Faimos Lethe
Campaign: Empty Skulls
Race: Human
Subrace: Estonen (Elan)
Type: Humanoid
Class: Fighter
Subclass: Sword-Saint
Concept: Heroic Swordsman
Level: 17
Level Adjustment: +0
XP: 143,990 (153,000/171,000)
Station: MU
Origin: Timber, Elan
Current Residence: Smyth, Verdentia
Hit Points: 194
Hit Dice: 17d10+68
Size: M
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Move: 20 ft.
Gender: M
Skin/Eyes/Hair: Peach/Brown/Brown
Apparent Age: 22
Real Age: 20
Height/Weight: 6'4"/222 lb.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Kord
Strength: 30 (+10)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 18 (+4)
Intelligence: 13 (+1)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 11 (+0)
Saving Throws
Fortitude: +18
Reflex: +12
Will: +11
Initiative: +7
Base Attack Bonus: +17/+12/+7/+2
Grapple: +27
Melee: +28
Ranged: +20
Armor Class *: 37=10+13+0+3+0+5+6
Armor Class (flat-footed): 34=10+13+0+5+6
Armor Class (vs. touch attacks): 19=10+3+0+9
* AC: total=base (10)+armor+shield+Dexterity+size+natural+magic+miscellaneous
Weapon Focus (great sword)
Improved Initiative
Power Attack
Combat Reflexes
Great Cleave
Weapon Specialization (great sword)
Greater Weapon Focus (great sword)
Greater Weapon Specialization (great sword)
Combat Expertise
Improved Sunder
Improved Disarm
Point Blank Shot
Weapon Mastery (great sword)
Special Abilities (Racial)
+2 saves vs. fear
Warrior's heritage
Favored Class: Any
Special Abilities (Class)
Sword-saint: +1 melee attack rolls
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, Martial, Dwarven Urgrosh
Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields
Maximum Class Ranks: 20/10
Appraise +1, Balance +0, Bluff +2, Climb +11, Concentration +4, Craft (weaponsmith) +15, Craft (armorsmith) +15, Diplomacy +0, Disguise +0, Escape Artist +0, Forgery +1, Gather Information +1, Handle Animal +4, Hide +5, Intimidate +16, Jump +12, Knowledge (local) +2, Listen +5, Move Silently +5, Ride +4, Search +2, Sense Motive +2, Spot +5, Survival +2, Swim +5, Use Rope +5
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Weapon: +5 holy defending adamantine great sword of undead and fiend bane
Attack Bonus: +37/+32/+27/+22
Damage: 2d6+26 (28-38)
Critical: 19-20/x2
Weight: 8 lb.
Range: --
Type: Slashing
Notes: +7/+2d6 damage vs. undead and evil outsiders; +2d6 damage vs. evil; bypass hardness /20
Weapon: +1 dagger
Attack Bonus: +29/+24/+19/+14 or +21
Damage: 1d4+11 (12-16)
Critical: 19-20/x2
Weight: 1 lb.
Range: 10 ft.
Type: Piercing/Slashing
Notes: --
Weapon: Throwing Axe
Attack Bonus: +20
Damage: 1d6+10 (11-16)
Critical: x2
Weight: 2 lb. x2
Range: 10 ft.
Type: Slashing
Notes: --
Weapon: Chain Whip
Attack Bonus: +24
Damage: 1d6+10 (11-16)
Critical: x2
Weight: 4 lb.
Range: --
Type: Bludgeoning
Notes: +2 disarms; trip attacks
Weapon: +3 merciful composite short bow
Attack Bonus: +23 or +24
Damage: 1d6+13 or 1d6+14 (13-18 or 14-19) (+1d6)
Critical: x3
Weight: 2+6 lb.
Range: 70 ft.
Type: Piercing
Notes: Strength pull +10; non-lethal damage until commanded otherwise
Ammunition: Daggers (1), throwing axes (2), arrows (28), +1 arrows (12)
Armor: +5 mithral full plate of heavy fortification, shadow, & silent moves
Armor Class Bonus: +13
Maximum Dexterity Bonus: +3
Armor Check Penalty: -3
Arcane Spell Failure: 25%
Base Move: 20 ft.
Weight: 25 lb.
Notes: 100% resistance vs. criticals & sneak attacks; +5 Hide and Move Silently
Worn Clothes: Traveler's Outfit
General Gear: Backpack (2), belt pouch (.5), quiver (1), healer's kit: 10 uses (1), silk rope 50 ft. (5), waterskins: 2 (8), potion chest (5), trail rations: 3 days (3), sunrod (1), antitoxins: 2 (0), masterwork armorsmith tools (5), masterwork weaponsmith tools (5)
Home Possessions: --
Magic Items: +5 mithral full plate of heavy fortification, shadow, & silent moves (25), +5 holy defending adamantine great sword of undead and fiend bane (8), +3 merciful composite short bow (2), +1 dagger (1), +1 arrows: 12 (2), ring of force shield (0), ring of protection +4 (0), brooch of shielding: 101 charges (0), bag of holding: type II (25) (max wt. 500 lb., current wt. 100 lb.), amulet of natural armor +5 (0), cloak of resistance +4 (0), belt of giant strength +6 (1)
Spell Components (valuable): --
Weight: 80 lb. (Light Load: 346 lb.)
Platinum: --
Gold: 5,295
Silver: --
Copper: --
Gems: --
Art/Miscellaneous: --
Code of Honor: none
Honor: 22
Reputation: +10
Name: Styx
Relation: Steed
Species: Heavy warhorse
HD/HP: 4d8+12 (44 hp)
Size/Move/Space & Reach: L; 50 ft.; 10 ft./5 ft.
AC: 18 (10/17)
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
Attack/Full Attack: Hoof +6 (1d6+4) or 2 hooves +6 (1d6+4) and bite +1 (1d4+2)
Special Attacks: --
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2
Feats: Endurance, Run
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +4
Carrying Capacity (Light/Med/Heavy): 300 lb./600 lb./900 lb.
Gear: Bit & bridle, 2 saddlebags, 3 days feed, chain barding, military saddle
Tricks or Powers: Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel