Dagny Dwfola


Dagny Dwfola does not appear like someone a traveler would expect to see on the road. At a stout 4’3” and 135 pounds, she is clearly dwarven in nature. Pointedly, Dagny is a dwarf lady of fine upbringing, with long and illustrious black hair plaited and often wound up into a severe bun on the back of her head. Her skin is pale and smooth, her face round and almost cherubic. Light-green eyes stay steady and focused. Often Dagny smiles, but it less a smile of compassion and more a smile of fearless confidence: an expression of inspired determination. Silver-gray robes and short black leather boots encompass her typical attire. What would a mountain dwarf be doing outside of her mountain? Perhaps it is the definition of the scarlet mantle draped over her shoulders bearing the symbol of Herlidall Bridgecleaver. More likely, it is the finely crafted suit of chain mail that she wears with the ease of any dwarven warrior. And above all, the dwarven waraxe she hefts with skill and ease is more than enough to give any wonderer pause. As a priestess of the dwarven war god, Dagny has a holy right to cleave all who would bring harm to her people. Looking upon the keen edge of that axe, why test the lady’s devotion?


Dagny always bucked the trend. She was born in 859 AK into the Dwfola Clan, a family of warriors. The daughters of the Dwfola traditionally were married to other families, usually with political undertones. Deephart Dale, in the Kloud Mountains of Hale, needed the unity. But Dagny was always quite energetic and even rebellious. Her parents were never sure what to do with such a tomboy daughter. Over the years, her attitude chafed her conservative family relations more and more. It finally exploded with a huge argument. Dagny ran away for a time to think and try to find her place. And that was when she received “the call”. She passed a weapon forge in the heart of the mountain city. The sound of the hammer’s fall resounded in her heart. She immediately appealed to join the holy order of her clan’s ties to the Temple of Herlidall Bridgecleaver. Noting her inspiration, she was accepted. Dagny spent years at the seminary and she even graduated at the top of her class. But she was also the only female in the class. Perhaps that was why her elders were hardest on her after graduation, immediately dispatching her to search for threats to the security of her homeland. She accepted the assignment with dignity, eager to prove the chauvinists wrong and show anyone can serve the gods with glory and truth.


Dagny stays quiet and respectful. But she is young and not about to be a pushover. She will always speak up for what she believes is right, and she has the combat skill to back it up if need-be. Above all, Dagny is an active, energetic, and assertive young dwarf woman. Her religious sentiment remains personal; she believes people need to find their own inspirations. Therefore she does not sermonize. If one wishes to follow a path of inequity, that is their choice, so long as they recognize they will have to cross her axe one day.


Dagny will follow the cleric class until she achieves 13th-level. At that time she will take up the prestige class of hierophant until it’s mastered (5th-level), then continue to acquire cleric levels through epic achievements (20th-level+).

Character Sheet