indeed, he prefers the truth above falsehoods, and champions liberty in his own fashion. This djinni just prefers to whisk in through the back door instead of huffing and puffing and blowing down the front.
Hilel will follow the rogue class until at least 10th level and then ponder another profession, perhaps that of duelist to put his agility and shrewdness to good use.
Character Sheet