- Academy of the Universe
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Aciwen, Eoweclya, Ethoren, Glanar, Legiacan, Ocethiel, Seidith, Unil
Description: Classic campaign. In Commorancy stands the Vatic Confederacy’s greatest mystical academy. There students of a variety of backgrounds gather to study and compete. And occasionally, they confront great dangers, often brought on by their own lack of readiness or intense curiosity.
Antagonists: Wizards, Sorcerers, Undead, Vermin, Elementals
- Ancient Myths
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Bron, Galatea
Description: Monster campaign. Ancient beings strive for greater immortal heights of glory by maintaining the creator’s works and connecting with the modern era of Cael. Plagued by the curse of the Vanirok, these entities must strive to undo that lingering malice.
Antagonists: Celestials, Fey, Fiends, Giants, Humans
- Anticipation
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Isandel, Traimonde
Description: Mixed campaign. These heroes learn the hard way that appearances are not always what they seem. They must learn to trust what’s intrinsically good and right to see through the deceptions soon to confront their homes and lives.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Fey, Magical Beasts, Yuan-Ti
- Arboreal Edges
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Adroewin, Adroreni, Elira, Isirith, Isorfil
Description: Classic campaign. The woodlands are home to many peoples. They must bond together to face their many shared foes. Human and elf join forces against countless wicked threats.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Green Dragons, Magical Beasts, Lycanthropes
- Arid Spans
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Badriyah, Faiza, Resepheru, Sakina
Description: Mixed campaign (Arabian Adventures). The grand deserts of Yadahn are merciless spans of arid struggle. Cults and nomadic kingdoms struggle against each other but must also forge alliances to pursue prosperity, if not at least survival.
Antagonists: Dao, Efreeti, Humans, Gnolls
- Beneficars of the Earth
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Aldredden, Cussi, Lozom, Maxim, Ruca
Description: Classic campaign. Heroic knights must learn restraint. The world is not as black and white as their codes of conduct entail. True wisdom and virtue lies in understanding the driving forces and motivations behind sin and injustice. Only then might it be conquered.
Antagonists: Rogues, Wizards, Goblinoids, Orcs, Dragons
- Blessed Abode
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Asdon, Tanatar, Thiem
Description: Mixed campaign. The power of the heavens promises to protect what is most dear. But is that strength enough? What’s pure and just comes together to combat the growing shadow.
Antagonists: Dragons, Goblinoids, Hags, Orcs, Tanar’ri
- Bringers of Peace
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Aniha, Harandra, Nseror, Roton, Sohodeapra
Description: Monster campaign. Angels and celestials from the Upper Planes struggle to achieve peace in the realms beyond. The paradox of seeking peace, of course, is the constant war they must wage against evil.
Antagonists: Fiends, Half-Fiends, Nightshades
- Bright Rays of the Sun
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Bahiyya, Elusol, Ramiel
Description: Mixed campaign. The brilliance and heat of the desert sun pushes heroes to the breaking point, where they either excel…or break. They confront the fantastical hazards of this harsh environment, so that they might bask in the glory of success.
Antagonists: Dao, Dragons, Efreet, Fiends, Vermin
- Broken Oath
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Alysia, Kedom, Malik
Description: Mixed campaign. Half-breed villains spawned from chromatic dragons and their dark allies are appearing in defiance of an ancient oath all breeds of dragon swore. The metallic dragons respond, dispatching a handful of their most trusted friends and heroes.
Antagonists: Chromatic Dragons, Half-Dragons, Evil Wizards, Evil Clerics
- Burning Drive
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Belle, Onoabeth
Description: Mixed campaign. Zeal and faith are a dangerous combination unless tempered with wisdom. These young knights possess the former, and with guidance gain the latter, thereby staving off the evil schemes threatening all that is good.
Antagonists: Golems, Humans, Necromancers, Undead
- Cape in Autumn
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Bipp, Currant, Fredoc
Description: Classic campaign. Cape is a small farming community south of the famous town of Smyth. It is unusual in that in it is a permanent halfling settlement. But just because they dwell in the protective shadow of Smyth’s heroes does not mean Cape is always safe. It must muster its own heroes to save the day!
Antagonists: Ankhegs, Dire Animals, Swarms, Giant Insects, Troglodytes, Undead
- Celestial Secrets
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Bion, Giltar, Hemera, Kurat, Paion
Description: Monster campaign. Great and holy secrets fill the heavens. These celestial entities are appointed to guard this knowledge and share it, like a careful sieve, with mortals. But not everyone is patient. Many would wrest this knowledge for their own selfish and nefarious ends.
Antagonists: Dark Wizards, Fiends, Elementals, Ogre Mages
- Circle of the Dragon
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Alaidud, Aurok, Cephago, Coronnar, Firnar, Lambenz, Veurox
Description: Mixed campaign. Metallic dragons have long been friends and allies of mortal men and the fair folk. Their assistance in ages past have often passed into legend, such that their icons become objects of worship and adoration. These mortals protect and exalt the good Drako.
Antagonists: Dragons, Fiends, Cultists, Kobolds, Troglodytes
- Clouds of Fire
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Japetus, Jiri, Vail
Description: Mixed campaign. The Tinder Islands are home to a chain of volcanoes…and many dangerous foes. But that will not prevent the forces of good from stopping plans of a rumored invasion from fiery otherworlds.
Antagonists: Red Dragons, Yuan-ti, Efreeti, Salamanders, Fire Giants
- Code of Warrior
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Kanai, Manami, Oshiro, Unilmawien, Xiaoling
Description: Classic campaign (Oriental Adventures). In Wutao, these ranking members of society wrestle with duty and loyalty. They combat their sworn enemies but also contend with dark influences that try to pull them from the righteous path.
