Gimzor "Jett" Rosalind
Dashing! Handsome! Slick and smooth! And only 3’3”! Gimzor “Jett” Rosalind is a handsome young gnome with rakish black bangs and a coy smirk pasted on his lips. Perhaps the most enthralling feature of this wandering minstrel are his electric-blue eyes, sizzling with excitement and magic. His expression is an inviting label to come and experience the arts he can provide, namely that of the lute looped around his shoulders. Of course, music haters can sample his sharp rapier instead! The Jett favors bright colors for his tunic and leggings, and his black boots are always shiny. But if readied for battle, stiff and studded leather sheathes his small frame and a circular buckler with the image of kobold skull is strapped to his left arm. Gimzor is a great performer, true, but he won’t hesitate to strike down all those who would try and repress his talent – or his freedom of expression.
Gimzor Rosalind came from Facette, the gnome capitol of Verdentia. Born there in 859 AK, even from youth he idealized gnomish talents of sorcery. Yet he spent years trying to develop those skills and failed to ever get beyond the basics. Gimzor grew more frustrated as time went on, and that turned into more rambunctious and rebellious behavior. The pranks he played on his brethren grew mean, too, and he was rebuked harshly for playing jokes that were not in true gnomish spirit. Gimzor sought a way to channel his frustration. Music and dance became a natural outlet for the charismatic youth. He joined the bardic academy in Facette when his knack for entertainment blended well with his arcane skills. Soon Gimzor graduated with honors, having earned the nickname “the Jett” from his impressed brethren. But his training and rite of passage also changed Gimzor’s perspective. He went forth from Facette to the overland, pursuing the essence of magic and music…chaos in form. It was a paradox befitting the mad mind of a gnome!
Gimzor is rakish, roguish, sly, dauntless, eager, motivated, and borderline insane. He yearns to understand the world and the true meaning and nature of magic. He believes that life experience is the best way to do so, and eagerly takes to the roads in search of truth.
Gimzor will pursue the bard class first to 10th-level, thereafter pursuing the rogue class to 3rd-level. Then he will take up the arcane trickster prestige class to mastery (10th-level). Afterwards he will pursue epic levels of the bard class (20th-level+).
Character Sheet