Tall and handsome but not particularly dark, this aasimar stands 6'2" and weighs about 180 pounds -- powerfully built as a warrior should be. The 20ish man stands with a regal and stoic poise, wearing a fine white cotton tunic etched with golden trim. The edges match his inhuman gaze well. For while Corunum has normal blonde hair, his eyes are a blazing gold. His celestial heritage impels him to a quiet pride, readily backed up when he totes the heavy, oak-handled scythe like an angel of death. When expecting battle, the aasimar also dons a fine shirt of chain links, a mantle overlapping the chest depicting a ferocious lion, which depicts his soulful strength well indeed.
Angels and demons didn't mix. But sometimes they did by force. Corunum, an aasimar who was born twin brother to a tiefling named Hope, was one such example. Their grandmother was a full-blooded succubus villainess. She snuck into the bed of a fine warrior in the city of Steele, capitol of Artos, and stayed with him for a full year. Their son was a fiendish monster, however, named Tantos. Tantos inherited all of his mother's vicious, rapacious, and evil qualities. She raised him away from the father, and when Tantos was old enough, the half-fiend explored Estonen. In Commorancy, the capitol of Elan, Tantos encountered an aasimar named Jania. Jania was a descendant of a half-celestial and was clearly plane-touched, due her beauty and gentility. The vicious Tantos fell upon her and raped her, then left her to go on his fiendish path. Corunum and Hope were the results of that forced union, born in 895 -- Corunum in the morning, and Hope many hours later through horrible labor at night. Jania didn't die in the process of that labor, but even her supernatural health was weakened severely. She was able to raise her two children for a decade before typhoid claimed her life. The two children had to survive on their own. A local warrior academy took pity on the planetouched and allowed them to train (and eventually pay for the service). Thus, Corunum and Hope were both able to hone their swordplay and other combat skills to professional levels and provide for themselves as town guards. They lived together always in the house their mother once owned. Corunum knew of his past's bastard origin and he turned to his celestial aasimar heritage for focus and purity. Meanwhile, his sister inherited Tantos' heritage as a tiefling, and Corunum discovered he would have to always protect his attractive but demonic sister…from herself.
This aasimar struggles against his mixed heritage. Although he clearly leans towards his celestial side, there is a lot of demonic blood in his veins. He devotes himself to daily communion with Naiok as if he were a cleric! But for now, he's simply a devoted fighter and protector of the weak. And he counts his dear sister among the weak, contrary to her physical prowess. She needs guidance even more than he does, clearly. So Corunum is devoted to Hope above all.
Corunum will work towards Level 10 in the Fighter class. Then he will multi-class to Cleric, working up to 10th level. Then he will master Fighter class, then back to Cleric to master it (both to 20th level).
Character Sheet