Antagonists: Humans, Orcs, Fiends, Undead, Slaadi
- Cold Reality
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Wylant, Yadon, Zaotrem, Branwen
Description: Mixed campaign. The war between Artos and Praetoria goes beyond the plains of Cael. The heavens above…and the hells beyond…are battlefields these heroes must safeguard.
Antagonists: Fiends, Chromatic Dragons, Evil Wizards, Blackguards
- Correction
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Amer, Vanyc
Description: Classic campaign. Wood elves are often wild and intemperate, but they are not without reason or justice. Balancing passion with truth and honor is key in a primeval world. After all, that is what distinguishes good from the evil that always lurks in the shadows and threatens even the most secure valleys.
Antagonists: Goblinoids, Wargs, Orcs, Lizardfolk, Magical Beasts
- Crest of the Hill
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Spinellock, Sunshield
Description: Classic campaign. The “little folk” weigh the secrecy that their societies demand versus the search for glory and pride. But they may find that those needs are not in conflict, and are indelibly connected.
Antagonists: Goblinoids, Kobolds, Magical Beasts, Vermin
- Curse of the Dragon-Blood
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Croican, Erissi, Gweryan, Mewien, Shivir, Umendawyn
Description: Classic campaign. Not everyone views having dragon blood in their veins as a benefit. For many, it disrupts and even destroys their lives. Descendants of the Drako bridge the gap of culture and ethics to confide in each other’s misery and curse, and find ways to work together to turn a birth defect into a birthright worth celebrating. But such a modest goal is not without its detractors or enemies, as they shall painfully discover.
Antagonists: Humans, Kobolds, Dragons, Half-Dragons
- Defense of the Forest
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Deucalion, Ruclya, Tadrieviel, Tiorion, Todith, Virusix
Description: Mixed campaign. The woodlands are no picnic when threatened by darklings and dragons of all stripe and hue. Wood elves gather allies and struggle to repel their hated enemies from their wooded home.
Antagonists: Orcs, Dire Animals, Goblinoids, Kobolds, Dragons
- Defense of the Hills
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Biappa, Frega, Olia, Pera, Riado
Description: Classic campaign. The halflings are usually nomadic but when they settle down in their favorite hills and fields, they dig in deep. Of course, they know how to pick ‘em. Many horrible things lust after their homes…
Antagonists: Kobolds, Goblinoids, Plants, Undead, Vermin, Animals
- Defense of the Mountains
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Boiran, Bryssa, Doilir, Kagnus, Kenar
Description: Classic campaign. Hill dwarves are not known for their patience with threats to their homes. But their stalwart fortitude is being seriously tested by the greedy assaults of countless darkling hordes.
Antagonists: Kobolds, Ogres, Giants, Orcs, Aberrations
- Defying Gods
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Braeden, Farrel
Description: Mixed campaign. Vanirok and other ancient, titanic, mythical monsters begin to rise from the ashes of the past. These individuals pool their lore and skill to put an end to those primeval threats once and for all.
Antagonists: Constructs, Magical Beasts, Titans, Chromatic Dragons, Undead
- Devils in the Dust
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Hilel, Emira
Description: Monster campaign (Arabian Adventures). Treachery and tyranny rears its ugly head as dark forces threaten to stamp out roving bands of good nomads in northern Yadahn. Opposing these enemies, these warriors become like saints, helping the good folk see through the tricks and prepare for the worst.
Antagonists: Efreeti, Baatezu, Rakshasa
- Diplomacy of the Eternal
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Anebrindra, Ciothien, Legelithia, Nedia, Nithralia, Thradrielia
Description: Classic campaign. The interaction between the elvish kingdoms is generally peaceful. But enemies along the way make their effort to disrupt their noble efforts. From the highest royalty to the lowest emissary, they have their work cut out to keep efforts amiable.
Antagonists: Brigands, Orcs, Humans, Drow, Fiends
- Divine Touch
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Gweriv, Herama, Trialath, Wiratram
Description: Classic campaign. Generosity and compassion describe these holy agents’ efforts to improve and redeem the world through healing of the body and soul. Of course, such upright goodness is rarely tolerated by the wicked and banal alike.
Antagonists: Humans, Goblinoids, Undead
- Dreams of Heaven
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Earadriethiel, Herolepon, Lothelaclya, Serodehoziela, Thardolath
Description: Mixed campaign. Visions and prophecies of holiness guide the good peoples of Cael, but many enemies threaten the sanctity of the message’s truth. These priests and angels work and sacrifice themselves to protect those sacred efforts from many foes within and without.
Antagonists: Fiends, Nighthags, Evil Wizards
- Dust & Wind
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Ahura, Mezaj
Description: Mixed campaign. In the Aria Desert, reptilian enemies threaten the harmony of the earth with their visions of conquest and slaughter. Only wisdom and cunning will outmanuever the kobold tribes and the powerful manipulators behind them.
Antagonists: Kobolds, Blue Dragons
- Eighteen Legs
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Barvan, Lorang, Turrio
Description: Monster campaign. Four centaurs and one celestial form a war party determined to preserve their homeland from the deadly and insidious threat of lycanthropy being deliberately spread throughout the greenwood.
Antagonists: Lycanthropes, Fiends, Wizards, Undead, Dire Animals
- Elder Land
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Eleuia, Vipponah, Xiloxoch
Description: Classic campaign (Aboriginal Adventures). In the heart of Kukul sprawl great plains and steppes. People have lived there for ages. A new generation must contend with the challenges and obstacles their noble tribes have long faced and guide them to a brighter and more prosperous tomorrow.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Dinosaurs, Gnolls, Orcs
- Elven Royalty
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Cilmanduil, Elrithradia, Elvithradia, Hendil
Description: Classic campaign. The courts of elvish royalty contain dangers of intrigue. Those hazards could open the way to even greater hazards, the floodgates of evil. These aristocrats work to keep their courts pure.
