

Clearly not human and clearly not trustworthy, Eloquy is a sleight sprite of the notorious nixie nature. Pale-green skin and eyes and dark-green hair like kelp give this away, as well as provide excellent camouflage in her natural aquatic habitat. Yet it certainly does not detract from her sylvan and wild beauty. She stands barely over four feet tall and weighs not more than 50 pounds -- like a child, except she has the developed curves of a young woman for her height. Tiny gills might be noticed behind the elven curve of her ears. Eloquy may be found wearing a shirt of polished and undecorated leather mail and carrying a spear and small crossbow. But she's more likely to be encountered with nothing but a short tunic of woven shells and an alluring, mischievous smile. What is she up to?


About 114 years ago, Eloquy was born into what she came to call the Sun Pond, because the canopy of the Darkmaple Woods above the pond was open and permitted plenty of sunlight into her home. Once she was old enough to look after herself, her nixie parents left her that nice pond and went and found some other body of water. Eloquy enjoyed life there with no other nixies because she had other sprites to play with. Many pixies and grigs and occasionally even a grumpy leprechaun passed by her water. And not just fey visited her pond. Elves and even men sometimes did, too. These bigger folk she watched very warily, for sometimes they just seemed so full of themselves. When one was particularly rude, she enthralled the poor fool and put him or her to work around the pond as common labor or guardian. Sometimes she enthralled the fellow just to steal his belongings. Indeed, Eloquy got good at that manner of robbery, and began to enjoy the spoils she started to hoard. What, Eloquy pondered, would she get if she robbed mortal sorcerers? What fun trinkets they could bring her!


Eloquy is a free-spirited nixie with ambitions of collecting as many goodies as she can. To her, it's all about whatever catches her eye or her sharp mind. Magical objects are not beyond her fey comprehension, in fact, and she will gladly take anything and everything, even if not formally trained in its use.


Eloquy will pursue the rogue class for quite some time (at least 10th level) before considering any sort of shift, perhaps to sorcerer or wizard.

Character Sheet