Arden "Ruffiron" Mavis
Bravery is not defined by height. Indeed, Arden “Ruffiron” Mavis may epitomize true bravery. This lightfoot stands only half a man at 3’3” and less than 40 pounds. But those 40 pounds pack much wiry muscle and nimble ability. Sealed in finely cured leather studded with iron, Arden is clearly a warrior ready to defend his home from danger. The young halfling keeps his black hair cut short – never more than an inch. Sharp, steely brown eyes prove always attentive and focused. When relaxed, Arden is often found in a dark-green tunic with brown leggings and soft brown boots. Admittedly, Arden is somewhat plain looking. But there is fierceness in his every step, in the cadence of his march. The guard’s halberd he carries and wields with such expertise is a clear warning to enemies that Ruffiron is not to be taken lightly no matter his height.
Arden Mavis was always athletic and competitive. He was always the lead of his peers in the many sports and games that lightfoot halflings of Bright Hills, Chrystana, played. Born in 886 AGW, life was easy for the folk, and he trained idly at the various forms of civil defense halflings practiced. As reports of danger drew nearer to his homeland, Arden took them seriously and picked up the defensive banner. Indeed, he proved himself in a territorial border dispute with neighboring human settlers. He and his comrades killed very few but wounded enough of the tall folk to dissuade the aggressive humans from battle altogether. Undoubtedly, Ruffiron was a leader for keeping halfling lands for halflings, and would be tested again in the future.
Arden possesses a serious mien, but he’s really folksy and easygoing. His competitive nature only comes into view during sports or trials, not real battle. Arden remains wary of outsiders like all halflings of Bright Hills. Respectful of the law, halfling law at least, Arden nonetheless believes in natural justice. Good folk he may fight with over misunderstandings don’t need to die, but monsters are a different story, and he won’t hesitate to bat aside any threats to his home.
Arden will master the fighter class (20th-level+) and beyond, taking it to epic levels.
Character Sheet