Antagonists: Elves, Elementals, Wizards, Sorcerers, Fiends
- Endless Crusades
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Adrendal, Aobeth, Gwobrylla, Hielia, Kedukath, Nendar, Nulyan
Description: Classic campaign. These righteous heroes fight the good fight. But the good fight never ends and tests these individuals’ resolve and endurance.
Antagonists: Dark Knights, Sorcerers, Undead, Fiends, Giants
- Faith in Beauty
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Jawda, Nerissa
Description: Classic campaign. There comes a time when aesthetic appeal is one’s only saving grace. With gentility and compassion, these beautiful people let their warmth shine through.
Antagonists: Fiends, Hags, Harpies, Undead
- Fantasia Spero
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Elrudia, Euphrosyne, Euterpe, Finnar, Isindra, Radith
Description: Mixed campaign. The fey and elves live in an isolated community with little contact with the outside “real” world. And that is just how they would prefer to keep it. To that end, these sylvan folks work together to keep their homes pure and to expel evil-doers.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Magical Beasts, Plants, Kobolds
- Far Isle
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Ascalon, Balaine, Kamal
Description: Mixed campaign. An exotic and distant island becomes the center of a battle for pirates and more evil villains. Holy will combined teamed up with a corsair's cunning and an angelic being's innocent wisdom will save them all from death or worse.
Antagonists: Pirates, Fiends, Efreet
- Fearless
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Nalzar, Sarron
Description: Classic campaign. Combining will, strength, cunning, and faith, these unlikely heroes bind together to explore the darkest holes of Cael and tear its treasures from unworthy, villainous hands.
Antagonists: Aberrations, Dragons, Goblinoids, Undead, Wizards
- Felsalvirakrigh
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Earioldur, Eladriewien, Eowithrandel, Silmanduil
Description: Classic campaign. The gray elves of Chrystana face many challenges and enemies. Their mountainous boundaries are constantly tested by nefarious and dangerous monsters. Only their great wisdom and mastery of the magical arts may save them, but even those merits may not be enough.
Antagonists: Magical Beasts, Dragons, Giants, Gnolls
- Flawless Pearls
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Chongan, Gemin, Pengfei
Description: Classic campaign (Oriental Adventures). Though political machination and court intrigue are the meat and drink of these savvy individuals, they play the game with the best interests of the state and its people truly at heart.
Antagonists: Wizards, Clerics, Tyrants, Doppelgangers, Ogre
- Force For Good
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Akeley, Dhozzum, Macy
Description: Classic campaign. Classically organized and typically disparate in character, this band of heroes strikes out to rid the world of evil, one goblin and dragon at a time.
Antagonists: Goblinoids, Orcs, Giants, Chromatic Dragons, Undead
- Freedom Within These Walls
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Ammett, Daguelles, Teharissa, Turk
Description: Classic campaign. In this cosmopolitan city, people of many kinds come and go for all sorts of reasons. But here, the rule of man is the same as the rule of law, bound by noblesse oblige. These heroes protect that way of life from all threats, within and without, concrete like tyrants and conquerors, as well as the abstract – like bigotry.
Antagonists: Humans, Magical Beasts, Vermin, Rogues, Assassins, Ogre Mages
- Friends in Leaves
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Hadrier, Isilad, Merolanna
Description: Mixed campaign. Among the fey, mortals often feel disconcerted and imbalanced, as if their entire universe had been turned topsy-turvy. They discover they need these primordial allies, and that the fey need mortals.
Antagonists: Humans, Magical Beasts, Hags, Elementals
- Gleaming Pillars of Rapture
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Alva, Eilif, Litin, Lomul
Description: Classic campaign. White magic protects, heals, and defends. In battle then, it becomes an unmatched asset and deciding factor in victory. These white mages and goodly priests march on the front lines with their soldier comrades, driving back the forces of darkness and evil.
Antagonists: Mercenaries, Necromancers, Undead, Dark Clerics, Fiends
- Glittering Grace
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Castien, Herion, Xanthus
Description: Monster campaign. Magnificient, wise, and terrible, these beings must contend with villains who are just as terrible. Worse, these foes have no particular scheme…except to destroy the heroes!
Antagonists: Aberrations, Dragons, Giants, Wizards
- Great Harvest
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Anived, Gwyhot, Jughog, Tate
Description: Classic campaign. Not all heroes range into dungeons and ruins. Some stay near the people, protecting and improving what most denizens of this good earth do: grow crops. These priests and druids aid the growth of agriculture, adding prosperity to folk’s lives while maintaining healthy reverence for nature and its boundaries.
Antagonists: Goblinoids, Orcs, Magical Beasts, Vermin, Elementals
- Green Verge
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Alarwen, Elunoica, Galerith, Jelonna, Legadriewin, Velibard
Description: Classic campaign. The forests yield many resources, bounty, and beautiful things. Seeking them out, and balancing the acquisition of the woods wealth, requires good folk willing to defend their homes as well as help their neighbors enjoy it.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Magical Beasts, Orcs, Plants
- Guardian Angels
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Evangeline, Glugh, Melchior, Omiton, Rayna
Description: Mixed campaign. Regular and decent folk need their protectors. But sometimes even the protectors need protection and guidance. Together, these protectors can overcome any foes. And they're going to need to pool all their resources to face down the coming challenges.
Antagonists: Hobgoblins, Ogres, Fiends, Hags
- Guardians of the Sanctuary
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Celestion, Lanenehael, Sagan, Sevaeth
Description: Mixed campaign. Goodly knights gain the assistance of the greatest heroes of good to protect the holiest of temples. And they will need the help, for terrible foes threaten the sanctity of these places.
Antagonists: Fiends, Dark Clerics, Nighthags
- Heart of the Forest
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Aleabrylla, Ganduar, Mawen
Description: Mixed campaign. Elves and feyries maintain a long alliance in the heart of Chrystana. Will that alliance survive the challenges of mistaken grievances and jilted romances?
