Einar Vig


A massive hulk of a man-like form descends upon the scenery, towering at 7’8” and over 300 pounds. His flesh is dappled olive-green. Greasy shoulder-length black hair serves as the mane for this dark lion. Perhaps part-man, part-troll, his curved ears resemble those of a wolf. And a hunter Einar Vig is: despite his rough and monstrous appearance, he is well-equipped. Studded leather mail sheathes his powerfully-muscled body. A straight long sword is sheathed at his left side and a quiver of arrows thatched with feathers from an eagle on his right. In hand he carries a powerful, recurved long bow. The pack slung over his shoulders conceals the heavy, curved knife sheathed on his back. Black eyes peer through the woods, seeking out his next prey, be it man or beast.


Trolls were giants – ugly, horrific giants – but of a cruelly sylvan bent. They loved to consume the flesh of humans and their kin. That was why Einar Vig’s mother pleaded for her life: it was that or be forced to watch a troll that kidnapped her eat her body, one piece at a time. The deal she was forced to make required her to take the troll as her mate. Einar was the only result of that horrible joining. Though Einar’s mother hated the troll that spawned Einar, she was his mother, and loved her son very much. She helped raise the boy, hoping to make her offspring more humane and less…trollish. But Einar’s father had his share in altering the boy’s outlooks. He became a hunter, bringing food home for his mother. But he also became a killer, accompanying his father through the Derium Forest, ambushing merchants, travelers, and would-be adventurers. Einar would have been content to stay in this life always.

But Einar aged slowly, as full-blooded trolls did. He watched his mother grow older, and soon no longer held his father’s interest. At age 38 (but only 19 in actual maturation), Einar watched in horror as his father slaughtered his mother. Although he lacked the troll’s ability to regenerate, Einar well knew that strength – and how to exploit its weaknesses. There were no tears when he rose up against his father. But before he could burn the body, his father fled. Einar chased him, but the older troll escaped. Einar intended to track his father down and make him pay. Beyond revenge, Einar only knew life in the wilderness.


Einar is not stupid: far from it. His mother educated him as best she could, and that is combined with a natural cunning. He’s a gruff and homely man, this much he knows, so he tries to compensate for that with a free-spirited attitude towards life. He understands the value of life better than many, but Einar is also well-acquainted with the natural tendencies of life to do as it pleases. And ultimately, so shall he.


Einar will master the ranger class (20th level+) and beyond as an epic ranger, learning how to hunt everything with deadly, brutal precision.

Character Sheet