Campaign: Tidal Towers
Race: Uthra
Subrace: Metavoi
Type: Outsider (good, celestial)
Class: Paladin
Subclass: Protector
Concept: Holy Guardian
Level: 1
Level Adjustment: +8
XP: 0 (1,000/3,000)
Station: UL
Origin: Heavenly City (6th layer of Celestia)
Current Residence: Abrasia, Verdentia
Hit Points: 236
Hit Dice: 12d8+120 and 1d10+10
Size: L
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Move: 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Gender: M
Skin/Eyes/Hair: Peach/silver/platinum
Apparent Age: 30
Real Age: 3,872
Height/Weight: 12'4"/1,271 lb.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Kapponius
Strength: 30 (+10)
Dexterity: 26 (+8)
Constitution: 30 (+10)
Intelligence: 23 (+6)
Wisdom: 32 (+11)
Charisma: 31 (+10)
Saving Throws
Fortitude: +20
Reflex: +13
Will: +19
Initiative: +8
Base Attack Bonus: +13/+8/+3
Grapple: +27
Melee: +22
Ranged: +20
Armor Class *: 45=10+8+5+8+-1+12+3+0
Armor Class (flat-footed): 37=10+8+5+-1+12+3
Armor Class (vs. touch attacks): 20=10+8+-1+3
* AC: total=base (10)+armor+shield+Dexterity+size+natural+magic+miscellaneous
Weapon Focus (long sword)
Flyby Attack
Combat Expertise
Improved Disarm
Power Attack
Neurotic (social aversion disorder)
Poor Reflexes
Special Abilities (Racial)
Outsiders' spiritual physiology
Flight (average)
Divine toughness (+12 natural AC)
Low-light vision
Darkvision 60 ft.
Telepathy 100 ft.
Immunity to acid, petrification, and polymorph
Resistance to cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10, and sonic 10
Damage resistance 10/evil
Spell resistance 23
All weapons aligned good
Divine weapon
Temple dependence
Temple invulnerability
Greater invisibility, magic circle against evil and tongues as continuous effects (CL 13th)
Spell-like abilities: At will -- detect chaos/evil/good/law, greater teleport (self plus 50 lb. only), plane shift (self only), shield other; 3/day -- antimagic shield, hallow, mass cure light wounds (DC 25); 1/day -- dispel evil (DC 25), holy aura (DC 28), horrid wilting (DC 28), screen (DC 28) (CL 16th)
Favored Class: Cleric
Special Abilities (Class)
Aura of good
Detect evil at will
Smite evil 1/day (+10 attack, +1 damage)
Protector: +1 AC when defending helpless
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, martial
Armor Proficiencies: Light, medium, heavy, shields (not tower)
Maximum Class Ranks: 16/8
Appraise +6, Balance +6, Bluff +10, Climb +8, Concentration +25, Craft (weaponsmith) +13, Diplomacy +27, Disguise +10, Escape Artist +21, Forgery +6, Gather Information +12, Handle Animal +15, Heal +18, Hide +17, Intimidate +25, Jump +13, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (architecture) +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (geography) +7, Knowledge (history) +11, Knowledge (local) +11, Knowledge (nature) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +7, Knowledge (religion) +16, Knowledge (planes) +11, Listen +26, Move Silently +21, Ride +13, Search +21, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +18, Spot +26, Survival +11, Swim +6, Use Rope +10
Languages: Common, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Draconic, Elven, Giant
Weapon: +2 holy long sword
Attack Bonus: +25
Damage: 2d6+12 (14-24)
Critical: 19-20/x2
Weight: 8 lb.
Range: --
Type: Slashing
Notes: +2d6 damage vs. evil
Weapon: +1 dagger
Attack Bonus: +23 or +21
Damage: 1d6+11 (12-17)
Critical: 19-20x/2
Weight: 2 lb.
Range: 10 ft.
Type: Piercing/Slashing
Notes: --
Weapon: +1 holy composite long bow of seeking
Attack Bonus: +21
Damage: 2d6+11 (13-23)
Critical: x3
Weight: 6+12 lb.
Range: 110 ft.
Type: Piercing
Notes: Ignores concealment; +2d6 damage vs. evil; +10 Strength pull
Ammunition: Arrows (40), daggers (1)
Armor: Celestial armor
Armor Class Bonus: +8
Maximum Dexterity Bonus: +8
Armor Check Penalty: -2
Arcane Spell Failure: 15%
Base Move: 30 ft.
Weight: 40 lb.
Notes: Fly 1/day
Shield: +3 heavy mithral shield of arrow deflection
Armor Class Bonus: +5
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Arcane Spell Failure: 5%
Weight: 15 lb.
Notes: Ref save DC 20 to avoid normal missiles
Worn Clothes: Cleric's vestments
General Gear: Backpack (2), sacks: 2 (2), large quiver (2), whetstone (2), silk rope 50 ft. (5), healer's kit: 10 uses (2), silver holy symbol (2), masterwork weaponsmith tools (10)
Home Possessions: --
Magic Items: +2 holy long sword (8), +1 dagger (2), +1 holy composite long bow of seeking (6), celestial armor (40), +3 heavy mithral shield of arrow deflection (15), horn of collapsing (6), ring of protection (0)
Spell Components (valuable): --
Weight: 76 lb. (Light Load: 1,064 lb.)
Platinum: 52
Gold: --
Silver: --
Copper: --
Gems: --
Art/Miscellaneous: --
Code of Honor: Code of Valor
Honor: 25
Reputation: +1