Emira al-Badr
Campaign: Devils in the Dust
Race: Eladrin
Subrace: Ghaele
Type: Outsider (Celestial)
Class: Fighter
Subclass: Sword-saint
Concept: Royal Crusader
Level: 1
Level Adjustment: +12
XP: 0 (1,000/3,000)
Station: UM
Origin: Diamond Towers of the Black Plains, Mithardir (3rd Layer of Olympia)
Current Residence: Bayl Jawhari, Northeastern Yadahn
Hit Points: 156
Hit Dice: 10d8+60 and 1d10+6
Size: M
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Move: 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (perfect)
Gender: F
Skin/Eyes/Hair: Tanned/white/black
Apparent Age: 20
Real Age: 1,821
Height/Weight: 5'10"/162 lb.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Alah
Strength: 32 (+11)
Dexterity: 19 (+4)
Constitution: 22 (+6)
Intelligence: 19 (+4)
Wisdom: 20 (+5)
Charisma: 23 (+6)
Saving Throws
Fortitude: +16
Reflex: +11
Will: +11
Initiative: +4
Base Attack Bonus: +11/+6/+1
Grapple: +22
Melee: +21
Ranged: +15
Armor Class *: 39=10+13+0+3+0+14+0+-1
Armor Class (flat-footed): 36=10+13+0+0+14+-1
Armor Class (vs. touch attacks): 12=10+3+-1
* AC: total=base (10)+armor+shield+Dexterity+size+natural+magic+miscellaneous
Weapon Focus (great sword)
Improved Critical (great sword)
Eschew Materials
Power Attack
Improved Sunder
Combat Reflexes
Great Cleave
Special Abilities (Racial)
Outsiders' spiritual physiology
Flight (perfect -- globe form only)
Darkvision 60 ft.
Low-light vision
Divine toughness (+14 natural AC)
Spell resistance 28
Damage resistance 10/evil & cold iron
Immune to electricity & petrification
Resistance to cold 10 and fire 10
Protective aura, 20 ft.: +4 AC and saves vs. evil attacks, equal to magic circle against evil and lesser globe of invulnerability (CL 11th)
Continous tongues (CL 14th)
All weapons wielded considered aligned to chaotic good
Alternate form: humanoid/eldritch globe (incorporeal, flight, light rays & spell-like abilities only)
Light ray: 300 ft. ranged touch attack, overcome any damage resistance: +15 attack (2d12)
Gaze, 60 ft.: slay evil beings of 5 HD or less, even if saved suffer fear effects for 2d10 rounds; greater evil creatures must also save vs. fear (Will DC 21)
Clerical mastery (cast divine spells as 14th-level cleric)
Domain: Good -- cast good spells at +1 caster level
Domain: Sun -- 1/day, greater turning
Spell-like abilities: At will -- aid, comprehend languages, continual flames, cure light wounds, dancing lights, detect evil, disguise self, dispel magic, see invisibility, charm monster (DC 20), color spray (DC 17), detect thoughts (DC 18), hold monster (DC 21), greater invisibility (self only), major image (DC 19), greater teleport (self plus 50 lb. only); 1/day -- chain lightning (DC 22), prismatic spray (DC 23), wall of force (CL 12th)
Favored Class: Cleric
Special Abilities (Class)
Sword-saint: +1 to all melee attacks when armed with any melee weapon
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, martial
Armor Proficiencies: Light, medium, heavy, shields
Class: Cleric
Spells Per Day: 6/7+1/6+1/5+1/5+1/4+1/3+1/2+1/0/0
Spells Memorized (typical) *: Level 0: cure minor wounds, detect magic, detect poison, read magic, create water, guidance; Level 1: bless water, divine favor, shield of faith, sanctuary, hide from undead, command, bless, endure elements*; Level 2: cure moderate wounds, eagle's splendor, owl's wisdom, lesser restoration, silence, remove paralysis, heat metal*; Level 3: invisibility purge, remove blindness/deafness, daylight, cure serious wounds, remove curse, searing light*; Level 4: neutralize poison, death ward, dismissal, restoration, freedom of movement, fire shield*; Level 5: true seeing, mark of justice, dispel evil, break enchantment, flame strike*; Level 6: undeath to death, heal, geas/quest, blade barrier*; Level 7: repulsion, holy word, sunbeam*; Level 8: --; Level 9: --
* Domain or Specialty School bonus spell
Maximum Class Ranks: 14/7
Appraise +4, Balance +1, Bluff +6, Climb +8, Concentration +16, Craft (armorsmith) +11, Craft (weaponsmith) +11, Craft (alchemy) +6, Decipher Script +5, Diplomacy +13, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +11, Forgery +4, Gather Information +6, Handle Animal +11, Heal +8, Hide +11, Intimidate +16, Jump +8, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (nature) +9, Knowledge (religion) +5, Knowledge (planes) +9, Listen +15, Move Silently +11, Ride +6, Search +9, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +11, Spot +15, Survival +6, Swim +10, Use Rope +11
Languages: Celestial, Infernal, Draconic, Common (Zaharan), Common, Elven, Abyssal
Weapon: +5 holy ghost touch great sword of fiends' bane
Attack Bonus: +27
Damage: 2d6+22 (24-34)
Critical: 17-20/x2
Weight: 8 lb.
Range: --
Type: Slashing
Notes: Incandescent, +2d6 damage vs. evil, +1 bonus and +2d6 damage vs. evil outsiders
Weapon: +1 holy composite long bow
Attack Bonus: +16
Damage: 1d8+12 (13-20)
Critical: x3
Weight: 3+6 lb.
Range: 110 ft.
Type: Piercing
Notes: Strength pull +11, +2d6 damage vs. evil
Weapon: +1 dagger
Attack Bonus: +22 or +16
Damage: 1d4+13 (14-17)
Critical: 19-20/x2
Weight: 1 lb. x2
Range: 10 ft.
Type: Piercing/slashing
Notes: --
Ammunition: Arrows (40), daggers (2)
Armor: +5 mithral full plate armor of speed
Armor Class Bonus: +13
Maximum Dexterity Bonus: +3
Armor Check Penalty: -3
Arcane Spell Failure: 25%
Base Move: 20 ft.
Weight: 25 lb.
Notes: haste (self) up to 10 rounds/day
Worn Clothes: Explorer's outfit
General Gear: Backpack (2), large quiver (1), belt pouch (.5), sack (.5), spell component pouch (2), grappling hook (4), silk rope 50 ft. (5), healer's kit: 10 uses (1), masterwork armorsmith tools (5), masterwork weaponsmith tools (5)
Home Possessions: --
Magic Items: +5 mithral full plate armor of speed (25), +5 holy ghost touch great sword of fiends' bane (8), +1 holy composite long bow (3), +1 daggers x2 (1), ring of friend shield (0), rod of security (5)
Spell Components (valuable): silver dust (25 x2), diamond dust (100 x3), eye ointment from mushroom/saffron/fat (250 x4), crushed diamond powder (500 x2)
Weight: 76 lb. (Light Load: 692 lb.)
Platinum: 162
Gold: 4
Silver: 9
Copper: 0
Gems: --
Art/Miscellaneous: --
Code of Honor: none
Honor: 15
Reputation: +0