Darin Sweetnettles


Darin Sweetnettles is tall for a pixie, albeit only by a couple inches. The young sprite appears to be about two and a half feet tall, weighing roughly 32 pounds. Darin is a dashingly handsome fellow with his swept-back fey ears and passionate indigo eyes. A rakish grin occupies his lips and his earthy-brown hair is swept up and back. Darin wears bright heliotrope leggings under a shirt of thick cotton padding. The center of each quilt square of his padded armor has a special Sylvan notation of enchantment. The pixie doesn't wear boots but a pair of shoes that curl up and back gaily. His light armor was also uniquely designed for his lithe form, allowing slits on the back for his long (and functional) gossamer wings that, in the right light, catch a fascinating rainbow ambiance. Darin is a face of nature, an unpredictable nature of the forest, with which all who pass through must learn to reckon. But don't worry, he's a pixie! He's just going to balance the odds.


Though Darin Sweetnettles looked like a young adult, he was actually over 100 years old. He was born and raised among pixies in the heart of Darkmaple Woods, which was a central woodlands of the sylvan nation of Chrystana. As he grew up as slowly as any sprite, Darin developed knowledge of his homelands as well as the ways of the pixie, especially all their magics and special poisons. Indeed, he took that knowledge to heart, practicing his ambush techniques on fellow sylvan dwellers (namely elves, heehee!). It was all for fun and he never did anything to his victims, except occasionally help himself to a little coin or a particularly attractive piece of jewelry. His nefarious tendencies outdid even most other pixies, but sprite magic was strong with him. Thus, Darin decided he would target travelers other than the rich and snooty. No, no, the greed of mortal spellcasters would meet his thieving skills! So it was that Darin began to scout and watch over the Darkmaple Woods in wait for such a potential victim.


Darin is good-natured and highly intelligent, but he's as deceitful and liable to prank other creatures as any other pixie. His understanding of sorcery is greater than that of most mortals, and he treats magic with very high respect. It's no wonder he deems that those who do not truly respect magic and behave with wisdom and patience regarding that power should be punished! And he's well-armed and minded to carry out such a crusade.


Darin will pursue the rogue class until about 10th level at least in order to harness all the skills he'll need to appreciate his endeavors. Afterwards, he will probably pick up the sorcerer class to put his potent talents to even greater use. Hopefully, he will exercise the same respect for sorcery that he demands of all others!

Character Sheet