Alyndriel Sharda
Behind a tangle of laurel leaves and a suit of primitively-constructed leather armor, Alyndriel's elven beauty and purity of spirit shines through. The grugach's skin is nicely tanned, her black hair bound in dozens of slender braids, and her eyes verdant green with intensity. Scimitar and sickle are strapped at her sides, the woman wearing common wool breeches and blouse.
Growing up among the grugach tribes of northern Chrystana wasn't easy. Life was harsh and primitive, but Alyndriel early on displayed great love for the power and beauty of nature. From youth, the druids of her tribe took her under wing. Alyndriel learned how to truly commune with the world in ways most civilized elves forgot. Taking her lessons to heart, Alyndriel eventually left her tribe behind. She undertook a journey across the northern lands, seeking deeper answers to the mysteries of nature. In so doing, Alyndriel knew she would be called upon to defend nature from her enemies, too.
Alyndriel tends to be quiet and reserved except when in her element: surrounded by the flora and fauna of nature. Then her primitive beauty is coupled with a glow of confidence and fearlessness that sets life around her at ease. The elf is not afraid of anything really, certain nature will protect her longevity in return for her doing the same.
Alyndriel will pursue the Druid class to mastery (20th level) before possibly deepening her relationship as a Hierophant.
Character Sheet