Evander Sepp
A massive wall of muscle belies the agility and prowess of Evander Sepp. His giant blood is evident in the unnatural hues of his skin, hair, and eyes: light-blue, silver, and white respectively. A pair of deadly axes are readily brought to the man's grasp. But the jovial smile on the half-giant's face disarms the suspicious. Evander stands 7'4" and weighs in around 280 pounds. No doubt he had to get the tunic, boots, furs, and finely-linked chain shirt custom-fit. A sweeping mustache adorns his chiseled features and despite his bulk, Evander clearly takes good care of his entire appearance. Pride and strength blend with an intellect of near-divine origins. Though devoid of pupils, Evander's gaze is clearly drawn to the cloudy horizon.
Evander Sepp was actually born 35 years ago, but the blood of Memnor's children slowed his aging some. The half-giant is the product of a love affair between the cloud giant, Keth Sepp, and the songstress of Limh in Northern Elan, Jaseria. Keth adopted a human guise, though let Jaseria in on the secret. She gave birth to Evander with some trouble but survived nonetheless: he was a big baby, not a monster. Keth swept Jaseria off to his castle set in the peaks of the Northern Cort Mountains of Hale. There she sang to the giant to their heart's content and raised their son, Evander, to walk in their parents' brave, romantic footsteps.
Though he possessed some talent for musical skill, Evander proved to be a physical lad. He showed more interest in the fighting ways and how to defend his parents' home. More than once he accompanied his towering father on a mission to root out dangers on their mountain: beasts and monsters that threatened security. One evening, Keth invited some of his fellow cloud giants to visit with he and his human family. From the other giants, the Sepps learned of a growing danger far to the south in the Kloud Mountains. Without hesitation, Evander volunteered to go and investigate. He wouldn't stand out as much as his towering full-blooded relatives, he argued. With some heavy consideration, Keth relented. Finally, Evander traveled out beyond his homeland alone, to find his own path!
Evander is optimistic and adventurous. He pays close attention to his environment at all times and is not easily distracted. When he focuses on something, his concentration is admirable. The man is especially interested in seeing all that the world has to offer in panoramic views. There may be something of a muse in his heart and one day he may answer it: but not before he has fuel for the fire.
Evander will pursue the Ranger class until at least 12th level. Then he may pick up a second class, either Bard or even Horizon Walker.
Character Sheet