

Within the cowl of rich crimson robes burns a pair of eerie and intense red eyes. Those eyes belong to Abraxus, arcanadaemon extraordinaire. Wisps of gray-white hair flutter from the inky shadows of that hood, concealing the mature black-skinned features beneath. Abraxus stands as tall as a healthy human at about six feet, weighing around 140 pounds. Lightly booted feet sweep across the ground quietly. Besides a few pouches that smell of stale roses, no belongings are evident outside of the transmuter's robes. Infernal, mystical power seems to literally surround the fiend: colorful motes of raw power dance about his puissant form, daring any to come close. Such power clearly came from Abraxus' heartless devotion to the Art and self-discipline that disregarded the sensibilities of others. The scheming arcanadaemon easily intimidates others with that deft agility and cruel hiss of a voice. Abraxus knows he has the power to alter the world…and he's still not content. There is more to have and he will have it all.


As one of the oldest arcanadaemons still alive, Abraxus could always remember back the 2,410 years past when he was first spawned. He rose out of the River Styx, simply springing into existence at the summons of Charon with many other powerful yugoloths. The first few centuries were a blur: constant strife against the yugoloths' enemies, namely other fiends. Once Abraxus helped Charon establish their race's place in the Lower Planes, like all the others he wandered off to do his own thing.

And that included spending centuries more honing his inherent skills of magical prowess. Abraxus practiced often, deepening his personal well of power, experimenting on other fiends and denizens of the Outer Planes regularly. His natural callousness only increased through this heartless activity. Never satisfied, his craving for more knowledge and magic allowed him to join a cabal of arcanadaemon alchemists. For over a millennium, this small group of four daemons mastered alchemical methods of all stripes. But eventually it broke up as their goals and theories drove them different directions. Abraxus didn't learn nearly enough for his taste and wanted more. His theories regarding life-forms did not intrigue the more material lusts of his fellow cabalists. Abraxus thus decided to pursue this line of magic into the Material Plane. He slipped into the Lower Kingdom of Estonen, Cael, working secretly among the magi of the drow and savants of the dark dwarves.


Abraxus is always plotting, the ambitious arcanadaemon possessing a devilish intellect and fiendish magnetism that makes him hard to resist. Truly, Abraxus will leave his mark in the Lower Planes. And he has no cares about who he must use on his way to power, knowledge, glory, and more power.


Abraxus will become a masterful Transmuter by taking the Wizard class to its pinnacle (20th level), then take up the Prestige Class of Archmage.

Character Sheet