Antagonists: Elves, Fey, Dire Animals, Molds, Oozes, Treants, Plants
- Heaven to Hell
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Baveth, Leon, Valance
Description: Classic campaign. Elf and man must join forces to take a battle for their lives and very souls back to the enemy. Evil has only one desire: crush this tenacious opposition. Can faith, magic, and steel repel their enemies, or will it boil down to raw will?
Antagonists: Diabolists, Dark Knights, Fiends, Drow, Duergar
- Heritage of the Arcane
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Adendacia, Adendawen, Dilian, Reritrem, Telamos
Description: Classic campaign. At the universal academy of magic, many pupils study the secrets. But some are legacy students, born from sorcerous and successful parents. Such young apprentices face greater expectations than their peers and therefore are placed in even more dangerous situations, whether they’re truly better or not.
Antagonists: Wizards, Sorcerers, Elementals, Undead, Fiends
- Heroes of Yore
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Brannis, Orion, Raphaela
Description: Mixed campaign. The stories will echo for eternity as these warriors bring their might to bear against the monsters plaguing the land. Eerily, they will discover they are reliving past heroes…all of whom led glorious but doomed lives. Can they avert that destiny?
Antagonists: Dragons, Giants, Goblins
- High Society
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Calolith, Elandir
Description: Classic campaign. Elvish society can be snooty and conceited, to say the least. That scarcely means all elves are snooty or conceited. Those with a stronger sense of self-awareness and modesty often find their desires and goals obstructed simply by refusing to play the arrogant games. Such obstruction can become dangerous in a society that so highly prizes personal liberty.
Antagonists: Elves, Elementals, Wizards, Dire Animals, Celestials, Fiends
- Hillentrey
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Fireheart, Torqer, Jaedenite
Description: Classic campaign. Forest and rock gnome communities must shed negative connotations regarding one another and work together versus shared enemies. With so few of their kind in such a big world, they have much to overcome together.
Antagonists: Animals, Fey, Humans, Kobolds, Magical Beasts
- Hills of Legend
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Kilar, Leif, Morak
Description: Classic campaign. Dwarves take care of their own, and the legacy of their bravery inspires generations to come.
Antagonists: Giants, Ogres, Troglodytes, Trolls
- Holy Crusades
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Akasa, Syderal, Vayu
Description: Monster campaign. Sometimes, heaven itself must answer the crimes of hellions and visit holy justice upon the transgressors. And these celestial heroes are just the ones to do it. Once unleashed, evil will learn fear, too; how far will these vengeful angels go?
Antagonists: Fiends, Dragons, Giants, Undead
- Holy Radiance
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Alalinidd, Kedeand, Learyan, Padriewien, Uradriewien
Description: Classic campaign. The light shines the way to all things good and beneficial to the world. Together, these priests and magi combine their efforts to bring the light to the people…and their enemies.
Antagonists: Dark Wizards, Aomatic Dragons, Drow, Gargoyles
- Holy War
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Alenoica, Galdor, Gwiannor, Gwoidda, Legigonnon, Legirekin
Description: Classic campaign. Only with justice and righteousness can war ever be truly waged. And the best soldiers to wage these battles are the holiest of knights and their most trustworthy aides. A beacon of light in the dark days of strife ahead, these warriors never sacrifice their scruples for victory, and thereby win every conflict that counts.
Antagonists: Humans, Fiends, Goblinoids, Ogres, Trolls
- The Immortal King
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Alcyone, Glebring, Telavel
Description: Mixed campaign. The royal family of wood elves is imperiled, and the prince must seek ancient allies in the heart of the forest for aid.
Antagonists: Dragons, Lizardfolk, Magical Beasts, Orcs
- Innovation's Children
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Clyniver, Danus, Doisil, Lodda, Lummina, Vigor
Description: Mixed campaign. The brilliance of these inventors’ works changes the world around them. Their efforts do not go unnoticed, however, and draw envious enemies and greedy thieves.
Antagonists: Wizards, Rogues, Illithids, Doppelgangers, Ogre Mages
- Inveterate Paragons
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Isothiel, Larin, Menar, Neallyra, Rpaahimon, Tinulia
Description: Classic campaign. Elvish and dwarvish heroes are more than great warriors. They are representatives of their very races. They are paragons of their kind. With such greatness comes great expectations, drawing them into more and more conflict with their people’s traditional enemies.
Antagonists: Orcs, Goblinoids, Gnolls, Lizardfolk, Dragons, Titans
- Justice in the City
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Etutram, Phanessa, Ziegan
Description: Mixed campaign. Though the city can be a hazardous and often a peccant place, someone has to hold it down with justice and fairness. These denizens answer the call to duty, facing a myriad of nefarious and common threats alike.
Antagonists: Rogues, Brigands, Goblinoids, Undead, Vermin, Aberrations
- Kings & Queens
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Adarindra, Nealla, Qerith, Yalic
Description: Classic campaign. Kings and queens must rule. But ruling sometimes requires these lieges and liege-ladies to put their personal skills to direct use. And what is more terrifying than a deadly king, queen, or princess on the warpath?
Antagonists: Clerics, Wizards, Dark Knights, Undead, Fiends, Dragons
- Knights of the Realm
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Crethiel, Eriem, Marech, Oliad, Seviremond
Description: Classic campaign. Knights are given specific roles and duties and are entrusted with great power and expected to perform great deeds. They serve their lieges and directly oppose the worst of threats to the realm.
Antagonists: Dark Knights, Wizards, Sorcerers, Dragons, Undead
- Ladies of the Keep
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Adwathien, Adwindra, Ocigode
Description: Classic campaign. With the lords and knights all away at war, these young women are charged with the upkeep of their lieges’ castles and keeps. The absence of most soldiers gives these bases the view of vulnerability. It falls to these intrepid heroines to prove that view wrong to any who would test it.
