A cool, always-flowing breeze seems to sweep about this beautiful creature's presence. Alysia is a towering woman with divine comeliness and the compact but rippling muscles of a creature that has trained in physical discipline all her life. But she is no mortal. Her skin is argent and her eyes like molten silver. Her long hair, bound in a single braid, flutters like a white cape down between a pair of dove-gray wings that can easily carry her into powerful flight. There is a quiet determination about Alysia that demonstrates her intense and infallible-seeming insight and wisdom. Alysia is clad in a two-piece outfit of simple if silk trousers and vest, all of which are bound by cords of the same material, and stark white and clean. Slid through the belt around her waist as if holstered are a pair of three-pronged sai that are so bright that they almost blind if they catch and reflect the right amount of light. A steady, unshakable air surrounds this half-silver dragon astral deva, making it clear her physical and mental prowess are more than enough to dissuade any infernal buffoonery that comes near.
Alysia was birthed into the universe 1,746 years ago, a resident of the holiest Heavenly City, the sixth layer of Celestia. Her mother was a silver dragon known as Xerias that sided with divine forces to overcome a wicked scheme concocted by devils and chromatic dragons. Her father was an astral deva named Juyn-Hai that flew into battle at her side, and later helped construct an accord to which the enemy grudgingly agreed -- that they would never again try to breed wholesale armies of half-dragon monsters to plague the world.
For centuries, Alysia was grown with that potent dual heritage of mother and father and living in their great legacy. She didn't feel jealous or restless about anything her parents did and all the things she had not experienced while dwelling in this peaceful citadel. Alysia happily helped her unusual parents handle daily celestial affairs in the Heavenly City. When her mother returned to Cael, Alysia's usefulness to her family diminished back in the city. Without guiding purpose, the half-silver dragon astral deva decided to submit herself to the Temple of Pearls. There she focused her inherited grace, strength, and will into a powerful instrument in the name of Laknossis. When her mother reportedly vanished off the face of the earth, and Juyn-Hai disappeared into the depths of the universe in search of her, Alysia suspected greater treachery was afoot. With her temple's permission, she set out through the planes to visit Cael for the first time and perhaps pick up where her mother left off.
Alysia's radiance, beauty, and self-confidence shine through her silver skin like a beacon of pure goodness and truth. She appears to hold the answers to all of life's questions. And while this isn't true, her slightest smile can set the hostile at ease, while a single blow from her well-honed fists or weapons can batter any creature senseless. She would rather not use her admirable powers to destroy and kill needlessly, but will always stand in defense of what is good and right, and she will definitely fight for her parents' honor and the sacrifice they made ages ago.
Alysia would pursue the rigorous discipline of the monk class to mastery and beyond as an epic monk (20th level+).
Character Sheet