Alesien Lufiel
A shock of sleek, scarlet fire lights up the day or night in equal fervor. Alesien Lufiel stands with the pride of her elvish people, lean and fearless, clad in woodsy browns and greens. If expecting trouble, fine chain links tumble over her torso’s effeminate shape. A finely recurved long bow always rests close at hand. Stunning emerald eyes survey the land while a graceful hand easily reaches her to her companion. This ferocious black-furred wolf’s mass may be greater than the elf’s.
Tralavir never grew to accommodate more than a few dozen wood elf families. So, they kept close-knit. Alesien Lufiel had the benefit of maturing in a close and caring environment like that, this village on the river. The village specialized in brewing fine elvish ale and transporting it upriver to the major elvish cities, where their label was exported. So, a modest amount of wealth poured into Tralavir and ensured those with talent never went undiscovered. Alesien’s skill with archery went beyond the ordinary and drew her into the folds of the elven rangers. She attended the secret training with reverence. When she proved her knowledge, the senior rangers graduated her. She returned to Tralavir and took up a role as a sheriff’s deputy, patrolling the area for hostilities to be purged or turned to her good people’s advantage. Like Raka, her loyal wolf partner who helps her patrol the land for trouble.
Alesien is upbeat and energetic but quiet and reserved, particularly among strangers. She does not trust outsiders (even other elves) readily but does take the time to watch carefully and make informed judgments. Truth be told, however, but the ranger prefers the company of beasts.
Alesien is interested only in pursuing the ranger class to its epic conclusion (20th-level+).
Character Sheet