Campaign: Holy Crusades
Race: Archon
Subrace: Trumpet
Type: Outsider (good, celestial)
Class: Paladin
Subclass: Protector
Concept: Celestial Knight
Level: 1
Level Adjustment: +8
XP: 0 (1,000/3,000)
Station: MU
Origin: Heavenly City (6th Layer of Celestia)
Current Residence: Kloud Mountains, Hale
Hit Points: 223
Hit Dice: 12d8+108 and 1d10+9
Size: M
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Move: 40 ft., fly 90 ft. (good)
Gender: M
Skin/Eyes/Hair: Green/silver/bald
Apparent Age: 28
Real Age: 4,872
Height/Weight: 5'10"/147 lb.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Aos
Strength: 27 (+8)
Dexterity: 20 (+5)
Constitution: 29 (+9)
Intelligence: 20 (+5)
Wisdom: 23 (+6)
Charisma: 23 (+6)
Saving Throws
Fortitude: +20
Reflex: +14
Will: +15
Initiative: +5
Base Attack Bonus: +13/+8/+3
Grapple: +21
Melee: +21
Ranged: +18
Armor Class *: 41=10+7+0+5+0+14+6+-1
Armor Class (flat-footed): 36=10+7+0+0+14+6+-1
Armor Class (vs. touch attacks): 20=10+5+0+6+-1
* AC: total=base (10)+armor+shield+Dexterity+size+natural+magic+miscellaneous
Ability Focus (trumpet)
Flyby Attack
Eschew Materials
Improved Critical (great sword)
Weapon Focus (great sword)
Weapon Focus (long sword)
Combat Expertise
Special Abilities (Racial)
Darkvision 60 ft.
Low-light vision
Divine toughness (+14 natural AC)
Flight (good)
Damage resistance 10/evil
Spell resistance 29
Immunity to electricity and petrification
+4 saves vs. poison
All wielded weapons considered aligned to good and lawful
Trumpet, 100 ft. radius: all but archons paralyzed for 1d4 rounds (Fort DC 24); transform trumpet at will into a +4 great sword
Aura of menace, 20 ft. radius (DC 24): -2 on attacks, saves, and AC for 24 hours or until the victim successfully strikes the archon
Supernaturally radiates a permanent magic circle against evil (CL 13th)
May supernaturally use greater teleport at will (self only plus 50 lb., CL 14th)
Supernaturally benefits from tongues (CL 14th)
Outsiders' spiritual physiology
Spell-like abilities: At will -- detect evil, message, continual flame (CL 13th)
Clerical mastery (cast divine spells as 14th-level cleric)
Domain: War -- weapon proficiency and feat (long sword)
Domain: Destruction -- smite 1/day (+4 attack, +14 damage)
Favored Class: Paladin
Special Abilities (Class)
Aura of good
Detect evil at will
Smite evil 1/day (+6 attack, +1 damage)
Code of conduct
Protector: +1 AC when defending the helpless
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, martial
Armor Proficiencies: Light, medium, heavy, shields (not tower)
Class: Cleric
Spells Per Day: 6/7+1/7+1/5+1/5+1/4+1/4+1/2+1/0/0
Spells Memorized (typical) *: Level 0: detect magic, read magic, cure minor wounds, guidance, create water, resistance; Level 1: magic weapon*, shield of faith, cure light wounds x2, sanctuary, divine favor, command, bless water; Level 2: spiritual weapon*, bull's strength, eagle's splendor, owl's wisdom, cure moderate wounds, lesser restoration, shield other, remove paralysis; Level 3: magic vestment*, dispel magic, prayer, cure serious wounds, remove curse, remove blindness/deafness; Level 4: divine power*, cure critical wounds, death ward, restoration, neutralize poison, freedom of movement; Level 5: flame strike*, break enchantment, disrupting weapon, dispel evil, true seeing; Level 6: blade barrier*, heal, undeath to death, geas/quest, banishment; Level 7: disintegrate*, repulsion, holy word; Level 8: --; Level 9: --
* Domain or Specialty School bonus spell
Maximum Class Ranks: 16/8
Appraise +5, Balance +5, Bluff +6, Climb +8, Concentration +19, Craft (weaponsmith) +8, Craft (weaponsmith) +8, Craft (alchemy) +6, Decipher Script +6, Diplomacy +13, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +10, Forgery +5, Gather Information +6, Handle Animal +11, Heal +8, Hide +7, Intimidate +9, Jump +8, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Knowledge (nature) +10, Knowledge (religion) +10, Knowledge (the planes) +10, Listen +21, Move Silently +15, Perform (wind instruments) +23, Ride +7, Search +10, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +12, Spot +21, Survival +11, Swim +13, Use Rope +12
Languages: Celestial, Infernal, Draconic, Abyssal, Common, Elven, Auran, Sylvan
Weapon: +4 great sword
Attack Bonus: +26
Damage: 2d6+16 (18-28)
Critical: 16-20/x2
Weight: 8 lb.
Range: --
Type: Slashing
Notes: transform into trumpet or back as a free action; becomes useless chunk of metal in anyone else's hands
Weapon: +1 composite long bow
Attack Bonus: +19
Damage: 1d8+9 (9-17)
Critical: x3
Weight: 3+6 lb.
Range: 110 ft.
Type: Piercing
Notes: +8 strength pull
Ammunition: Arrows (40)
Armor: +3 mithral chain shirt
Armor Class Bonus: +7
Maximum Dexterity Bonus: +6
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Arcane Spell Failure: 10%
Base Move: 30 ft.
Weight: 12.5 lb.
Notes: --
Worn Clothes: Divine robes
General Gear: Backpack (2), large quiver (1), scroll cases: 2 (1), grappling hook (4), belt pouches: 2 (1), sacks: 2 (1), silk rope 50 ft. (5), whetstone (1), healer's kit: 10 uses (1), spell component pouch (2), masterwork armorsmith tools (5), masterwork weaponsmith tools (5)
Home Possessions: --
Magic Items: Trumpet of the archons (8), +3 mithral chain shirt (12.5), bracers of armor +6 (1), cloak of resistance +1 (1), +1 composite long bow (3)
Spell Components (valuable): mushroom/saffron/fat ointment x4, 5 lb. powdered silver (25), incense & runestones, holy water & 5 lb. silver dust x2, diamond dust x4, prayer beads, diamonds x5, crushed diamond x4
Weight: 49 lb. (Light Load: 346 lb.)
Platinum: 18
Gold: 5
Silver: --
Copper: --
Gems: --
Art/Miscellaneous: --
Code of Honor: Code of Integrity
Honor: 25
Reputation: +1