Faimos Lethe


Faimos Lethe looks like the beefy warrior he is. Burdened with an abundance of great muscle and sturdy build, Faimos looks more than capable of lopping off heads with that great sword sheathed half behind his back from his waist. Shiny steel armor with a copper finish (for a reddish tint) completely covers the human's torso and limbs. The overlapping plates seem fitted to his muscular body to encase him in finely crafted metal. Thick, black leather boots cover the rest of his legs. His hands are mailed, too, in matching gauntlets. His armor boasts little garnish save three short shoulder fins on both sides. Faimos' head is protected by a conical helm, displaying peeks of his mouse-brown hair (which could use a professional trimming) and ruddy, weatherworn features. The young man's brown eyes are bright with keen, attentive focus. It looks like he should be smiling, but he isn't. If he learned to, he might even be handsome…pity. Faimos' left arm is occupied with a small disc-shaped shield of bronze. It is adorned with an eight-point design of crisscrossing arrows and maces: the symbol of Cameatt. A single leather strap pinions the buckler to his arm, and his mailed fist carries the armor prudently. Faimos carries little besides his shield and great sword. The sword is a masterwork blade with flowing elven sigils that glow on the base of the blade when pulled from its leather scabbard. The pommel is ornately designed to be like the long body of a dragon whose head rises to the guard and whose fiery breath extends both ways to protect the wielder's hand. Fine black leather wraps around the grip and the pommel is capped with a small, faceted diamond. A mundane dagger is sheathed on the outside of his right thigh, and a large quiver with two score arrows hangs from the man's left side. Most of the arrows boast brown and white hawk feathers, though a dozen reveal finer fletch taken from a dire eagle. A recurved short bow of fine-crafted yew is stashed across his back, crisscrossing the great sword. The bow is pinned in place by the tan leather rucksack strapped over his shoulders.


Faimos was born 894 and grew up in the town of Timber, found on Fire Lake in Elan. His father was a blacksmith and Faimos inherited his father's smithing muscles. However, he was far more adventurous, and yearned to see the world and do great things like the folk heroes his mother would tell him about as bedtime stories. As he got older, he began to study swordplay under the local militia leader. Why not? Faimos would join the civil militia when he was old enough anyway. Faimos learned early on to strike hard, strike fast, whenever presented with a battle. Don't fool around with your opponents. When he was old enough, he left the apprenticeship for the family business to his little brother. Faimos joined a mercenary crew and guarded a merchant wagon that traveled south to the town of Smyth, in Verdentia. He expected the wagon to be beset by goblins or orcs or other bandits. But nooooooooo. The battle-lusty young fighter didn't see any action that trip. Fuming, Faimos kicked around Smyth awhile, until a wizened old cleric pulled him aside. He asked Faimos to take a peek into the Temple of Duvaun at the other end of town and see what they were up to. Faimos did so, and spotted some suspicious activity by the altar. Someone's limbs were flailing as two priests held him down. But before Faimos could see more, a pair of cleric guards assailed him from behind. Nearly caved the back of his head in with their flails, in fact. The unconscious Faimos was shackled and enslaved. He was shipped secretly from Smyth to Oasis, far to the desert in the south. Originally, he was to be made into a mineworker, but the town elders decided on a better idea for him…


Young Faimos is an almost barbaric warrior. Although he prefers to say little, he believes actions speak louder than words. Law and order is all good and everything, but he seeks justice and heroism. Faimos wants to become the greatest warrior in the land and the high defender of "the people". He studies hard and listens well to the lessons of life. In many ways, he's the epitome of a good soldier. Faimos could go far…provided his hunger for glory doesn't get him killed first.


Faimos will pursue the Fighter class to mastery (20th level) and continue beyond as an epic warrior.

Character Sheet