Antagonists: Goblinoids, Ogres, Trolls, Dragons, Brigands
- Life in the Monastery
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Novhor, Ocam, Woacan
Description: Classic campaign. The monasteric traditions of Kapponius and other paragons of justice demand much from their adherents. These monks struggle to meet their expected goals while also serving the community, and fighting off any threats to their sacred enclaves.
Antagonists: Brigands, Orcs, Vermin, Undead
- Light & Shadow
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Ferion, Isseen, Numir
Description: Classic campaign. Good and evil, desire and restrain, light and darkness. These contrasting forces are always viewed as opposites, as dualistic contentious energies. These heroes and antiheroes learn that those contrary forces are both necessary for true fulfillment of life. And nothing teaches such a lesson better than danger and hardship.
Antagonists: Bandits, Beholders, Orcs, Undead, Vampires, Demons
- Lions Incarnate
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Bernet, Gerard, Harrion
Description: Mixed campaign. Through Cameatt and other icons of strength, these mighty clerics blend battle with adulation. They spread the good word of heroism and feats of strength worth emulating and looking up to. Their enemy? Any who would try to restrain their magnanimity and good free souls.
Antagonists: Antipaladins, Hobgoblins, Ogres, Giants, Barbarians
- Little Princess
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Aren, Sera
Description: Classic campaign. These beautiful and trained princesses inherited royal kingdoms, and gave it all up for adventure. They fled their homes and joined together in the woods, away from it all, pledging allegiance to one another to face whatever dangers they may in the dark wilderness.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Kobolds, Orcs, Rogues
- Long Limits
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Agni, Amosan, Evander
Description: Mixed campaign. Is the sky the limit? Is it safe from the taint of evil? Of course not! These great heroes must try their best to purify their aerial dimensions of wicked threats. Unfortunately, the few monsters that dwell in the sky are monstrous indeed, and will truly test their mettle.
Antagonists: Chromatic Dragons, Cloud Giants, Half-Dragons, Wyverns
- Lophsalvirakrigh
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Galorfiril, Isorfide, Legerith, Urolia
Description: Classic campaign. High elves are hated and feared by their darkling adversaries. When the elves march to war, evil cringes and hides. But that cowardice also makes it difficult for even these great and long-lived soldiers to find and stamp out their eternal enemies.
Antagonists: Goblinoids, Wargs, Magical Beasts, Dire Animals
- Love & Respect
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Calypso, Ilhuitl, Namacuix, Quauhtliuitl
Description: Mixed campaign (Aboriginal Adventures). Respect for the dignity of life coincides with honoring true love. Can these good folk persevere against the bloody tides of the barbaric tradition of human sacrifice?
Antagonists: Clerics, Fighters, Barbarians, Elementals, Fiends
- March of the Elements
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Azaphupoa, Belnasezael, Galithradia, Galodith, Russino
Description: Mixed campaign. The elements are a neutral force in the universe but they can also exert a good or bad influence upon the world. These heroes, priests, and celestial beings seek to appease and guide the elemental forces into positive and healthy uses for the world. Naturally, not everyone is happy about this…
Antagonists: Elementals, Dire Animals, Dragons
- Masjid of the Sea
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Firuza, Jalila, Kalil, Raqiyah
Description: Monster campaign (Arabian Adventures). These marida work together to protect water’s purity in both the seas of Cael and the Elemental Plane of Water. They have their work cut out for them, however. Both mortal and immortal forces pose serious threats to their goals, even unintentionally.
Antagonists: Elementals, Dragons, Dire Animals, Sahuagin, Ixitixichitl
- Minor Fixes
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Brugrunri, Jares, Rubrae
Description: Mixed campaign. Beautification of the living mortal world encounters a number of “minor” problems. Resolving the problems conflicts with reconciliation of the world’s inevitable imperfections, especially when seen in the beautifiers themselves.
Antagonists: Goblinoids, Nagas, Orcs, Trolls, Hags
- Mortal Neck of the Woods
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Adoasa, Goewan, Groth, Gwoelian, Onardonydd, Ulendaldan
Description: Mixed campaign. Humanity struggles to survive in a fantastical land like Cael. Many communities barely subsist so long as they are surrounded by monsters and cretinous darklings. But it does result in fiercely devoted defenders of families and villages.
Antagonists: Orcs, Goblinoids, Giants, Ogres, Trolls, Magical Beasts, Dire Animals
- Nature's Call
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Bolor, Relik, Xefir
Description: Mixed campaign. Bralani are dispatched to help dwarf and elf defend their homelands. Who would dare defile nature and twist it to serve their wicked purposes? These heroes will find out…and punish the villains responsible.
Antagonists: Demons, Diabolists, Transmuters
- New Grounds
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Bronte, Faizel, Torasui
Description: Mixed campaign (Arabian Adventures). The search for a new home and life often brings even the best intentions into conflict with hostile natives. There are not very many hospitable places in which to dwell in Yadahn, after all.
Antagonists: Aberrations, Fiends, Genies, Sphinxes, Yuan-ti
- Objects of Beauty
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Gili, Gilir, Gwilidien, Nagnus, Thaija
Description: Classic campaign. These craftspersons take pride in the objects they create, whether they be enchanted jewels or superior warcrafts. The demand for their talent is always high, and so are the stakes. They must defend their trade secrets and stock from the greedy and nefarious.
Antagonists: Rogues, Sorcerers, Ethereal Filchers, Oozes
- Ominous Clouds
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Aarif, Ghimabir, Majid, Najma
Description: Mixed campaign (Arabian Adventures). A port city in Yadahn faces a terrible doom. Dark sorcerers and their wicked genie allies scheme to turn the elements of the world against the people. Hell itself may pull the strings behind the threats. These gifted denizens step up to protect their home.
Antagonists: Wizards, Sorcerers, Genies, Elementals, Magical Beasts, Sahuagin, Ixitxachitl, Fiends
- Pansophy
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Acaedda, Earebriviel, Githrade, Hebur, Isebririon, Urondil
Description: Mixed campaign. Throughout the wilds of the world, there are countless avenues of knowledge both arcane and esoteric. These curious and adventurous souls seek out all these secrets, though must contest with these sites’ guardians and inhabitants to gain access to the most enlightening of truths.
Antagonists: Elementals, Nagas, Undead, Wizards, Sorcerers, Sphinxes
- Passion for Sorcery
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Alaoth, Amonia, Morfiwien, Pithralinde, Raradia
Description: Classic campaign. The wood elves are not known for their traditions of arcane mastery. But those born with natural inclinations are drawn together to guide their latent powers and put them to positive use in their elvish communities and sylvan environment. It is within these kinds of natural and often hazardous environs that the pupils are truly tested.
Antagonists: Fey, Dire Animals, Dragons, Magical Beasts
- Path of Less Resistance
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Shengli, Shihua, Taiwen, Yongnian
Description: Classic campaign (Oriental Adventures). There are many different philosophies in Wutao. One of the most popular paths, when taken to a logical conclusion, compels pacifism and non-resistance. These thinkers and clerics face a very dangerous world in which to hold such beliefs and they are put to constant challenge. But balancing that often contradictory road, they bear gentle souls capable of absorbing much wickedness. How much can they stand?
Antagonists: Bandits, Tyrants, Goblinoids, Orcs, Fiends
- Peaks' Fate
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Shivania, Quinby, Undertooth
Description: Mixed campaign. Sharing the rocky hills and knolls of eastern Hale, these gnomes and dwarves must defend their lands from the onslaught of goblin forces. Can they protect their people and deal these vile races a deadly blow, or will they be swept over in the black filth of these evil armies?
Antagonists: Goblins, Worgs, Hobgoblins, Bugbears
- Phalanx Fury
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Arede, Cadelatlan, Keiwen, Legelikon, Mericla, Qendra
Description: Classic campaign. The strongest of Estonen’s forces of justice know how to fight up close and personal. They form unbreakable ranks, supplementing one another’s strength with each other, forming bonds of brotherhood, while combating the hordes of evil on the frontline of every good fight.
Antagonists: Humans, Goblinoids, Orcs
- Pilgrims in an Unholy Land
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Ibsana, Oneimond, Ruhhilouh, Ulaewyr, Vecia
Description: Classic campaign. No matter how good, no matter how great, even these heroes can find themselves in the worst possible situations. No justice and no righteousness will save them. Only their own willpower and moral rectitude will see them through these trials.
Antagonists: Fiends, Undead, Evil Clerics, Ogres
- Plum Hollow
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Eidyia, Kithion, Susil
Description: Mixed campaign. Deep in Chrystana, this expanse of linked glades unites fey and elves and other denizens of the woods. Yet, their whimsy often dampens accords, and often at the most inopportune times, such as during invasion. Can they get it together in time?
Antagonists: Fey, Goblinoids, Humans, Kobolds, Magical Beasts, Orcs
- Pride & Prejudices
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Isawien, Throlith, Thron, Torfinia
Description: Classic campaign. These elves may believe in the goodness of their people and homeland, but they feel only venom for their traditional enemies and foolish neighbors that threaten that which they love the most.
Antagonists: Humans, Goblinoids, Orcs, Dire Animals
- Prismatic Truths
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Cuilda, Liyana, Thanian
Description: Mixed campaign. Knowledge can be a dangerous thing. Will these elves seek it responsibly or fall under the shadow of arrogance, power, and greed?
Antagonists: Fiends, Cloud Giants, Human Spellcasters, Chromatic Dragons
- Pure Lands
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Coev, Cyrus, Iver, Sabariel
Description: Mixed campaign. Though dwellers of virginal nature, can these good folk reconcile the mad and whimsical behavior of their fey neighbors? Together, they must strengthen their will and connection to the wilderness without sacrificing themselves to pure chaos.
Antagonists: Fey
- Purges
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Carvid, Garyan, Jethew
Description: Classic campaign. Men and women of many races unite under fearless, dedicated drives to eradicate some of the gravest threats to civilization and life itself.
Antagonists: Animals, Lycanthropes, Magical Beasts, Undead, Vermin, Wizards
- Purity of the Long Years
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Delithrade, Eowolinde, Legerion, Marawien, Urude
Description: Mixed campaign. Elves can live for centuries, even thousands of years. Such long existences are usually spent in wooded seclusion. But that does not mean such years are filled with untested safety. The elves frequently face threats within and without that seek to disturb their serene civilizations, and resist the dynamic ways of the younger races that would wash away eons of spiritual tradition.
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Vermin, Plants, Fiends, Goblinoids, Kobolds
- Questioned Wisdom
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Epiales, Ourea
Description: Monster campaign. Can the peaceful lynthari maintain serenity in the face of invasion and impending conquest? The decent but politically neutral race’s isolation is put to the test in a campaign of both devastation and fidelity.
Antagonists: Animals, Constructs, Elementals, Kapoacinths, Magical Beasts
- Remunerated Heroics
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Eowauthien, Facien, Reba, Rhein, Seviann, Sortai
Description: Classic campaign. Even the forces of the most righteous kingdoms need to marshal additional forces. Like their vile adversaries, they turn to mercenaries. Naturally, however, these kingdoms screen out the most venal and self-serving of paid troops. They are left with an elite few who fight not just for money, but for just causes.
