Bercilak -- "Miasma"


Commonly known as Miasma, this old green dragon occasionally changes into the shape of a human warrior-priest of the greatest of all chromatic dragons, Echidna. Through his faith and war-skill, Miasma can crush any foes against her tyrannical designs with his heavy mace that is etched with unholy symbols of Infernal. He will be found wearing his prized suit of armor -- an nigh-impenetrable set of field plate quicksilvered from mithral. The breastplate is aptly embossed with a rearing green dragon. A cloak with folds that shimmer and blur is attached to his back and the dark-haired (with iron-gray streaks), pale-skinned, human-looking Miasma marches forward with cruel determination. He appears like a tall and well-muscled human being. Only his eyes, which lack all contrast save a rich emerald-green, give away his true identity. And even now, the scent of acid or stinging chemicals clings to his form.

In his true and preferred form, however, Bercilak is over 28 feet long and weights close to 3,000 pounds. The green dragon seems streamlined from its mighty trunks for legs that end in spear-like claws to its body-length leathery crest that rises highest at the base of his reptilian skull and trails down to the tip of his thick, swaying tail. The dragon's pinions are powerful, ribbed and hooked cruelly like the many hornlets that decorate the ridges over his cunning eyes and under his broad chin. Bercilak's jaw is curving and many of those sharp, jagged teeth poke over naturally. His every breath is accompanied by a thin cloud of greenish mist, clearly poisonous. Scales that radiate several different shades of natural green sheath his whole mass, providing protection better than even the mithral plate he adopts in human guise. The hues are lighter along Bercilak's underbelly, but hardly more vulnerable. Pure malice burns in his draconian gaze like balefire and the power and will to crush and dominate all life stings as readily as the palpable stink of chlorine.


The year 341 AK witnessed Bercilak's hatching in the heart of the Trisex Woods of Western Praetoria. He immediately displayed dominance over his few other siblings, proving the strongest and smartest of the clutch. That was no doubt why his mother favored him and let him live instead of eating him like she did the rest of her children during one long cycle of multiple famines. He matured by himself in her forest lair, learning how to keep himself company from an early start. He later learned of his mother's demise at the hands of brave dragon hunters. Human scum! He seethed with rage and let his vengeance be felt on a not-too-distant settlement of sylvan elves. After that episode, Bercilak disappeared from the action, seeking to avoid his mother's fate, and hungering to grow in strength. He would dominate everyone, especially all those not of dragon blood, for they were unworthy meat puppets, the lot of them!

So Bercilak spent years developing his powers, hoarding treasure and magical lore alike. Yet he lacked real direction. The occasional marauding in his new home of Pyre Marsh, which was found in Southwestern Praetoria, kept him healthy on a steady diet of lizardfolk, bullywugs, and troglodytes. Occasionally, he was able to enjoy a morsel of elf or man-flesh. The reptilian humanoids of his marsh came to worship him as a god, and that was how it should be, he decided. From their raids, they presented him with a percentage, further filling his hoard over time. When his powers were great enough, he began to wander out of the swamp and into the settlements of humanity, disguised as one of their own. There he adopted his Common moniker of Miasma, since no one but other dragons were permitted to know his real name.

As centuries ticked by and his years shed impulsive folly, Bercilak began to consider how he could truly effect his goals. The world was overrun with the meat puppets he despised and the treacherous metallic dragons warded the civilizations of men like guard dogs. Fortunately, his talents would not go to waste. Echidna herself noticed Bercilak's potential and sent him a vision during one of his brief sleeps (for he did not like to sleep for long, considering his mother was fallen upon while she slept). She invited him to take up her banner and push the might of his kind forward. She would in return bestow upon him certain unholy gifts to further their mutual cause, and be regarded as one of the highest dragons in her league. Bercilak, pleased that his queen would hand pick him, agreed. Soon spiritual dialogues between he and Echidna grew more frequent and his policies slightly altered. No longer did he want treasure alone brought, but slaves…slaves to be sacrificed and devoured in Echidna's name. Men, elves, fey, it did not matter, as long as they were a decent folk in the eyes of their petty civilizations. They would learn in time who their true masters were.


Bercilak is calculating and cruel. He enjoys breathing his poisons on living things and watching them twitch. Despite his maturity, he is still prone to occasional acts of impulsive belligerence, but only directed ever at anything besides his queen, and any chromatic dragon that can prove it's higher in the food chain than he is. Consequently, any creature that dares associate with Miasma would be well-advised to guard his comments, since anything Bercilak considers offensive will result in him gassing and chomping the unfortunate ally. His interest in treasure is still greed-based, but less for mere hoarding now and more purposeful -- he wants treasure he can put to good use. Bercilak is just as vain as ever, of course, if not more so due to the rewards his faith to Echidna are reaping.


Bercilak will pursue the cleric class until at least 10th level before considering taking up the prestige class of blackguard, which he would master (10th level).

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