Baltazar Tauma
Baltazar Tauma embodies the eternal vision of “rake” and “rogue”. The human stands only 5’8”, but his posture and poise boast confidence and savvy. Healthy skin reveals his age to be in his early to mid 20s. Baltazar brushes stray rich brown bangs from his handsome face. That way, he has less trouble spotting potential marks, allies, and enemies with ever seeking, dancing brown eyes. Though he clearly prefers dashing and debonair attire, Baltazar is no fool. He is always found wearing thick leather padding, riveted with metal studs. A short sword and dagger are sheathed at his waist, ready for trouble. Criss-crossing his back, curiously enough, are a short bow and a lute. That implies his career, though chances are (as with most bards), that’s only part of the story…
The questionable trade practices of Verdentia’s second-biggest city, Andyna, can be blamed for the production of a man like Baltazar Tauma. His parents were simple laborers, his mother a seamstress and father a dockworker. They could never provide enough food for themselves though, and so Baltazar turned to petty thievery. He would have landed an excellent career as a pickpocket had he not tried to steal from a traveling minstrel. The bard caught the young teenager’s hand and put an old lute in it. “Play,” commanded the traveling minstrel. Frightened of being turned into the city guard, Baltazar complied. He was terrible of course, but the bard smiled. “You have potential”, and thus took on Baltazar as his apprentice. It was an act of faith on his mentor’s part, to take the young man off the streets.
That faith was not entirely honored. Baltazar proved an excellent student, and stayed out of trouble during the years of lessons and training until his music emerged from his very soul. He did indeed have talent, but he never left the back alleys behind. When their traveling circuit returned them to Andyna, Baltazar decided it was time to strike out on his own. He and his teacher parted on amicable terms. But the older bard did not realize that Baltazar returned to his home turf to start up his criminal life again. It wasn’t ever about the thrill of the deed though, not for Baltazar. He really just wanted to get rich, and he knew the minstrel’s life could not deliver that. His knowledge and connections in Andyna afforded him a better role in the city’s underbelly than humble cutpurse, however. Other thieves came to him and he knew who to see to sell their stolen goods. He was now a fence – one of the fences of Andyna, Verdentia.
Baltazar is confident and handsome and witty. But he’s also a bit of a coward. He doesn’t mean to be, nor would he ever admit it. He’s simply inexperienced and has seen very little combat, because he’s deliberately avoided it. “Blood doesn’t pay”, that’s his motto. (Of course, he doesn’t think assassination is a morally valid career path either.)
Baltazar will pursue the bard class to mastery (20th-level) since it provides sufficient skills for his career and path toward treasure.
Character Sheet