Antagonists: Orcs, Goblinoids, Ogres, Giants, Wyverns, Dragons
- Rising Sunlight
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Fenfang, Jinjiang, Rikyu, Zhihuan
Description: Mixed campaign (Oriental Adventures). Holy truths radiate many colors of virtue. These prismatic facts of mortal life are the focus of these philosophers and priests, and they uphold and honor that vibrant way of life no matter what comes their way.
Antagonists: Drow, Orcs, Goblinoids, Undead, Shadow Dragons
- Rougher Roads
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Bojing, Guoliang, Lanfen, Shanyuan
Description: Classic campaign (Oriental Adventures). The adventuring soul is native to all the lands of Cael. Here in Wutao, these earnest individuals bond together to explore and pursue the good things in the world and in each other.
Antagonists: Goblinoids, Trolls, Giants, Dragons, Undead
- Salviraseidur
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Earebrin, Galadrieclya, Galebride, Githraldur, Glilmadia, Morfirith
Description: Classic campaign. Within Chrystana, the pursuit of magic is a centuries-long tradition for each elven pupil of the arts. Over those long years, each student faces multiple tests and challenges not only of the intellect but of the will and virtue. But never in its many thousands of years of existence has the Salviraseidur been forced to help the elven nation confront its most arcane of enemies.
Antagonists: Elementals, Fiends, Liches, Undead
- Sacred Trusts
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Chasan, Dabriel, Hasdiel, Humatiel, Nathanael
Description: Mixed campaign. Celestial entities recognize the need for change and dynamism in the universe, and they help facilitate that change in people and the realms beyond.
Antagonists: Fiends, Antipaladins, Inevitables, Dragons, Slaadi
- Secrets in the Song
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Hakon, Raine
Description: Mixed campaign. Fey musicians are tempters extraordinaire, but the wild passion of their music is clue to far more wisdom than even they realize. With friendship and pluck, these good-spirited fellows find their talents tested in the face of encroaching evil.
Antagonists: Bullywugs, Kobolds, Mercenaries, Orcs
- Serenity at the End
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Amilmandra, Kamonite, Mirendath, Nosamapasael, Umaech
Description: Mixed campaign. Death is an inevitable part of reality. It is neither inherently evil nor corrupt. But to keep it so, these celestials and sanctified mortals act to prevent necromantic machinations and foulplay.
Antagonists: Necromancers, Fiends, Undead, Vermin
- Shock & Awe
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Carir, Vurcyn
Description: Mixed campaign. Awesome strength and thunderous sorcery readies this team. They fearlessly drive into the heart of darkness to conquer the evils that plague this world. Hopefully, they will not carelessly harm those they try to protect in the process.
Antagonists: Dragons, Duergar, Goblinoids, Grimlocks, Troglodytes
- Silver Forges
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Dagny, Minerva
Description: Classic campaign. Crafting a new destiny takes time, sagacity, bravery, and just a touch of magic. Deep in the mountains, these dwarven women must find it all.
Antagonists: Aberrations, Derro, Duergar, White Dragons
- Silverheart
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Aneldur, Han, Isalia
Description: Classic campaign. When elves are put to the test, their passion sees them through to the end, however bitter it may be. Then, it is their friendship, loyalty, and love that burns the brightest. Romantic folly to some, it is that purity of heart that strikes down the sneaking shadows of apocalyptic gloom.
Antagonists: Aberrations, Sorcerers, Fiends, Undead
- Sirens of the Green
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Collyra, Galedrik, Mondel
Description: Mixed campaign. Warriors have the business of war to attend. Priests must look to their charges. The fey care little of such obligations, luring responsible mortals away from their responsibilities. But when the fey themselves are under threat, their mortal victims become their champions.
Antagonists: Troglodytes, Orcs, Humans, Fiends, Lycanthropes, Dire Animals
- Skosalvirakrigh
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Amebrilia, Anondra, Delorith, Gebriclya
Description: Classic campaign. Wood elves keep close tabs on their borders and their relentless and fearsome strength evens the odds against their numerically superior enemies. But will their tireless and forceful strength keep them safe forever through these constant and ugly little battles?
Antagonists: Dire Animals, Vermin, Goblinoids, Orcs, Dragons
- Skosalvir Pride
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Airion, Luthwen, Tanna, Vanlinna, Leilatha, Alay'na (Kami)
Description: Classic campaign. The heart of the wood elf kingdom of Chrystana is ancient and mighty, and serves as the front line defense against the elves’ greatest enemies – their own dark kin. These brave elves serve as the vanguard against those constant threats.
Antagonists: Aberrations, Animals, Drow, Magical Beasts, Quaggoths
- Slaying the Dragons
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Daell, Eleihan, Nandel, Opalar, Rherrawen, Zdoradim
Description: Mixed campaign. Among mortalkind’s most dreadful foes are the Drako, especially of the chromatic persuasion. These trained and fearless dragon slayers join with higher forces in order to keep the wicked dragonkin from overrunning key positions of the homelands of the good peoples of Cael.
Antagonists: Dragons, Wyverns, Dinosaurs, Dire Animals
- Sorcery of the Seas
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Ethicien, Foakath, Leakath, Rohawin, Thaleia, Vaskor
Description: Mixed campaign. On the shore and at high sea, these talented magicians put their arcane and elemental powers to beneficial and profitable use. But divine denizens of the seas proscribe their limits, and it is the ultimate test of their righteousness as to whether they yield to the heavens’ restrictions.
Antagonists: Pirates, Locathah, Tritons, Elementals, Marida, Merfolk
- Speculative Hopes
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Nalvo, Benar
Description: Classic campaign. In the northern reaches of Hale and Elan, the stoic gold dwarves thrive. These fortuitous dwarves excel at finding various strains of ore, and will do anything to protect their legacy.
Antagonists: Aberrations, Derro, Dragons, Drow, Duergar, Oozes
- Sweet Sounds
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Eurbyn, Orphnea
Description: Classic campaign. A group of elves vie to bring the joy of perfect music to an imperfect world. Many enemies that hold far more base values stand in their way, demanding trade concessions at best and blood at worst.
Antagonists: Drow, Dwarves, Giants, Goblinoids, Humans, Orcs, Troglodytes
- Sword Saints
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Brokenblade, Lain, Brittani
Description: Classic campaign. These heroes live and die not by the sword, but by the strength of their friendships. And that camaraderie will be put to the test against so many relentless and unforgiving foes.
Antagonists: Bullywugs, Goblins, Elves, Githyanki, Humans, Kobolds, Orcs
- Tall Lands
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Arden, Beau, Jebeddo
Description: Classic campaign. The world is full of a lot of big people. But the small folk wage their own wars that are just as vital to the welfare of the world. Can their homes and environments be protected from the rapaciousness of kobolds, goblins, and worse?
Antagonists: Kobolds, Goblins
- Temples of the Elements
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Alendas, Amethiel, Holonpam, Unaoth
Description: Mixed campaign. Forgotten temples and derelict sanctuaries still echo with their original holiness. But they are inhabited, and desired, by other…wicked forces.
Antagonists: Undead, Fiends, Elementals, Magical Beasts
- Tests of Mettle
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Huojin, Wencheng, Wenyan, Yuet
Description: Classic campaign (Oriental Adventures). Imperial forces are overwhelmed in the civil war. Defense of smaller villages is often left to grossly understaffed local militias. These would-be heroes step up to defend home and hearth.
Antagonists: Goblinoids, Brigands, Ogres, Barbarians, Magical Beasts, Vermin
- The Spring
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Gwaelia, Mon, Roang
Description: Monster campaign. A distant mountain spring is threatened by ancient evils seeking to claim its power for themselves. Its sylvan protectors gather to keep its secret safe and uncover the motive of the arrayed dark forces.
Antagonists: Giants, Orcs, Humans, Elementals, Lizardfolk, Fiends, Titans
- Through the Portal
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Columnar, Nikrown
Description: Monster campaign. As evil marshals its forces from beyond, so too must the legions of heaven. The gates are thrown open to allow this passage, but they must be guarded. Rallying to this duty, these celestial heroes battle saboteurs and wizards seeking that monumental power for their own.
Antagonists: Fiends, Dragons, Wizards, Undead, Beholders
- Tidal Towers
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Birak, Cerviel, Frenger, Sadira
Description: Mixed campaign. The temples to deities of good stand on this eastern shore, beautiful and proud. But they are far from invulnerable. Threats from the sea and land alike threaten their security. It is up to these good people to protect their sites of cultural and religious beauty.
Antagonists: Kuo-Toa, Lizardfolk, Locathah, Sahuagin
- Truth of the Soul
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Naos, Siat, Skyroth
Description: Monster campaign. As designed by the heavens, these angels pursue truth, wisdom, and legendry. All they find is placed under their vigilant hands, reserved for the deserving. But many think they are deserving regardless of these celestials’ higher judgment.
Antagonists: Dragons, Elementals, Fiends
- Tumbling Nuggets
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Farin, Maker, Reto
Description: Mixed campaign. Dwarves, gnomes, and a sprinkling of fey combine to protect their homes. But what is more important: the wealth in their home or the home itself? These bold warriors and clever tricksters must discover what's truly important to themselves.
Antagonists: Aboleths, Drow, Beholders, Mind Flayers
- Twirl
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Arien, Jasmyn, Ziella
Description: Mixed campaign. Beauty, cleverness, and compassion will guide these heroines through the dangers of the open road and city streets alike.
Antagonists: Rogues, Ogres
- Twisting the Heart
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Celand, Kulttai, Urafindra
Description: Mixed campaign. Decent, pure, wise, and brave: these heroes are tested with by the wiles and cruelty of those they oppose. Can they see through the lies or will their spirits fall into corruption?
Antagonists: Drow, Fey, Fiends, Orcs
- Unflagging Pennon
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Choheric, Tavia, Turin, Yohab
Description: Classic campaign. Protecting a southern pennon of Artos demands constant vigilance against the forays of Praetorian raiders and infiltrators. Will their tyrannical enemy sap their strength and leave their home land defenseless, or will these heroes repel their foes and conquer this insidious evil?
Antagonists: Dragons, Duergar, Elementals, Humans
- Unknown Depths
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Birgitta, Bofgor, Iapor
Description: Mixed campaign. Madness and chaos erupt from the depths of the earth. Together, these mountainous folk must confront the villainry behind it all, even if it risks their sanity.
Antagonists: Duergar, Derro, Elementals
- Unquestionable Loyalty
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Akinari, Deshi, Noritada, Shigenaga, Takafumi, Yoshitomo
Description: Classic campaign (Oriental Adventures). In the Far East, for noble vassals and knights, loyalty comes above all, the paramount virtue and duty. These honorable warriors face challenges of all sort to their philosophical codes and preconceived notions of the world.
Antagonists: Rogues, Assassins, Warriors, Dark Clerics, Hags, Fiends
- Urgency
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Rivalot, Rorad, Seconda
Description: Classic campaign. These folk are in dire straits and are willing to do almost anything to save their homes. They call upon shadowy allies and bend the rules to protect their loved ones and family.
Antagonists: Mercenaries, Hobgoblins, Barbarians, Undead, Assassins
- Valor of the Soul
Dungeon Master: Cam
Characters: Constantina, Larben, Riven, Tedrinnor
Description: Classic campaign. A young order of knights stands tall against the evils of the world. But they soon discover that corruption can exist within as well as without, and must defend their good names while purging the order of inequity.
Antagonists: Dragons, Giants, Hobgoblins, Humans, Magical Beasts, Undead